Talking with people at the stpaul ice show I found out a couple things. The pistol bit is known for cutting more holes then the kdrill. It also has a longer shaft out of the box the the kdrill meaning it can cut through larger amounts of ice. I believe it was 36 inches. The kdrill has a flotation system to make sure it does not sink if I falls off your drill. But that said it could dive below the ice before it comes back up leaving it stuck under the ice. The pistol bit has a guard that is larger then the hole it is drilling meaning it will never fall through. The pistol bit allows for smoother cutting through clean ice but struggles to cut through old holes. But will last longer when cutting new holes. The kdrill allows you to reopen old holes with no problem. But the kdrill has some problems when cutting new holes. If u watch videos on it, most of the time you need to flush out holes a couple times before you cut all the way through the ice. This means that they don’t last as long. But in the end both are better options then full sized augurs in my opion.