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  • Hey
    Posts: 188

    Stating Canada should be the next US state ? That we can buy Greenland ? That we will take Panama ?? Rename Gulf of Mexico ? What has that got to do with his campaign promises to end the war in Ukraine on Day one ? To lower grocery prices ? He has gutted the FAA on day one , forbid the CDC experts from communicating with The World Health Organization ? Putting tariffs on an ally like Canada ? Tariffs will only lead to higher cost for the consumer . When trump was asked how he would lower crazy high rent , he said drill baby drill ???? WTF The next 4 years is going to be a real poop show , get the popcorn and hope he does not accidently get us into a war !

    It’s the gulf of America.

    Please read the news in regards to the Panama Canal.

    Don’t be afraid of winning.

    Posts: 188

    Your words, Hey:

    “The war on drugs was fought inside this country. Why not see what fighting it outside the country does?”

    You are correct. I should have specified fentanyl.

    Posts: 188

    FYI weed, coke, and heroin are plant based. They can grow it.

    Fentanyl cannot be grown. It has to be made in complex lab settings. Not like cooking meth labs like very complex process.

    Huge difference between fentanyl and plant based drugs.

    Modi of India and Trump are tight. Modi can stop the India precursors.

    Posts: 188

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Hey wrote:</div>
    Fentanyl is not like weed, coke or heroine. Uncle Rico can’t grow it in his backyard. There are a handful of places the precursor for fentanyl can be made. Take them out and fentanyl ceases to exist.

    Yes I am a serious person. How many Americans did we prosecute and lock up during the war on drugs? What did we do outside the country?

    Dude, the DEA started fighting the cartels in Mexico in the 80’s. Prior to that the CIA funded the fight against drugs going back to the 70’s. To say we haven’t been fighting the sources of the drugs is wrong.

    I don’t think anyone would argue the war on drugs didn’t generally work but to make the case these tariffs will end the fentanyl epidemic is laughable. The fact Trump made it a key reason for the tariffs will end up being a political failure.

    DEA and CIA were going after Fentanyl in the 70’s and 80’s like 50 yrs ago? That is not true.

    Posts: 188

    Fentanyl is not like weed, coke or heroin. Uncle Rico can’t grow it in his backyard. There are a handful of places the precursor for fentanyl can be made. Take them out and fentanyl ceases to exist.

    Yes I am a serious person. How many Americans did we prosecute and lock up during the war on drugs? What did we do outside the country?

    Posts: 188

    What’s the percentage of fentanyl that doesn’t come into this country from Canada or Mexico or precursors from China?

    How does it come in without Canada or Mexico?

    The war on drugs was fought inside this country. Why not see what fighting it outside the country does?

    When there is no supply…

    Posts: 188

    What’s the percentage of fentanyl that doesn’t come into this country from Canada or Mexico or precursors from China?

    How does it come in without Canada or Mexico?

    Posts: 188

    Let’s look at these tariffs from another perspective.

    9/11 killed 3,000 Americans. Fentanyl killed over 100,000 Americans in 2023.

    Fentanyl is produced in Mexico by the cartels using chemical precursors from China.

    China could shut this down overnight but doesn’t. Why?

    Mexico is run by Cartels with a socialist president in charge.

    Still against tariffs?

    Tariffs instead of going to war. Remember Afghanistan? How did that end?

    Posts: 188

    There was no federal income tax prior to 1913.

    Until the American Civil War, 80-90% of the federal govt revenue was funded through tariffs. That’s how it worked before a pre-global economy.

    1935 Social Security started.

    Minnesota enacted state income taxes in 1933, in addition to keeping property taxes at the state level. In the 1960’s Minnesota started to shift the property taxation revenue to the counties.

    1965 Medicaid and Medicare started.

    In 1967 Minnesota enacted sales tax at 3%.

    Then the city taxes started such as in St Paul in 1993. In 2016 St Paul tax revenue was 19 million.

    As the federal, state, and local governments grew and wanted more money for more programs so did the need to tax its citizens and business.

    So all these goods that are imported. They use US infrastructure such as roads, bridges, ports, buildings etc. that US citizens and US businesses pay taxes for. Why shouldn’t these goods be taxed/tariffs to the same effect? Why should the US pay all the infrastructure/tax cost?

    All these taxes that US citizens and business pay plus all the regulations hurt our ability to compete against exporters who are subsidized by foreign governments or dump products in the US at way below market price.

    When you globalize you become reliant on foreign markets. It can be a national security issue and economic independence issue.

    Look at German dependence on Russia for energy as an example.

    John Deere and automakers wanting to build parts/cars/tractors in Mexico cause it’s cheaper than paying all the taxes in the US plus paying a union auto workers salary. Also less money in the pot going to social security, etc.

    How can you have $15-$20 minimum wage in this country plus all the sky high taxes, and at the same time compete against foreign subsidized goods?

    We are taxed to death in this country and yet are against “taxing/tariffs” a foreign government or foreign company that pays zero taxes in this country.

    Unfair trade practices, taxes, and regulations are economic growth killers.

    Posts: 188

    How did this turn into a govt bail out thread?

    Should the season be extended regardless of what happens with the ice should be the question.

    What are our neighbors doing?

    North Dakota, South Dakota, and Iowa all have continuous walleye seasons.

    Wisconsin is first Sunday in March but if you look at the regs the majority of the water is continuous for walleye.

    Manitoba has divisions. Southern division is like 3 April this year and NW goes until end of April.

    MN=Nanny State

    Posts: 188

    (a) Whenever ice conditions on a body of water deteriorate to such an extent that there is substantial danger to persons using motorized vehicles, including snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles, the sheriff of the county where the body of water is located may prohibit or restrict the use of motorized vehicles on all or a portion of the body of water. If the body of water is located in more than one county, all counties involved must coordinate any prohibitions or restrictions that are imposed. A county sheriff acting under this section shall, as soon as practicable, post all common access sites and publicize the prohibitions or restrictions

    Posts: 188

    I can’t get a post to go through.

    Anyway for Nanny Badger

    366.011 CHARGES FOR EMERGENCY SERVICES; COLLECTION. You got this all wrong. This is for taxation purposes for a city like a city sales tax.

    Or a fee to be charged everyone. For example $300 for rural fire to be deployed. Or your ambulance fees for contracted services would be part of 366.

    The city has zero discretion to charge stupid people fees and smart people pay nothing. 366 is about taxation.

    There is no stupid fisherman law in MN and thanks for clarifying you live nowhere near URL.

    Posts: 188

    ^Did anyone ever say it did or reply to you directly? I must’ve missed that.

    It was a generic response to the idea that taxes pay for these services to be available and used. Some services’ bills are passed right on to taxpayers a second time, and others aren’t.

    I’m just stating that in my own opinion related to these repeated rescues/retrievals/recoveries or whatever you want to call them, a fee should be passed on. Many of these involve dumb decisions or a lack of listening…not random luck events that are health related, accidents, fire, etc. Spend more tax dollars on stuff people can’t control and need help with, rather than stupidity. A fee may even end up being something of a deterrent.

    How many tax dollars of yours are going into these rescues? Do you even live in MN? Are you a voter in the county affected?

    There is currently no stupid ice fisherman law in MN. Fishermen on Upper Red lake or any other lake in MN cannot legally be charged a bill for being rescued. You can’t just make up a law because your outraged.

    Please let me know how this new nanny law should be worded and how would it be enforced? How much money should the stupid people be required to pay?

    Let’s face it most people in a rescue situation probably didn’t make the best decisions.

    The Sheriff is the chief law enforcement official in the county and is also responsible for searches and rescues within his or her county.

    Read about the stupid driver law in Arizona. People stopped calling 911 to get rescued from other situations as the perception was everybody that does something that’s not smart gets arrested or fined.

    Arizona Sheriffs then put the word out they would not enforce the stupid driver law. Everyone will get rescued free of charge just call 911 and we will respond. It was a stupid law.

    Well guess what, both smart and stupid people should be rescued in this country.

    And even if the MN legislators passed a stupid fisherman bill and the governor signed it into law.

    The Sheriff could simply not enforce. That’s totally up to the Sheriff and the voters in the county who elected them or could elect a new one.

    So let the people up in the Northern counties of MN decide what course of action they want to take and stop trying to make decisions for them.

    It’s truly non of your business if you don’t have an election type vote in this.

    Posts: 188

    For cost reference…Wabasha County just purchased a fully loaded airboat that’s about as big as they come specifically outfitted for ice rescues on Pool 4 and immediate surrounding areas.

    The price tag was $130,000…without regarding costs for fuel (they drink it), training, insurance, maintenance.

    Yes – we all pay taxes and services should be funded by them. However, they are not funded in a way that allows them to launch crews multiple times per week with reliable equipment and “taxes will cover it”. I’d support our local fire and rescue levying some bills especially in situations like URL where it’s happened so regularly.

    Please stop. How much does it cost to fund the massive illegal immigration problem going on in the country and state.

    130k plus multiple launch fees per week is a bargain to be free in Northern MN.

    Posts: 188

    Article 1. The said Chippewa nation cede to the United States all the tract of country included within the following boundaries:

    Beginning at the junction of the Crow Wing and Mississippi rivers, between twenty and thirty miles above where the Mississippi is crossed by the forty-sixth parallel of north latitude, and running thence to the north point of Lake St. Croix, one of the sources of the St. Croix river; thence to and along the dividing ridge between the waters of Lake Superior and those of the Mississippi, to the sources of the Ocha-suasepe a tributary of the Chippewa river; thence to a point on the Chippewa river, twenty miles below the outlet of Lake De Flambeau; thence to the junction of the Wisconsin and Pelican rivers; thence on an east course twenty-five miles; thence southerly, on a course parallel with that of the Wisconsin river, to the line dividing the territories of the Chippewas and Menominies; thence to the Plover Portage; thence along the southern boundary of the Chippewa country, to the commencement of the boundary line dividing it from that of the Sioux, half a days march below the falls on the Chippewa river; thence with said boundary line to the mouth of Wah-tap river; at its junction with the Mississippi; and thence up the Mississippi to the place of beginning.

    Article 5. The privilege of hunting, fishing, and gathering the wild rice, upon the lands, the rivers and the lakes included in the territory ceded, is guaranteed to the Indians, during the pleasure of the President of the United States.

    Article 6. This treaty shall be obligatory from and after its ratification by the President and Senate of the United States.

    Posts: 188

    I would focus on learning how to use perspective mode. Especially if you are fishing shallow water for bass.

    Perspective is 135 degree cone angle and forward is 20 degree cone angle.

    Look at humminbird 360 images. Perspective gives you same image type just at 135 degrees.

    Don’t focus on finding fish. Learn how to locate structure, weed edges, transitions etc, etc.

    Lots of playing around with settings and angle of transducer.

    Posts: 188

    What happens when the cartels pot income lowers? Do they push more cocaine, heroin, meth, fentanyl, opioids to make up for lost income?

    The cartels and the “legal states” are in the drug business to make money.

    Posts: 188

    It’s all about tax revenue. From all the debate on both sides for or against legalization all the data is mostly inconclusive.

    The only real and measurable impact is it becomes a huge money maker for the state.

    Colorado makes 20 million a month or more from “legal” marijuana sales.

    Posts: 188

    Toyota motor Corporation owns Lexus and Toyota. Both are almost always in the top 3 for reliability with Lexus at top spot in 2022.

    Kia telluride is most popular followed by hyundai palisade.

    Posts: 188

    If you enjoy following these touneys cool, but for me alot would have to be done to make it a more pure sport, and tech is a part of that-I will watch the Twins today, a batter today can’t just decide to use an aluminum bat, a pitcher cannot just use whatever ball they want, this levels the playing field so we can see skill and not gimmicks. I get that baseball is not pure but it is much closer than fishing.

    In July PMTT YouTube channel had 150 or so subscribers. I looked today and they have 176.

    Baseball, is a billion dollar business. Since 1908 there have been many many changes that made it the billion dollar business it is today.

    What is the goal of the PMTT? To grow the tournament, increase prize pay outs, gain more sponsorship’s, make it into one the most prestigious money making tournaments out there? Run it as a business model.

    Or is it a small group of die hard musky anglers (30-40) who want to keep it like a club and not operate like a business? Run it like a club model.

    A club or a business? There is not a right or wrong answer just an observation.

    Posts: 188

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>big_g wrote:</div>
    How to replace it ? That’s what I am saying they did in Maui.. replaced plastic with re-useable cloth bags and when necessary, paper bags.

    Exactly right and totally agree. Common sense conservatation of resources and an effective way to tackle a disgusting pollution and litter problem.

    BTW, side benefit. I freaking love the great big reusable grocery bags. You can put so much more in them and it’s so much faster and easier to pack them and to unload after shopping. Love them.

    Unfortunately, to be at all effective, it has to be mandatory.
    Which triggers that small but very loud segment of the population who will go crazy touting this as an unconscionable violation of their God-given freedom and constitutional rights and a massive Big Government overreach into their intimate personal spaces.

    Now we could say it’s a grocery sack, get a grip and get on with your lives. But we don’t. And so we do what we’ve always done and get what we’ve always gotten. Can’t even agree on cleaning up the ditches, lakes and parks.

    New guidance on those great big reusable grocery bags. You can’t make this stuff up. You need to bring your own plastic bags into the store with you. What is being accomplished?

    At the Store
    * Put meat, poultry, and fish in disposable plastic bags before placing in a reusable bag to prevent juices from leaking and contaminating the bag or other food items.
    * Use a separate reusable bag for fresh or frozen raw meat, poultry and fish to avoid cross-contamination with produce or ready-to-eat foods.

    Posts: 188

    Hey I must point out that you are incorrect. You can indeed go fishing with zero plastic involved. Rod and reel fishing was around long before plastic was invented. Same goes for the boat. If it can’t be recycled is it worth the convenience is the question.

    Please let me know what your zero plastic set-up would be for fishing.

    Mono, fluoro, and braided fishing line are all made from plastic. Please let me know how to over come this issue.

    Rods. The resin used in fiberglass rods are thermoset resins. It’s plastic and glass. Same thing with the resin used to build rods, coat the blank and coat where the guides are connected to the rod. Only rods without plastic are made from trees.

    Reels. I’m having a hard time finding a fishing reel without plastic parts. And without plastic line how can you cast?

    No trolling motor, or batteries to power that motor. No battery to start your engine. No engines that I’m aware of that don’t have plastic somewhere in the equation. No fishing graphs or transducers. Go look in your boat and all the plastic that goes into it.

    Wood or aluminum boat with oars or a paddle I guess is what you are left with. Fiberglass boats would be out too.

    Cross out all the plastic baits and what’s left to fish with? Live bait?

    How is bait packaged at the bait shop? Plastic containers or foam. What bait bucket or aerotor will you use that’s not plastic. No more plastic bags for minnows at the bait shop. You’re stuck digging up your yard for worms and trapping minnows and leeches yourself I guess.

    I’m just curious what your no plastic fishing set-up looks like.

    My opinion it’s just silly all the attention a plastic grocery store bag gets.

    Posts: 188

    I think I saw you the other day at the grocery store HEY!

    I think I saw you the other day at the grocery store HEY!

    Classic rhetorical strategy where the speaker attacks the character, motive, or some other attribute of the person making an argument rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself. This avoids genuine debate by creating a diversion to some irrelevant issue.

    Posts: 188

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Hey wrote:</div>
    Aluminum cans—-there are not enough bauxite mines in the world to support this long term. Then people will complain that an aluminum boat costs 150k and you’re buying a can of coke for $10.

    Glass—again the limestone mines can’t support this long term. Please take the time to read about what glass is made of then all the supply chain ripple effects that would occur. It’s just not an option.

    Hasn’t COVID taught us many lessons about supply chain? Glass and aluminum to replace plastic is just not doable.

    There is a very good reason many types of packaging has switched over to plastic.

    Talk your doctor about those super nice cloth bags in the grocery stores. Big time disease vectors unless you wash them after every use. Plastic bags are the way to go.

    I’m going to go out on a limb and guess we do not share the same doctor

    Maybe you should find a new one?

    Reusable grocery bags can be a breeding ground for dangerous food-borne bacteria and pose a serious risk to public health, according to a joint food-safety research report issued today by the University of Arizona and Loma Linda University in California.

    “Our findings suggest a serious threat to public health, especially from coliform bacteria including E. coli, which were detected in half of the bags sampled,” said Charles Gerba, a UA professor of soil, water and environmental science and co-author of the study. “Furthermore, consumers are alarmingly unaware of these risks and the critical need to sanitize their bags on a weekly basis.”
    Bacteria levels found in reusable bags were significant enough to cause a wide range of serious health problems and even death. They are a particular danger for young children, who are especially vulnerable to food-borne illnesses, Gerba said.
    The study also found that awareness of potential risks was very low. A full 97 percent of those interviewed never washed or bleached their reusable bags.

    Posts: 188

    And the way overpackaged with plastic stuff out there. It is packaged like that to survive a trip across the ocean in a container.

    Start buying American made products! Problem solved

    Posts: 188

    Aluminum cans—-there are not enough bauxite mines in the world to support this long term. Then people will complain that an aluminum boat costs 150k and you’re buying a can of coke for $10.

    Glass—again the limestone mines can’t support this long term. Please take the time to read about what glass is made of then all the supply chain ripple effects that would occur. It’s just not an option.

    Hasn’t COVID taught us many lessons about supply chain? Glass and aluminum to replace plastic is just not doable.

    There is a very good reason many types of packaging has switched over to plastic.

    Talk your doctor about those super nice cloth bags in the grocery stores. Big time disease vectors unless you wash them after every use. Plastic bags are the way to go.

    Posts: 188

    Anyone know what PVC is? Ever heard of dioxin?

    Do you know that some soft plastic baits are made from soft PVC and are a zillion times more harmful than a plastic bag could ever be?

    There are many types of plastic. Please be informed.

    But let’s ban the harmless plastic bag because people are slobs.

    And let’s fish with one of the most nasty plastics possible cause ignorance is bliss.

    Posts: 188

    You can get rid of soft plastic fishing baits and replace with live bait.

    Doesn’t get any greener or biodegradable then that. At least that’s a start right?

    Cutting down trees for packaging is like burning food (corn) for fuel.

    With everything going on in the world right now plastic bags should be like number 10,000,000 down the list.

    Please tell me more about all the people dying in the world because of plastic bags. Why can’t they go into a landfill like everything else?

    Take a poll. What type of plastic pollutes more lakes and rivers. Plastic bags or plastic from people who fish.

    Slobs who litter isn’t a plastic bag problem it’s a slob problem.

    Posts: 188

    What if the title of the post was this.

    What is the truth behind recycling in the fishing industry?

    Would the response be ban soft plastic baits immediately? Does anyone know what they are made of? Are they recycled?

    But let’s ban plastic bags cause it’s easy to be for that right?

    Who here recycles their fishing plastic?

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