All so when they hand you that release for you to sign stating that it is your responsibility to pay and you sign that if the bill is more than what insurance covers you will pay the difference,scratch out that part and fill in and enitial that whatever your insurance pays that is what they get…works for me the lady at dest should also give copy if not demand it,s a new contract and I have never had any one at the desk question it..It,s the upstairs that questions that,and after the procedgure I,v had them come and sign a new release..DON<T DO IT.. thier stuck and they no it…Most insurance company,s take a survey of your area and come up with a average of procedures in the area and won,t pay more than that,I hope I made myself clear on them wanting you to sign a new release, I rememmber a procedure where the upstairs boys saw my original and came down,after they gave me the woopy shot those idiots tried to have me sign a differant release with out the exclusions..and give your wife or husband or someone you trust to keep your copy..they are slick willies sometime
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