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  • jp8775
    8775 Airport Rd, Waconia mn 55387
    Posts: 125

    I qualified with a Keltech p3at and Glock 19 and those are on my permit as carry guns. The qualifier was amazed at how well I shot with the K-tech. I have found another great gun. It’s the Diamondback. It shoots well and does not hurt your hand to shoot it looks like a mini Glock. I have 2 of them with over 600 rounds in each.

    Joe please contact [email protected] for currant advertising rates

    8775 Airport Rd, Waconia mn 55387
    Posts: 125

    A Tuesday will work or a Thursday could also. Maybe we should start a discussion as to a date. I will be open in two weeks for either days. I would like to get as large as possible class for the Utah if that is the largest portion of the class. We should offer the full course also for those who missed the last few. Utah students do not need to shoot for the Utah permit. I could do the up date portion first and then Utah only guys could leave. If we pick a date could some one run up to the club and put up a posting for the class also?

    8775 Airport Rd, Waconia mn 55387
    Posts: 125

    I think what I should do is set a date for a full permit to carry date at Hudson. Then the Utah option only people could come just at the end of the class to get the upgrade. If there is interest eather way enmail me at [email protected]

    8775 Airport Rd, Waconia mn 55387
    Posts: 125

    I think what I should do is set a date for a full permit to carry date at Hudson. Then the Utah option only people could come just at the end of the class to get the upgrade. If there is interest eather way enmail me at [email protected]

    8775 Airport Rd, Waconia mn 55387
    Posts: 125

    Having the Utah permit really could replace the Minnesota permit for us. If you have a Utah permit it is recognized in more states than the Minnesota permit. With just a Utah out of state permit so you could carry in Minesota. Check with for cross carry info.
    If you have the Minnesota permit to carry and a Utah permit you can carry in 30 states. It is also easier to get than the Florida permit and cheaper only $59. I could if there is enough interest hold a up grade class just for IDA students who took my course already. $49 and hey its cool to have other permits.

    8775 Airport Rd, Waconia mn 55387
    Posts: 125

    Having the Utah permit really could replace the Minnesota permit for us. If you have a Utah permit it is recognized in more states than the Minnesota permit. With just a Utah out of state permit so you could carry in Minesota. Check with for cross carry info.
    If you have the Minnesota permit to carry and a Utah permit you can carry in 30 states. It is also easier to get than the Florida permit and cheaper only $59. I could if there is enough interest hold a up grade class just for IDA students who took my course already. $49 and hey its cool to have other permits.

    8775 Airport Rd, Waconia mn 55387
    Posts: 125

    If a soldier is convinced going into battle he will die he will somehow make it happen. I have had this talk with many shooting coaches. Its all in the coconut. (head) If a guy can (as has happened to me) take my gun after I complain about how it shoots lousy, and shoot it like it was made for him. Its not the gun its me. I have been handed my gun back in the past several times and told: you need to learn what you are doing wrong its not the gun.

    I have shot dozens of different model guns each month, every one wants me to try their gun so I do. I shoot not only different models but many of the same model just different guns.

    I am not a world class shooter at all, but I can hold a good group with any gun I have shot in the past. Once I stopped blaming the guns, and I really used to! I started to shoot better.

    How well do you shoot the Glock when you do not use sights? Point shooting.

    I have become a Thunderwear holster dealer. If for no other reason than I was unable to find them any where retail around here. Guys this is the way to carry a gun. The Kel-Tec just disappears in your pants. I stock the combo as it is left or right and has a spot to put your permit and or money. Go to IDA gets $10.00 of each holster. I take visa and master card on line. You will need to call me to order. I cannot publish a lower price but I can sell for what ever I want. After you check out the holsters at the site you can order them from me. I carry my glock and a spare clip and even my glock and the Kel-Tec at the same time. Sorry about the carry bill, make sure you vote out the two that turned coats on you guys, That is what will scare the others from doing it.

    8775 Airport Rd, Waconia mn 55387
    Posts: 125

    If a soldier is convinced going into battle he will die he will somehow make it happen. I have had this talk with many shooting coaches. Its all in the coconut. (head) If a guy can (as has happened to me) take my gun after I complain about how it shoots lousy, and shoot it like it was made for him. Its not the gun its me. I have been handed my gun back in the past several times and told: you need to learn what you are doing wrong its not the gun.

    I have shot dozens of different model guns each month, every one wants me to try their gun so I do. I shoot not only different models but many of the same model just different guns.

    I am not a world class shooter at all, but I can hold a good group with any gun I have shot in the past. Once I stopped blaming the guns, and I really used to! I started to shoot better.

    How well do you shoot the Glock when you do not use sights? Point shooting.

    I have become a Thunderwear holster dealer. If for no other reason than I was unable to find them any where retail around here. Guys this is the way to carry a gun. The Kel-Tec just disappears in your pants. I stock the combo as it is left or right and has a spot to put your permit and or money. Go to IDA gets $10.00 of each holster. I take visa and master card on line. You will need to call me to order. I cannot publish a lower price but I can sell for what ever I want. After you check out the holsters at the site you can order them from me. I carry my glock and a spare clip and even my glock and the Kel-Tec at the same time. Sorry about the carry bill, make sure you vote out the two that turned coats on you guys, That is what will scare the others from doing it.

    8775 Airport Rd, Waconia mn 55387
    Posts: 125

    I do carry two guns when I carry my Glock 26. That is because I carry the P3AT all the time and I feel naked with out it. I carry the 26 when I go into what I call high threat area’s and when I am with other people I would defend. (this is rare) My wife also carries.

    8775 Airport Rd, Waconia mn 55387
    Posts: 125

    I do carry two guns when I carry my Glock 26. That is because I carry the P3AT all the time and I feel naked with out it. I carry the 26 when I go into what I call high threat area’s and when I am with other people I would defend. (this is rare) My wife also carries.
    Just a side bar I have another class at Hudson Rod and Gun club the 22nd of this month. 10:00 AM $100 only as I have a good size class. My normal IDA price is $115 so this is a great price for the class. I am going to demo the Laser trainer I am a distributor for also. They will have food.

    8775 Airport Rd, Waconia mn 55387
    Posts: 125

    I will and you will (do it our way) I respect your knowledge about ballistics. You surely know more than me. I would hunt deer with a .22 if I could. What a challenge? (But it will not shoot back if I did not kill it with the first shot). If I miss on the back up or the first shot does not kill, I may be dead. I would never carry anything smaller than a .380 you know that I said that in my class.
    I have shot personally with several hundreds of people in the last 3 years. Accuracy is the real problem that we need to deal with it first. After I do a class I get many calls about what ammo to get the most out of my gun. I rarely get a calls about how do I get more training so I do not hit some one I do not want to hit. (Remember I shoot with these people so I know how they shoot) Too many people in my opinion feel they can make up for having to shoot twice by having a bigger gun. I have heard “with what I carry I will not need a back up shot” I got news. If you do not go out (as I do) from time to time and run for 5 minuets as fast as you can and then shoot, you have no idea how hard it is to hit something when you are overcome by fear and adrenaline. I think it is good to talk about bullets, I just do not think we talk enough about shooting and the need for it.
    I have talked to three of the owners of Ranges in the twin cities. The increase in business since the bill past in no way shows that people are shooting any where near as much as it should. So I feel too much time is spent on size of gun and bullets and not enough on shooting skills. If I at any time seem to be lecturing I do not mean to. I am not an expert on guns or bullets I am some what an expert on seeing people shoot. It’s not good. Side bar: Women ask for training about 10 to 1 over men. Of the men only half of them ever show up at all when they schedule a shooting and rarely never again. I think we (men ) think its in our genes to be good with a gun. To be fair I also teach Bowling and women also take more lessons than men as a rule. Most students just barely get all the shots on the target at 15 feet with my .22 borrowed to them.

    8775 Airport Rd, Waconia mn 55387
    Posts: 125

    I will and you will (do it our way) I respect your knowledge about ballistics. You surely know more than me. I would hunt deer with a .22 if I could. What a challenge? (But it will not shoot back if I did not kill it with the first shot). If I miss on the back up or the first shot does not kill, I may be dead. I would never carry anything smaller than a .380 you know that I said that in my class.
    I have shot personally with several hundreds of people in the last 3 years. Accuracy is the real problem that we need to deal with it first. After I do a class I get many calls about what ammo to get the most out of my gun. I rarely get a calls about how do I get more training so I do not hit some one I do not want to hit. (Remember I shoot with these people so I know how they shoot) Too many people in my opinion feel they can make up for having to shoot twice by having a bigger gun. I have heard “with what I carry I will not need a back up shot” I got news. If you do not go out (as I do) from time to time and run for 5 minuets as fast as you can and then shoot, you have no idea how hard it is to hit something when you are overcome by fear and adrenaline. I think it is good to talk about bullets, I just do not think we talk enough about shooting and the need for it.
    I have talked to three of the owners of Ranges in the twin cities. The increase in business since the bill past in no way shows that people are shooting any where near as much as it should. So I feel too much time is spent on size of gun and bullets and not enough on shooting skills. If I at any time seem to be lecturing I do not mean to. I am not an expert on guns or bullets I am some what an expert on seeing people shoot. It’s not good. Side bar: Women ask for training about 10 to 1 over men. Of the men only half of them ever show up at all when they schedule a shooting and rarely never again. I think we (men ) think its in our genes to be good with a gun. To be fair I also teach Bowling and women also take more lessons than men as a rule. Most students just barely get all the shots on the target at 15 feet with my .22 borrowed to them.

    8775 Airport Rd, Waconia mn 55387
    Posts: 125

    Thanks , I need to add one more thing from the same report(FBI) the only sure way to stop some one for sure is with a shot that will cut the spine at or around the neck and or a head shot to the brain. One more reason to be able to shoot really well and to practice. (most do not) they only talk about it or put it on their to do list.

    8775 Airport Rd, Waconia mn 55387
    Posts: 125

    Thanks , I need to add one more thing from the same report(FBI) the only sure way to stop some one for sure is with a shot that will cut the spine at or around the neck and or a head shot to the brain. One more reason to be able to shoot really well and to practice. (most do not) they only talk about it or put it on their to do list.
    I sell the Beam Hit Personal Laser training system. go to my site http://WWW.CONCEALCARRY.NET and look at it. You can get so good so fast for so little with your gun. Teach your wife to shoot with it and she will not have a problem with the small cost.

    8775 Airport Rd, Waconia mn 55387
    Posts: 125

    According to the FBI Student Training report on pistol ballistics. Knock down power is a myth. They prove it with the pendulum test and further prove it with Newton’s Law. For ever action there is an opposite and equal reaction. In order for you to knock me down with a bullet shot from your gun it would have to knock me down the opposite direction. I will further make my point: I have shot several 160+ lb deer running at or slightly away and towards me with my 338 Winchester Mag. 275 grain bullet over 2 times the velocity of a pistol with same weight bullet. No deer to date has stopped, flipped over or jumped up and or flew back as in the movies. They actually kept coming forward and or in some cases kept on running for a while. So if you think you can carry something in your pocket that is better than my Glock 26 9mm or my kel-teck 380 you got to prove it to me. I have carried a gun for over 25 years, all I want is a gun that I can hit with (first and foremost) And for you 40 s&w in a sub compact gun guys, go shoot double and triple taps once and you will see why most police dept including Brooklyn park will not allow off duty cops to carry glock 27. They can’t hit with follow up shot’s because of recoil. If you can’t hit with, it does not matter if you carry a 338 Mag! Next I want something I can hide and is light. If it is uncomfortable to carry and hide you will not carry it long term.

    The French police have carried the .380 with great success and have proven its ranking as a man stopper.

    If you want to argue this with me I want facts not myth. Most of you who carry will not shot enough not to be a threat to any one near who you shoot at. (most shoot less than half as much as police officers , and they miss 53%) So please do not get caught up in the I have to have knock down power trap. Get the gun you can shoot the best with,3 380’s in the chest is better than one hit and 2 misses in most bigger calibers. Multiple wound channels kill fastest. This is a fact more holes to bleed from.

    If I told you I will give you $10,000 dollars to the best group at 21 feet would you use your Glock 27 40 S&W or my 22LR auto? Give some though to this.

    8775 Airport Rd, Waconia mn 55387
    Posts: 125

    According to the FBI Student Training report on pistol ballistics. Knock down power is a myth. They prove it with the pendulum test and further prove it with Newton’s Law. For ever action there is an opposite and equal reaction. In order for you to knock me down with a bullet shot from your gun it would have to knock me down the opposite direction. I will further make my point: I have shot several 160+ lb deer running at or slightly away and towards me with my 338 Winchester Mag. 275 grain bullet over 2 times the velocity of a pistol with same weight bullet. No deer to date has stopped, flipped over or jumped up and or flew back as in the movies. They actually kept coming forward and or in some cases kept on running for a while. So if you think you can carry something in your pocket that is better than my Glock 26 9mm or my kel-teck 380 you got to prove it to me. I have carried a gun for over 25 years, all I want is a gun that I can hit with (first and foremost) And for you 40 s&w in a sub compact gun guys, go shoot double and triple taps once and you will see why most police dept including Brooklyn park will not allow off duty cops to carry glock 27. They can’t hit with follow up shot’s because of recoil. If you can’t hit with, it does not matter if you carry a 338 Mag! Next I want something I can hide and is light. If it is uncomfortable to carry and hide you will not carry it long term.

    The French police have carried the .380 with great success and have proven its ranking as a man stopper.

    If you want to argue this with me I want facts not myth. Most of you who carry will not shot enough not to be a threat to any one near who you shoot at. (most shoot less than half as much as police officers , and they miss 53%) So please do not get caught up in the I have to have knock down power trap. Get the gun you can shoot the best with,3 380’s in the chest is better than one hit and 2 misses in most bigger calibers. Multiple wound channels kill fastest. This is a fact more holes to bleed from.

    If I told you I will give you $10,000 dollars to the best group at 21 feet would you use your Glock 27 40 S&W or my 22LR auto? Give some though to this.

    8775 Airport Rd, Waconia mn 55387
    Posts: 125

    Are you shooting deer at 100 yards or beyond? I have found that for the normal distances 75 yards or less, less is best. If you need to follow up with a second shot the real big guns are hard to get back on. Even the 44 mag I load down well beyond max. I have almost always hit the deer with all follow up shots if it runs after I shoot it.

    8775 Airport Rd, Waconia mn 55387
    Posts: 125

    Are you shooting deer at 100 yards or beyond? I have found that for the normal distances 75 yards or less, less is best. If you need to follow up with a second shot the real big guns are hard to get back on. Even the 44 mag I load down well beyond max. I have almost always hit the deer with all follow up shots if it runs after I shoot it.

    8775 Airport Rd, Waconia mn 55387
    Posts: 125

    yes I will be doing classes as soon as it is fully passed

    8775 Airport Rd, Waconia mn 55387
    Posts: 125

    yes I will be doing classes as soon as it is fully passed

    8775 Airport Rd, Waconia mn 55387
    Posts: 125

    Please post this, I am having a Basic & permit to carry class on December 3rd. This will include shooting on my laser trainer before going to the range. Great way for the newbee’s to get both things out of the way. If you need this come to this class. All day and we feed you. This will be a great way to learn bout pistols and get the permit. I got a 8 point Buck with the new 10mm Glock at 30 yards. I hope the picture posted

    8775 Airport Rd, Waconia mn 55387
    Posts: 125

    Please post this, I am having a Basic & permit to carry class on December 3rd. This will include shooting on my laser trainer before going to the range. Great way for the newbee’s to get both things out of the way. If you need this come to this class. All day and we feed you. This will be a great way to learn bout pistols and get the permit.

    8775 Airport Rd, Waconia mn 55387
    Posts: 125

    8775 Airport Rd, Waconia mn 55387
    Posts: 125

    Check out my schedule (classes mn ) I have classes every week. If you can get 5 together I will come to your place to do a class.

    8775 Airport Rd, Waconia mn 55387
    Posts: 125

    Ya I found out it is open at 10:00 just yesterday. I got in there at 9:00 the last time and was setting up so they must open earlier. I will plan on starting when they most people get there. I will get you out as soon as possible.

    8775 Airport Rd, Waconia mn 55387
    Posts: 125

    Last chance for the permit to carry class at Hudson. This will be a small class this time it looks like as far as how many people emailed me. I look forward to seeing you there. Anyone still interested in coming can still do it. THis the class tomorrow for permit to carry 10/9/05

    8775 Airport Rd, Waconia mn 55387
    Posts: 125

    Last chance for the permit to carry class at Hudson. This will be a small class this time it looks like as far as how many people emailed me. I look forward to seeing you there. Anyone still interested in coming can still do it.

    8775 Airport Rd, Waconia mn 55387
    Posts: 125

    I would like to get a head count for the October 9th class. So far only two people have emailed me and said they would come? It will cost me $100 just for the room. This is a great opportunity for friends and fellow sportsmen to get together. Let me know if I need to give some more incentives to come. I already said the lunch bill is on me. I have seen from years of doing this that you need to just make time to do it. Dozens of people put it off over and over again and even some missed out because of the injunction last year. This is your right and it shows the legislature that there are many of us that care about our right to be able to defend our selves. Also you can bring your friends of the opposite sex for free (this includes you children if they are 21 or older) if at the end of the class they want the permit they pay. I know of know one who does this but me. or 612-327-3490

    8775 Airport Rd, Waconia mn 55387
    Posts: 125

    Plane Cents Self Defense was just certified (the 3rd out of the first 5) as a certifying organization by the BCA under the new 2005 rules. This means I passed the new requirements and I am not only a Trainer but am qualified to train and certify people to train as I do. Thanks for all your support. I will be adding lethal force training that will include time on a simulator. I will also be able to teach instinct shooting on the Law enforcement grade simulator at my Home.

    8775 Airport Rd, Waconia mn 55387
    Posts: 125

    Would every one who is interested in a basic course at Hudson email me [email protected] so I can get an idea as to how many would be coming? We will need to agree on a date I know. I feel the best course would be a Basic Pistol that would include 1-2 hours of actual range time and a Refuse to be a Victim NRA course after. This will be an 8 hour day. This will be a lot of information.

Viewing 30 posts - 1 through 30 (of 62 total)