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  • justlikefishing
    Posts: 14

    Sooo with the video out I should be able to connect my lap top to my 998 and move it to the front of my boat? I know I wouldn’t have any screen control but I would be able to see what is going on.

    Posts: 14

    As for me I meant No disrespect toward Dr Halfen what so ever ……and I hope none was taken….. I was just making an observation…If it were my receiver I would move it.

    Posts: 14

    Just a thought….I have an H20 hand held I carry around my neck or take with me in the car or boat. This thing is at every imaginable angle and seams to work ok!

    Posts: 14


    Bought a new 998 last week, it’s being installed on my boat at the dealer, you guys are making me jealous that you have yours and are learning already. Man it’s a long 2 weeks til I take delivery

    Congrats on both, You will be surprised how quick youll catch on!

    Posts: 14

    Took a friend out yesterday. He has been fishing the Il river for close to 60 yrs and knows it really well……well he thought! The Bird put the impress on him to the point he is buying a 898 today! We would make a pass by areas he fishes and all he could do was shake his head Another convert.

    Posts: 14

    Jason: Thanks for putting this on line.Next best thing to being there!

    Posts: 14

    You are correct “if you are useing 2dsonar only.”….at 8000ptp you do NOT have side or down imiaging. I just got off the phone with HB and spoke to a teck rep named Juanita and she gave me permission to use her name.Sorry, not trying to get a peeing contest going here just tryjing to clarify. Believe me I wish it were 8000PTP.

    Posts: 14

    It’s my understanding that they have 4000ptp power not the 8000 stated in the spec and overview area. I spoke with HB several days ago…….surprised they have not corrected this yet!

    Posts: 14

    Thanks to all for your help! Just found one and it’s mine!
    Thanks again.

    Posts: 14

    I am going with HB and for this reason alone. At this time I have 4 Lowrance units and all but one have had problems. When calling Lowrance you can expect a min of 30 min wait time….I have made several calls to HB and the longest time was 5 min and that was around lunch time. I purchased a LCX 38 two yrs ago and it is just now working! The first time it was sent in they kept it for 3 months then deceided to replace it….that one did the same thing right out of the bx. Called them back and ask for another new unit and was told NO that they would work on my problem [it would not allow me to record sonar nor would it recognize any card other than Sandisk] and not all the time with them. Another 3 months and at least 6 calls that I was told it would be shipped today later the unit was shipped back. Works most of the time but not always. Since I fished all last season without it I am not sending it back in….All I can hope for is that it works when I really need it.
    Hello Humminbird…..Goodby Lowrance.

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