Heated battery blankets have been around for decades and should be available from most parts stores. Available in different sizes.

Posts: 61
Heated battery blankets have been around for decades and should be available from most parts stores. Available in different sizes.
What are the betting odds on TV screen time given to Trump vs Swift during the game. Remember it’s a Fox broadcast.
Retired now for 14 years and can say I don’t regret it at all. I can do what I want when I want. Always something to keep me busy and no pressure to get it done right now.
I once had 3 5 gallon pails full of assorted nuts bolts and screws I accumulated while working. After I retired I spent the better part of a day sorting them. Now I have 3 pails; 1 with bolts, 1 with nuts, and 1 with screws.:???:
Absolutely nothing. Live off all the workers. Retired for the past 14 years.
Love it when things are hard to get. Sold my copy 2 years ago for $100. Now I can buy a copy for retail if I want.
I’ve had the flu shot for the past 20+ years. A few years ago my wife was hospitalized for the flu and while there they tested me. Tested positive but had minor symptoms and felt fine in a few days.
I have noticed a decrease of crows ever since our city garbage pickup started suppling garbage cans with lids so that the garbage could be picked up by mechanical arms on the trucks. No more garbage bags on the curbs for the scavengers to tear into before it gets picked up.
Nay to both.
They’re paid to do a job.
Can you imagine if all employees did silly celebrations after doing a job they were paid to do.
Most expensive ballot I ever done. $294.87 X 2 for the nurse, 436 miles round trip. But I appreciate the integrity I see with our poll workers here in my township. Made an appt to vote early and ran home….forgot my ID at the farm and was turned away. Hired coverage for dad again and drove back to vote in person. WI has a simple law that clearly states you can not wear any candidate crap or hand out any propaganda at the polls. You can stand across the street, rent a billboard, anything you want OUTSIDE of the voting facility. Idiot walks in with the hat, buttons, shirt..then blows a gasket because they are restricting his free speech. No, they are enforcing the rules, plain and simple just like when I was denied early voting because I left my ID behind.
Free and fair elections are because of the many volunteers that take an oath and live up to it. Kudos to them.
BTW – eventually the guy went outside, took his shirt and stuff off and came back in wearing just a jacket. Whining, but complied
Most expensive ballot I ever done. $294.87 X 2 for the nurse, 436 miles round trip. But I appreciate the integrity I see with our poll workers here in my township. Made an appt to vote early and ran home….forgot my ID at the farm and was turned away. Hired coverage for dad again and drove back to vote in person. WI has a simple law that clearly states you can not wear any candidate crap or hand out any propaganda at the polls. You can stand across the street, rent a billboard, anything you want OUTSIDE of the voting facility. Idiot walks in with the hat, buttons, shirt..then blows a gasket because they are restricting his free speech. No, they are enforcing the rules, plain and simple just like when I was denied early voting because I left my ID behind.
Free and fair elections are because of the many volunteers that take an oath and live up to it. Kudos to them.
BTW – eventually the guy went outside, took his shirt and stuff off and came back in wearing just a jacket. Whining, but complied
You drove all that way without a drivers license??
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>James Conklyn wrote:</div>
Apparently Mn. fish are different than Wi. fish. My son went out Sunday morning for 4 hours and boated a 39 1/2 and a 43. It was a calm, sunny, warm day. Fished a shallow mud flat (3-4 ft) and caught both on a top water.No, not really. Just because the conditions are not ideal doesn’t mean guaranteed failure. It just makes it tougher. Props to your son.
Ask any relatively serious muskie angler and they will tell you that hot, sunny, and flat is about the worst conditions that exist.
The point of my post is that there are no hard rules as to when to try. A few years ago, late July, mid day, flat calm, temp in upper 80s, I caught a 48 1/2. The following year, similar conditions I boated a 49. Both times it was the only action of a long day, but well worth the sweat! You never know when lightning strikes.
Sorry I missed that you already told me he was fishing in the .morning. how early?
Fish were caught between 8 and 9 AM.
Hot, warm, and sunny is not good this time of year. I honestly wouldn’t even try to <em class=”ido-tag-em”>muskie fish in those conditions.
Try to target periods of higher likelihood of success. Sunrise, sunset, at night, and during rapid weather changes. If there is a storm or low pressure system coming, that would be ideal. Just be safe about it.
Keep an eye on the water temps too. 80 degrees is to warm to muskie fish and mortality is high when it’s that warm.
Apparently Mn. fish are different than Wi. fish. My son went out Sunday morning for 4 hours and boated a 39 1/2 and a 43. It was a calm, sunny, warm day. Fished a shallow mud flat (3-4 ft) and caught both on a top water.
Don’t know about the Kohler engine, but my 19.5 HP Briggs can bag and mulch just fine. Suspect it is a single cylinder.
Anybody ever use a lure called Vivif? Back in the 50’s it was offered in many outdoor publications. Supposedly came from France if I recall. Was guaranteed to catch fish. Of course I had to have one. It was a small, about 3″ long, plastic, minnow shaped lure. I did catch a small pike who managed to destroy the tail section of the lure.
Get tested.. Just had an old coworker tell me he went in for his physical and had a PSA test. # tested at 10 and doc told him to see a urologist. After further testing it was found that the cancer had spread to his bones. He is now on chemo and radiation, but the prognosis is not good. Doc is giving him 4 to 6 months. He is only 52.
When I retired in 2010, I had my physical and doc did a digital test and felt a lump. PSA tested at 10. Saw urologist, had biopsy and he found cancer in 2 of the 4 samples. Gave me some choices: wait and monitor, radiation or chemo, or removal. Decided to get it out and had it robotically removed. Simple procedure, in hospital overnight and home the next day. Was lucky with no lasting side affects and after 14 years PSA is staying below 1.
flat fish, big o, Heddon river runt, Johnson silver minnow with a pork rind, Bomber water dog and original Bomber, hellbender. Still throw them occasionally when I’m feeling nostalgic.
In Wisconsin they make a nice profit on gas. There is a minimum markup law stating they must charge at least 9.18% above their fuel cost.
Put out oriole feeder yesterday and within 15 minutes had a female there. Today have had 2 pairs feeding throughout the rain. (central Wi)
For you older well read; I’ve been searching for a book I read back in the late 50’s. The book was about a bear hunter. The chapters alternated between the hunters viewpoint and the bears viewpoint. Can’t remember the author or the book name. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
Your son will have a nice Christmas present coming, something he’ll remember the rest of his life.
Dating myself but Earl Gillespie (John’s father) did the radio broadcast for the Milwaukee Braves. In grade school I used to lay in bed and listen to games on my transistor radio. Even snuck it to school when Braves were in world series.
Have you tried to manually turn motor over? Could be seized or gas in cylinder.
It’s the rear axle vent tube. Should be clipped up high on the frame cross member. The white piece in the hose is a check valve.
I lived in southern NM (20 miles from Mexico) for 10 years in the 70’s. Believe it or not there was ‘open’ border back then. Nothing was made of it by the media. Border Patrol had check points on roads heading north and shipped them back to Mexico, only to have them come again. The farmers needed the migrants for their cheap labor and a lot of illegal activities were ‘overlooked’. Too much of a border to control. I’m pretty sure there were times we were hunting in Mexico and didn’t even know it.
Gas and water don’t mix. The water will settle to the bottom of tank and will be picked up 1st by your intank fuel pump. Filling the tank will do nothing to ‘dilute’. Just use your additive to break up the water molecules so the can get through the injectors and be burned off.