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  • jryan
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 47

    Money talks, hire a guide. I see them on Pig Point all the time with clients, cant be to secret.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 47

    it did a couple second stall on me a couple of minutes ago when I clicked on “Todays Topics” but no problems since. 99%
    better than it has been, Thanks.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 47


    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 47

    Its a tried and true method for proof positive if the program is working or not. If not, action can be taken to hopefuly get leech back to producing walleye’s. If it is then they know they are on the right track and can continue stocking. This is actually a really good way to do it, rather than wait for years to decide if you are wrong and start over. the killing of the fingerlings was in the equation right from the start, not a big deal.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 47

    were where you fishing, Alaska?What part?

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 47

    My brother in-law from the previous week on thursday, we did well with some nice size ones. Jerry from the trenton campground caught a 28 1/4 incher while he was beside us explaining how good his hair jigs are without live bait. “proof is in the pudding”. Did not get a pic but a nice fish.


    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 47

    I used a spray bottle of ‘Lime Away’. Worked great on boat and motor.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 47

    It is a LG VX6000, Holds six Pictures at 640 by 480 or a dozen at smaller resolutions. Can then be downloaded to the computer. You can also e-mail them from your phone if you have that service, I dont. I am with midwest wireless.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 47

    last one

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 47


    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 47

    more pics

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 47

    Hey, he cant help it if his name is Richard.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 47

    I fished it a lot in the early 80’s and 90’s, caught a good number of fish but not every time. The top of the vermillion dam was always good for smallies, still is from what I hear. It is loaded with reefs, cast the top of them in evening with cranks, we did very good doing this.
    Started going to the vermillion river, just below the dam, not hardly anybody fishing it and there are places to camp. Walleyes where more consistent during the day but not as big, nice eaters with a ocasional 24″. It is superior national forest after the first quarter mile from the dam. You can PM me if you want a map marked . Good Luck
    I had a 16 ft lund with a 35 back then and it worked good, dont know how a bigger boat might be on the river?

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 47

    Thanks for the info Dave, I fished the wisc channel wed and got one 18″ Walleye on a crank but a lot of junk in water and the rain finaly ran me out.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 47

    Hey Dave how did you do??

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 47

    I used to long line rapala’s at night around beartrap and Wapogasset except for the north end, six to eight feet of water in spring and early summer. Weedline during summer.
    Walleyes spawn on south side of the island on Wapogasset, ideal spot, good place to start on opener. Like I said before PLANER BOARDS are the ticket in the summer, the walleyes suspend big time. They show up great on the graph. Very heavily fish lake so close to cities so have to resort to night fishing and boards. The big thing to do is get a Q-Beam and go check it out at night and see what you got their for Walleyes etc. We saw a few Muskie’s also but never caught one. Nice lake for the lite at night. Have a goog trolling motor so you dont have to run big motor much. electric that is, will improve your luck considerably. Spent a lot of time their in early 90’s, may have changed a lot, fairly tough bite for daytime and fair at night.
    Just my opinion hope it help’s

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 47

    hey chad
    Used to go there alot 15 years ago for walleyes and bass. the walleyes where pretty nice caught most at night long lining shallow. They tended to supend during the day, if you found them on graph it was hot action for awhile. Some guys pulled planer boards for them and did real well. Had a couple of awesome openings at midnight casting jigs shallow when it was a late spawn. Tough to find during day in summer. The bass fishing used to be good but a lot of people would keep them during the spawn and I think this hurt the population pretty bad, they would run up the creek to a dam and be easy pickun,s. people would site fish them and walk around with chain stringers on there belt full of them, sickening sight to see but it was not against the law.
    Overall nice lake whith a lot of pressure dont really know how it is now, hope this helps

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 47

    Great pictures Steve, how many where from Minnesota?

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 47

    Great pictures Steve, how many where from Minnesota?

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 47

    Last year was the earliest I ever found some, April 14th,
    south side of hill, sandy, at base of cedars after a nice rain a couple of days before, outside of preston on trout stream, the small grey or black ones.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 47

    What I got was, Trilene Sensation Solar 6LB test, .009 dia.
    Also Trilene Sensation Solar 8LB test, .010 dia.
    What you are saying James is????

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 47

    Hey thanks everyone for the advice, I am only 5 minutes from Fleet Farm so took Dave G’s advice and ran out there. Got two of each, 6 and 8. They are just in process of stocking new line, all brands, dont know if they will be putting anymore solar up, no one around, but boxes setting around.
    I have paid that price you mention James, lost biggest one of the nite last time out. Set the hook, two head shakes and it broke off just ahead of the jig, 6 lb test solar, so thought I would jump up to eight. Dustin seems to really like the eight. Will also be retying more.
    Thanks again everyone

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 47

    RiverEyes, how about waterproof or isnt there such a thing.the price sounds ok on the fugi. Does it have a timer or remote?? Thanks for the info

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 47

    The headlamp seems to cover most problems, netting fish,tying jigs on etc. Have a Q-Beam for running the river and a small flourecent for getting set up. Have four rods tyed up, when I lose all four setups I retye. Did not really have to rig much just be a little more prepared for problems because they are magnified in the dark. Twilight till eight is when we fished with twilight to dark being the best but caught fish till eight just not as fast. Two other boats where out till six then just us, wing dams and riprap where the best, most fish came from one to five foot of water. Wind blowing sucks big time at nite! Hope this helps.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 47

    One more

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 47

    ReefRunner its just a disposable for now but picking up a digital shortly, seems like the way to go. What do you use?

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 47

    giving it a try thanks Hawg

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 47

    Hi HAWG
    Talked to you at Everet’s just after you pulled out. Thats one nice rig you have there, lots of room. We were going out for the night bite, did really well on chartrues K-Tail’s and Walleye Assasin’s and 8th ounce jigs on the rip rap and wing dams. 15 between 18 and 22 inches, Walleye’s.No Hogs but really nice fish. Stopped at your spot on the way and got 6 15inch saugers for eaters, released the Walleyes. Would post a pic or two but cant quite figure it out, what are the steps. looked at the FAQ but not much help, seems like you need a web site?

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 47

    Guess it doesnt hurt to be safe if you feel that way. I pulled a Tyee 350 on a dual axel eagle lots of put ins and outs, no problem. Also a ProV 175 on single axel thousands more miles no problem. There is a definate difference in buddy bearings, you want the kind with overflow pressure hole in them so you dont blow out your seals. They are presurized and full of grease and that keeps the water out. I know they had some trouble with older ones but these work great. Kind of like a car?

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 47

    Went five years without repacking bearings on my trailer, had buddy bearings on it. Gave them a good shot three times a year. Put on a couple thousand miles a year with no problems’s what so ever. Had them repacked anyway because I dint want to have a problem at the wrong time. The mechanic said the bearings where in good shape and with the buddy bearings should stay that way as long as you grease them regularly.

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