You can use 40+” trout rods in the XTs no issue. Been spending some time on the mine pits sniping trout in my Voyager XT. Plenty of room since its a smaller two man unit.

Posts: 12
You can use 40+” trout rods in the XTs no issue. Been spending some time on the mine pits sniping trout in my Voyager XT. Plenty of room since its a smaller two man unit.
Appreciate all the replies! I’ll keep an eye out for any deals on the SM40 or the Ion. Good to see both offer a solid product for us to choose from.
Neighbor gave me 2 of these. Debating on using them or trading them. Any one have any reviews
They are pretty good actually, and that’s coming from a guy who hated the 13 Fishing Ghosts and all spoolers in general. I’d still tell you stick with your trusty 500 spinners but no line goes on or comes off like it does on the gravity. I icefish fluoro and without any hot water/conditioner etc. I can get the line on laser straight. Helps the presentation. The trigger system is meh. Drag is nice so I just pull line like I’m used to. I’m never ripping below 25ft with an inline anyways.
If you are looking more specifically cold weather/ice boots, there are only two options in my mind. First the old faithful – Lacrosse Alphaburly Pro 800G. Been rocking the same pair for 3 years now, just as waterproof and warm as when I bought them.
Something I tried for the first time this year are Clam’s Sub Zero Boots. Was pretty blown away by how much their boots and apparel have improved over the years, these boots being a good example. Not as tall as the Alpha’s but waterproof and warmer than any boot I’ve worn because of the removable wool liners.
Both boots are on the lighter side for a rubber boot, I think the Lacrosse has a slight edge over the Sub Zeros just off memory. Sub Zeros let you swap out wool liners incase you get sweaty which really helps with comfortable fishing after setting up your wheelhouse/hub/shack/etc. The Lacrosse boots are almost too warm in certain situations which isn’t an issue if you’ve got good socks.
The Ukraine conflict started in 2014 in the Donbas region. Over ten thousand native Russians have been murdered in the area by Ukrainians. Russia finally had enough. I don’t believe war has been officially declared.
The west has used this as a tool to try and take down Russia and politicians fill their pockets with aid.
Oil has always been traded in U.S. dollars. After the U.S. put sanctions on Russian oil it has been traded in other currencies for the first time ever. The sanctions have crushed many European countries as they are reliant on Russian gas and oil.
If the intent of the U.S. is to get into world war 3 they are doing a great job. Don’t poke the bear. The bear has been the only adult in the room thankfully.
He is doing what a true leader does and that is look after the people in his own country.
Doing what a true leader does and sending his untrained, forced… excuse me conscripted forces to a neighboring country with no true reason, brutalizing mostly a civilian population, while in return getting stomped into the dirt by western tech + Ukrainian forces so bad it’s miraculous Putin has taken “a leave of absence” if you catch my drift. The bear is getting dominated, not poked. Is it lining the pockets of major players involved, you bet it is. You born yesterday and just learn world powers take advantage of world events?
Good times on IDO with MN Dimitry giving his half cent on war