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  • jrcunning1
    Posts: 64

    Just saw the atom stuff and gonna give it a try this weekend..These are just the straight rubber “tails”..
    Got pink, red, purple and white…..
    Will let you know…..

    Posts: 64

    Yep-A bunch of buddies and I were fishing a small lake up north a couple years ago. Friend got bit off and the next shack over about 2 hours later caught the thieving ‘eye with the bit-off jig from buddy #1 still in his mouth…
    Wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it first hand!!!
    Heading up to northern Wisconsin tomorrow for four days on the ice….Everyone wish me luck!!!!

    Posts: 64

    Thanks guys for all the help!! I have many things to check as soon as I get this pesky ice fishing stuff out of my way in the garage!!
    Thanks again!!

    Posts: 64

    Yeah-Watched that episode on X-mas morning? Just about forgot the kids’ presents..Definately some hawgs!! Great episode and was useful to show my wife that it isn’t always easy out there!!!!
    Great job again guys!!
    Jim in Rochester

    Posts: 64

    Just saw your episode from Devil’s Lake Last March…Wow what a perch day you had!!
    I also noticed that you were using the “fly fishing” style reel. Seems like would be the hot ticket elmininating line twist. How do they handle icing? Substantial cost difference? Are they better suited for deep water “long lining” or shallower fishing….Thanks and can’t wait to get on the ice (gonna try the Mississippi this weekend)..
    Jim Cunningham
    Rochester, MN

    Posts: 64

    Matt guided for me last year…GOt any more pics or details on the sled? What is the catch?
    Thanks and let me know…Jim Cunningham

    Posts: 64

    You fishin on the south side of the big point? Where abouts are you parking?? Any info would be helpful. Kin folk are coming up from Iowa..Bringing them down there for the day on Friday & try & put them on a few fish…Thanks….Jim

    Posts: 64

    Go slow & know (where you are at)will be the motto for this weekend. Think she’s gonna be a good one though!
    FISH ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Ps. 21 hours and counting

    Posts: 64

    Yes it is…What time does that start?? Would like to eat early & stay on the ice (since we usually don’t get to fish much on sunday……might stick around this year though…

    Posts: 64

    I think we are going to do our fish fry either Friday or Saturday night. We are getting up there Thursday around noon. Stop by shacks 5 & 6 and ask for Cunningham…These are the new 6 bunk 12×22’s that George built…If there is a grey Durango with an enclosed trailer sitting there, we are there……Packing my gear tonight, gettin ready…
    Look us up…………………..Jim

    Posts: 64

    That link is perfect….Cleaned a TON of fish in my day & that looks pretty straight forward…Might even give it a try next weekend…See how many of I get on….
    Thanks a ton….Jim

    Posts: 64

    u got any hints on the best way to fillet one of those bad boys???? i know everyone says “back meat only” and that is pretty self explanatory….any tricks there??

    Posts: 64

    So just boil it in water???…Maybe with a little cajun seasoning, kielbasa, onions, lemons, baby red potatoes??? I do a crab boil like that……jim

    Posts: 64

    You bring some to hunter’s sleepers 5 & 6 and I’ll give ’em a try next weekend…Ain’t ne’er done that before…Just take out the back strips & fry ’em up???

    Posts: 64

    I find that a cold Bud Light, a bunch of freshly cleaned perch & a pile of hot steamin’ tator tots fit the bill quite nicely…….Good luck……….Jim
    Ps. I questioned this guy up one side & down the other to make sure we were clear in what I was asking and he insisted that the only limitations were on SLOT fish AND as long as you handled the guts/entrails properly..

    Posts: 64

    It was a go around AND AROUND issue with our group too…Just finally wanted to hear it from “the man”..Hope this helps others too…Cause a fresh fish fry RIGHT ON THE ICE w/ a cold beverage is the best EVER!!!! And women wonder why we do it (ice fish that is)….Later..Jim

    Posts: 64

    You staying at Hunter’s??? We are having Matt Grow show us around on Thursday afternoon. We will try & leave a couple in there for you…Our group (12 of us) will be in a couple of Hunter’s sleepers….B fishing 24/7……

    Posts: 64

    Bring 169 to 18 east & cut across the north side of the lake. Then 18 will join 47 and head down the east side of the lake….about 6 miles south from where they join…CU there …..Jim

    Posts: 64

    160 hours for me mr horsey guy…….ha ha Will be up there on the ice by noon next thurs then it will be time for

    Posts: 64

    Is the emergency flashing yellow light worn on a red hardhat (equipped with a 400db back up alarm) still required as well (along with the sandwich board)??????? Is the 400 pout limit (with only one over 72″) still on too????

    Posts: 64

    Ahhhh, the old shack licensing & signage question..Just went all thru this for my new shack….Yes, a dispalyed license is required ($12 or $16 I think), then the sign with name/address/phone or name/D.L number that must be attached to said shack…then anything left or out after dark must have atleast 2 sq/in of reflective tape on EACH side……Reading EVERY line of the regs as this weekend they will be out in full force…plus good refresher to keep me from getting a stupid “love letter” from the dnr…Jim

    Posts: 64

    A compliment to George already & we haven’t even got there yet…Sounds like you are have done & are doing a GREAT job of keeping things running as smoothly as possible…Can’t wait to get up there next weekend. Get shacks 5 & 6 warm….Would like also to thank Doug for giving me your name when I was looking for rentals back in the fall…..See you next weekend…
    Quick question…Do you/they have bait/licenses at hunter’s or do we need to stop in at Portside??? Need minnies & one more shack license…..Thanks again George!

    Posts: 64

    If your guys’ doors aren’t locked, I am gonna send a big ol’ hairy Wisconsin bar owner by the name of Hack to bunk with ya’ll…..They say he is snuggler……Who else was up till 1:00am lastnight gettin their stuff ready????

    Posts: 64

    You can just follow my tracks up…Layin rubber the whole way….We are going to go up 35E & cut across hwy 18…Looks to be the quickest….CU there…..Jim

    Posts: 64

    Also wanted to ask quick, what is the general concenus on generators. I thought that I read somewhere that these new executive shacks are wired for a generator. I think we have a pretty quiet honda generator in our group. Would figure that common sense would be during normal hours ok (not sure how far apart he is going to have the shacks). The noise might spook fish maybe??? Probably wouldn’t be too bad if we put it in the bed of a truck or up off the ice???
    Let me know what the general concensus is..Don’t wanna
    pi$$ off friends I haven’t even made yet

    Posts: 64

    Buddy, with 2600 posts you are WAY normal….Oh did I mention that I was at Fleet Farm 3 times in 2 days..Wait till momma gets those receipts…yipppppeeeeeeee

    Posts: 64

    Forgot to mention if there is anyone leaving from the Rochester area we will be leaving at 7:30 on Thursday am…So if anyone wants to caravan along, c’mon..
    We have 12 guys that have been getting together for the annual HWC (Hardwater Classic) for 6 years or so. Been from Red to LCO/Grindstone (Hayward area) and back over to Mille Lacs. Great bunch of guys we have. Hope to add our 12 to the 150 that are going to be around from the IDA group….Jim

    Posts: 64

    Gary (and others),
    Made the trip over on New Year’s day…Got up at 4:30 and headed over with the best intentions. Got just a couple words for you….BR CAREFUL if any of you are heading out there. Atleast on Shields or Masaska…That ice is SKETCHY at best…Tried shoreline ice and within one or steps, I had a wet boot. Decided to head over to French and found 6-8″ or better of nice solid ice. The fishing was exceptionally slow (I think due to the front/weather that came thru in the last couple days). Caught a few small perch & some shiners..Lemme tell you those shiners clean up nice (ha ha)…Tried waxies, spoons tipped with minnows (and just heads),pretty much everything in the box. Marked a TON of fish on the FL-8. The larger ones were just a bunch of tire kickers.
    But on a high point, a bunch of guys a couple hundred yards away from us (we were fishing on the south side of French) pulled a 45″ muskie up thru the hole…What a monster!
    Anyway, just be careful over there….That is about it..Jim

    Posts: 64

    Bump-Talked to the guy over in Shieldsville at the bait shop & he said there is anywhere from 6-9-12″ (in the bays) and the northern & crappied/gills are all hitting pretty good….Anyone else have any info….Gonne make a long day of it tomorrow..Leaving Roch around 5:00 am…

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