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  • jiganator
    Posts: 5

    “That statement make me laugh my A$$ off. You sign up for a fishing/outdoor website and they just make you a pro? Just for sighing up – Come on!”

    There you go again, throwing the rope over the branch and hoisting me up.

    Listen bud, you have ZERO! clues about my qualifications as a hunter and fisherman but run off your mouth like some drunk on a bar stool.

    I have been featured in several publications, raised hunting dogs for more than 22 years and sent them world wide.

    I got the stuff to prove my qualifications..Do You?

    Why am I wasting my time?

    This place has proven nothing more than to be unfriendly and full of a pack of wolves waiting to jump on anybody who ventures from the pack

    The more I explain my reasons, the more I am bashed

    I’m a little more grown up and will not join in and return the bashing(except for Mr Bar Stool)

    I’m done…

    Posts: 5

    Jake, Matt over at Mnwaterfowler did his thing but he and me talked about it.

    Here and Mnwaterfowler are the only sites out of several that had a problem with me posting a link.

    The site is new with less than 300 members.

    I only joined the site less than a month ago. They were looking for Pro staff people and I applied the first couple of days I was there. I only been a Pro Staff member for a few days

    It was nothing more than a invite to another site to check it out and bs with other hunters and fisherman..NOTHING MORE!

    I’m paid NOTHING! for my services and stand to gain the same NOTHING!

    I now understand why we have the laws in this country we do. You guys would have hung me if you could…a regular Lynch mob.

    I wish Indepth Angling nothing but the best.

    I have friends all over the inter-net on aeveral hunting and fishing sites

    This is the typical thing on most sites(not the one I posted) urine one guy off and take the wrath of the clan/gang who tends to run the site(main group of members)

    That has been discussed over at this new site. They hope to keep the hog piling on someone to a Min.

    Express your view or disagree with someone and you will not suffer being a outcast or banished from enjoying the place.

    Again, I wish Indepth Angling and it’s members nothing but the best

    Sorry to say, this place is not for me

    Posts: 5

    Vickie and I have two sons-15 and 18.

    I’m a VFE(vol. field edior) for a waterfowl site since 2000.

    We live near Grand Rapids Mn.

    Posts: 5

    Welcome aboard Vickie

    I’m the jiganator or your husband LOL

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