I had the same problem. Defrosted the freezer (and fridge), took the panels out of the freezer and discovered that the blower motor was worn and rubbing on something.. About a $30. fix if you do it your self. I am not a fridge repair guy- but a screwdriver and the thaw and a part did it.
I’m back to the good neighbor also. I sent a note to 1500 indicating that I listened to the TWINS and Soucheray only. I used to be dialed in to 1500 day and night (when I couldn’t sleep) and listened to Bell and Noury.
Thanks Chucker- Did that. There is a small hose that is bringing that gas to the drain hole. Like it may have been designed to drain gas (for some reason or other)
I remember when the trucks we were driving only cost $1100. And a 10 HP motor was considered big. 14 ft lund C-14 was magic. S50,000 boats, $3.00 gas, $40,000 trucks
First week in April. Ice going out, Boats out of storage and being hauled around provide visual incentives to start shopping. Worked for me. Also gives buyer some early time to get his boat ready for sale and on the market prior to the big rush in late April j
I just went through this with my MERC 25 efi/4 stk. My MANUAL says, put the winter fuel stabilizer (sta-bil etc.) in your gas tank, run the motor for ten minutes, disconnect tank then take out plugs, squirt some oil in cylinders and turn over engine a couple of times and you are done. (make sure you put plugs back in). j
I owned one of the mid 80s evinrude 30 hp. I scorched the cylinders due to oil/gas not mixing properly. Had a tank that had the oil in the gas tank. Didn\\\’t work too well. I could go 1/2 speed or less. jjsherm
Spouse is the key issue (along with bank/hours)-but the spouse has to be thoroughly commited to this adventure. I have seen a few crying in the back room of a lodge on a busy week-end. jjsherm
Was up on Minnewaska a couple of years ago with family. Didn’t do much on Walleyes, but a lot of people were fishing for them on some rockpile. We went into the reeds on north side and really caught a lot of nice sunnies. Good luck jjs
I fish Mille Lacs in my 14 footer regularly. As the guys say, check out the weather/wind. The west shore is also a pretty nice place to fish in a smaller boat if the wind is from the west. North of Eddies works well. jjs
My daughters both love to fish. One is 45 and the other 41. The older one just bought an 1850 Sportfish. I downsized. She ccaught her first walleye at the pond a couple of weeks ago. The younger is more into the tacklebox jewelry, but loves the whole fishing thing. and so do all of my grandchildren.(7) I can really relate to having the nurse love the water. Great story. jjs
I do a bit of panfishing in W Wisc and have found that drifting provides much the same result. The Cubby Lures work extremely well as do the flu flu’s. jjs
I agree with the folks who fish for sport and not for the meat(fish).Up at Mille Lacs a couple of weeks ago and we each (6 of us) got a meal and ate a Georges–( Spaghetti Special of all things) Addl note. Was fishing panfish in Western Wisc this past week, and guys including myself & family were returning the 10 inch sunfish to the lake. And there were lots of them.