my expeirence is the same with use of the camera in the back-waters of pool 12&13, and the chain of lakes in Chicago I haven’t seen a walleye on screen. The visibility has been about 3-4 ft. And the real-weeds probably do work but where I’ve fished there’s been standing weeds. Where there wasn’t there weren’t fish it was like looking at the bottom of the ocean floor lol. desolate
Forum Replies Created
October 6, 2006 at 5:06 am #486319
I use both graphite and fiberglass rods but for casting and realing graphite works better for me.
August 9, 2006 at 2:24 am #467584For me I have been staying out in the current… not’s that its been doing magical things for me but I do get lucky and catch fish. Top of 13 in Crooked Slough I’ve caught a few crappies around wood a couple feet down in 10FOW with minnows. But ever since the water reached the high 80’s I’ve only “heard” from friends boating a few. I like the bottom of pool 12; working the rip-rap shorelines but this has seemed to slow down for me also. 17″ largemouth (which is a real nice fish imo) was the best fish for me last month. Channel Cats have seemed to pick up. This time of year, I like to bottom fish w\nightcrawlers to get the best results all around. But I can’t seem to stay away from my BfN ringworms for my jigworm. In-Fishermans latest article about the panfish is “staying on the hot-bite (requires) a variety of baits. Something else always works better for at least a portion of the day” I haven’t found any deep weed beds with crappies yet but I’m still looking. The majority of my catches have been smallmouth casting minnows at the rip-rap with light tackle.
July 11, 2006 at 9:29 am #459440Quote:
They have people at the va that specialize in post traumatic stress disorders
This sounds like a good possibility here. For me I have never served in the military but I’ll share briefly my disease of mind, spirit, and body all of which I’ve been working on through AlcoholicsAnonomous. His complications of PTSD will not be directly addressed through the AA program but for me it has helped with my insanity when I’m willing to “work the programm”. My prayers go out to him!
June 27, 2006 at 1:12 am #456647Pool 13 is enormous with lots of backwaters and lakes to fish, for me I like to fish the wingdams but if its largemouth you’re refering too depending on the watertemp they might be holding in current on point breaks around islands but I don’t know enough to say. There are of coarse the pads at spring lake but again time of year? The water was 75 yesterday on a tributary. Poters Marsh has about 3-5FOW with pads also but its at the bottom of 13. I like to fish crooked slough myself mainly in the 25′ hole and around the rip-rap but I just like to catch anything. Good luck
June 22, 2006 at 4:00 am #455437I am neither Democratic or Republican only share the views of those who are willing to say No to political contributions and for these people who have run in the past that meet these criteria are those whom I’ve voted. hmmmmm. I know it takes advertising to win…..anyway “Weapons of Mass Destruction” the big key issue right? How do the complainers think 300,000 people were killed? Weapons of little Destruction? I mean come on lets get real here. And I REALLY don’t have the whole story- truth- or are in the position to know all the facts and never will. Who shot Kennedy? I’m with everyone else that supports the troops. These terrorists believe we are the reason for there lifes problems of “forcing” our religious beliefs in their narrow minded views. Killing us is the quick answer to serving their “god” So moraly and biblicaly,I feel, there is no wrong with defending our land from the enemy I’m just glad it’s not my job to figure out who our enemy is! Thanks troops for letting me go fishing today in peace…get em’
June 21, 2006 at 2:10 pm #455227nice fish! It must have put up a good fight. I have always wanted to hook into a Northern like that, good job.
June 20, 2006 at 3:04 am #454878I believe it was In-fisherman’s scientists that put a tracer or gps tracking device of some sort into flatheads and found that they move primarily once a day for about an hour, but the bottom line BrianK is the man here!!! For us in Illinois we’re allow 50 unattended hooks on a $13.00 license!!! How dumb is that! But never the less I catch my flatheads and channels with the trotlines and bankpoles lately they’ve been hooking up sometime after midnight and before sunrise. I use bullheads when I have the time to catch them at our local wetlands preserve, but usually I get a bluegill or two from some friends that are there before me panfishing. Oh yeah we’re allowed to use bluegills as bait too. The bait, for me, must be alive to achieve sucsess. Even with Illinois rules I do catch and release and only keep a few fish for some meals. I only gripe about the leniency of the laws here because Wisconsins fishing is 10 times better
I’m happy here I have the best of both worlds as I’m 15 minuets from Wisconsin, but trotlineing and bankpole fishing is fun!
June 20, 2006 at 2:12 am #454864I didn’t catch any myself but my budy and his son did real good on the big ones just below the dam in the tailwaters along the rip-rap for the big bluegills. They were pregnant and must be hungry. Good job catching em’ on artificial!!!
May 26, 2006 at 12:19 am #449427I emailed Rhino earlier about this same question because my boat is raw aluminum and has white oxidation spots all over.(Should of kept it out of the salt water) The technition gave me a response of “they will media blast before they install the liner” but for now I haven’t jumped yet. I’m still trying to decide if Nuvite aluminum cleaner is worth the money and effort for the outside. Mainly the $300 cyclo power-tool, or just paint the thing.
May 9, 2006 at 10:35 pm #444788If I had to do it over again. I would look at the tracker formed aluminum, and sea arc’s along with the others. My biggest mistake was not test driving in rough water before I bought. Good luck.
April 16, 2006 at 4:06 am #438563luckydrifter where are you from my budy has a red alumacraft in Iowa?
March 31, 2006 at 6:36 pm #434846We have a 6.1mp Kodak and its too much camera for my use. The most frustrating thing is trying to “crop” the picture small enough to match the kilobitz criteria for posting pictures on this web site. The Canon PowerShot A510 with 3mp’s and manual controlls lists #1 on ConsumerReports best buy. The Kodak EasyShare CX7430 is #8 bestbuy and Kodak EasyShare Z700 is #2 but a little more$. I love being able to take the memory chip and going to Walmart’s picture center and plugging in only the pictures I want. Printing at home costs more-ink-paper. I wish we had the dock because we broke the little clip that holds the battery in from repeatedly taking it in and out. I remeber (alot like depthfinders) the camera companies throw the big #’s out there such as optical zoom 10x when digital zoom’s only 4 and more important. I can’t remember which one is more important and would research optical zoom vs. digital zoom again before I purchased. Shudder SPEED is very important to me also, along with the viewing window. Good Luck
March 18, 2006 at 4:18 pm #427814Quote:
I think you do. I’m not very good at this but can I scan it and then print it?
When I scan something on my HPOfficeJet is automatically files the scaned object into My Images<look in C:drive. Then I can click attach a file (bottom after typing Post) and click browse click My Images double click the scaned file and it will attach automatically.March 18, 2006 at 3:43 pm #428765For me I ask myself what am I using it for anytime I buy something from over or under purchasing in the past. So today I still can’t get it right
. My brother-in-law took my PC and upgraded from 128RAM to 384RAM and my processor is still 900MHz. He installed XP and took out Windows98, and installed Microsoft Office 2003 which ofcoarse has Word, Excel etc… I went from dial-up to broadband and this system works fine. It does get slow when I try and run too many applications at once ie online games and online radio. My wife has a dell laptop that her brother built for her(he gets throwaways for $50 from his work and rebuilds them.)It was a birthday present-she likes it. The biggest thing I’ve learned with electronics is whatever I buy today I can buy for 1\2 as much next year and twice as fast and powerful. Too bad they can’t do that with cars.
March 7, 2006 at 8:43 pm #427551Good job to the Attorney General! Basically this is Federal money trying to controll the states interest, and good thing for us it has already been written into law that the FWC can make no restrictions on state property. I agree a federal unit of government should not recieve the $176 million they are requesting to police and controll state property.
January 21, 2006 at 10:32 pm #413615We are fortunate that they haven’t gone to trolling motors only in pool 12 & 13. YET. I did send my letter out to our four officials in Illinois and haven’t had a response yet.
January 21, 2006 at 6:41 am #413529On a more positive note if this area did get the money maybe it would help produce a few jobs? What do you think?
January 21, 2006 at 6:36 am #413528What if someone catches a $1,000.00 tagged fish after the tournament? I assume nothing?
January 21, 2006 at 6:32 am #413527Great post! What kind of bottom does Lake Pepin have? I noticed only once it mention the prefered North end in winter due to the dark silt resulting in higher water temp in pre-spawn staging. And what kind of bottom are the other holding areas when the walleye inhabit the river? It would also have been interesting if they added Rick Taylors electromagnetic and lunar theories and times to there studies, but… hindsight.
January 20, 2006 at 8:06 pm #413444I have a new Clark but if I had to do it again I would seriously consider the alumacraft MV 1756 AW RR w\spray-in liner 115hp, livewell, and 24vminn-kota troller, but I haven’t driven this boat either so who knows. For the type of windy conditions and river current that I’m in I prefer shorter sides to gain more boat control. But, of coarse, without the deep v this boat might be a back jarring ride in light to moderate chop! I definately will always stay with welded aluminum over rivited. I can’t believe how well the boats hold their value. I would also love to drive the new TRACKER aluminum formed boats. I believe they are the only company with this technology. Fewer welds! shaped and looks like fiberglass and they offer a deep-V 17.5′ all set up for around 15k new.
January 18, 2006 at 9:16 pm #412897This is the main focus and agenda of the FWS. Over $170million of your tax dollars is being requested by the FWS of your tax money. And please take a look at there existing staff Chart. What in the world are all these high paid people doing all day while I’m killing myself swinging a hammer? 170 million
January 18, 2006 at 6:38 am #412763This is my letter to the governing bodies feel free to copy and cut plagerize or whatever you have my written consent good luck
January 17, 2006 at 8:48 am #412442I just came home from the Savanah meeting. Bottom line is duckhunters are getting the axe. Our taxes will be going up, along with fishing license fees. And the Fish&Wildlife Services is another perfect example of overpowerful government spending without any concern of the taxpayers input. The FWS keeps argueing, greater good as a whole. Duckhunters like their duckblinds(one lady was there to complain about the ugliness of the permanents)Another gentlemen couldn’t believe how much they were taking away from you guys up North for hunting area’s because he also hunts Wis. The only leg the biologist had to stand on here was it is crucial for the existance of the ducks to have this area for a layover. I met a gentleman once that owns a duckhunting club in Montana and he stated that the ducks wouldn’t even be there if it wasn’t for his repopulation efforts and the efforts of others like him. So,IMO, the biologist is claiming someone else’s work. What I want to know is the REAL agenda. It isn’t greater good or about some ducks, just like everything else its about MONEY and CONTROLL. IMO these FWS are going to suppress what 99.9% of the hunters are saying to get their financial agenda through(none of which is being discussed). Such as more FWS agents more maintenence buildings and offices. Along with them proving to be needed to their hire-ups to maintain job security. Bottom line ReefRunner hit the nail on the head. Make sure I go over the FWS and write a letter directly to government officials and FWS hirearchy to make sure that the local FWS doesn’t water down my concerns about my local area to get their agenda passed.START FLOODING WITH LETTERS FAST!!! Tax Increase
January 17, 2006 at 6:18 am #412434I’ll be in Savanah at the meeting. What are the objections at this point?
January 12, 2006 at 7:42 pm #411329Quote:
I have a hard time keeping track to 30.
January 11, 2006 at 6:51 pm #411034Quote:
Yes you can if you stay between the stated boundary markers listed in the laws.
I don’t know where that is up there but here Illinois\Iowa they are very strict on this issue. The states are divided down the middle of the navigation channel and the word contiguous is used to clarify the law.<not very clear if you ask me) My friend and his wife both recieved tickets in pool 12 because they were fishing in a feeder creek from a boat not anchored but on the Iowa side of the main channel. I asked a DNR(Iowa) what the rules are because I have Illinois and was taking someone with Iowa license. The officer said “don’t anchor” So the bottom line for me is I stay out of any feeder creek coming from Iowa and will argue contiguous in court if I’m ever anchored above a wingdam on the Iowa side of the navigation channel. OR I could spend the $50 bucks and buy an out of state Iowa license. My problem is my cousin lives in Wisconsin so I allready buy out of state for up there and I go to Florida and have to buy Salt and Freshwater license for there totaling without Iowa liscence 99.50 ouch.
January 11, 2006 at 6:21 am #410886That would be my guess its either a greater or lesser amberjack. A surf casting rod is a little smaller profile and they claim casts over 200 yards from shore with the breakaway longdistace cast system. I wouldn’t use any of the cast and retrieve baits I was recommending earlier with surf casting. A double hooked rig with either shrimp, crab, or squid for cut bait. I use a 4000 size reel for saltwater fishing. There is nothing wrong with your size reel, but I understand about the transportation. The advantage to your reel is the spool is bigger so it will help prevent line twist. It doesn’t look like you need too much help from the picture nice catch!
I’m sure BassPro also has something comparible but I’m just used to Cabela’s. I just went to their site and clicked Fishing(Saltwater)then under Rods I clicked Cabela’s and I noticed they’re out of there Cabela’s Breakaway Long-Distance Rod but directly under that new for 2006 the have Cabela’s Salt Striker Cork Tape Handle Cast Surf Rods, and to get the 200 yard casts they offer under Saltwater Tackle click Terminal Tackle and the Break-away Long-Distance System. I’ve seen guys fishing this system at Va. Beach but at the time we were using 7′ spinning gear, for what its worth they were catching the big stripers. If you’re catching fish like in your picture with what you are using I must conclude….if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it