The electric barrier in the Chicago canal costs $20,000 per day to operate and blocks a 200′ wide channel. In reading the article about the proposed lock barriers the engineer claims it would cost ~$3,000/ year and only operate when the lock was open. If it works, that actually makes sense at high head dams like Ford and Saint Anthony Falls. It would be the most effective and the least intrusive.
Setting up a continuous barrier that can stop fish across an 800′ wide river at full flood stage is another beast entirely. The logistics and expense should quietly kill that idea.
In my opinion the DNR needs to move past prevention and into management. According to the DNR’s own plan preventing the introduction is unlikely in the long term. Check. Already past that point. Next, they want to develop “management strategies” and “control techniques”. Looks like we are on to phase two. Except, they don’t have a phase two…