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  • pullintubes
    Posts: 56

    I’ve used the ice fishing depth weights clipped to a bass’ pectoral fins as well to keep the fish upright. Helping them stay upright like that has certainly helped me out in the past when a fish started doing that sideways losing color thing.

    Posts: 56

    If it’s Green Lake in Spicer, than you should target smallmouth. Throw a drops shot on deep ledges. Around 30 feet.

    Posts: 56

    Yes, I heard about the treatment at Wayzata bait as well. I have been to tonka twice this year, and the western bays had a lot of loose f weeds making crank bait fishing tough. Then I was on North Arm and that didn’t seem bad. And it was easier to find some biting fish.

    Posts: 56

    Not sure if Crayfish are the main forage, but they are present in the BWCA.

    Posts: 56

    I was down there wednesday eve for a couple hours and the current is strong and the water very dirty. My go to spots suck right now too.

    Posts: 56

    Well, that sounds interesting. Are the males guarding fry then? Wish I could have made it out there this week.

    Posts: 56

    I didn’t notice any great number of spawning beds. A couple at best. No fish on them. I didn’t see any spook away. Water temp was 58 to 62 degrees. I don’t think they’ve spawned at all. Fishing was pretty decent I thought.

    Posts: 56

    Seaguar Invisx is great! I do recommend it. Smooth and less memory than the red label.

    Posts: 56

    I haven’t tried tatsu, but invisx is tops in my book so far

    Posts: 56

    I just had the venison burger mixed with pork from gregs when I brought the deer there. Typical for hamburger when getting a deer processed. I’ve made jerky before this same way. Only thing I can figure is that there is alot of pork in the hamburger. I have been using the hi mountain brand from menards for the seasoning. I’m trying to deal with the fat/grease problem now, not what I don’t have control of, which at this point is the pork content.

    Posts: 56

    Good fish man!! I’ve gotten alot of walleye, sauger and saugeye as well as some good smallies and bucketmouth on non wingdam structure over the past few years on pool 2. I did find it alittle tougher this year though during the summer months. Didn’t notice the huge populations of shad that I’ve seen in the past.

    Posts: 56

    Ok, that sounds good. I was just looking at the avery vest online. Good reviews on it.

    Posts: 56

    I used the turn style hooks years ago when texas rigging and I thought I missed a few because of it, so I stopped using them, but they may be better hooks now. As far as the red hooks go… somepeople say the red does appear as blood on or near the bait, I don’t know for sure, I use red and standard color hooks and I can’t tell a difference. When the reds first came out, I was convinced they were better than the standard color, but now it seems about the same to me. Good Luck!!

    Posts: 56

    I’ve had lures straight out of the box before that were not true as well. All you can do is keep adjusting until you are satisfied. Just tie them on a rod not lined with your lead core and walk it up and down the side of the boat first before you tie it on your lead core rig. Or if you have access to a pool, you can try them out before you get to the water. Good Luck!

    Posts: 56

    My dog Reese Loves going in the boat and absolutely loves it if I beach so she can run up in down the shoreline in the water! She doesn’t get to excited when I pull fish into the boat, but she certainly doesn’t want to be left at home when I’m going fishing She’s a great doggy!

    Posts: 56

    Sorry man, the only place that popped into my head was pool 4. That place in Chanhassen sounds interesting though

    Posts: 56

    Inver Grove Heights. I could build a hand wrapper too I suppose. Is there any stores that sell these tools? Or just order from online?

    Posts: 56

    I’d say around 40″ Nice Catch!

    Posts: 56

    That’s one fat smallie! My biggest was 2 years ago on pool 2 mississippi. 22and 1/2″ 7lbs even!

    Posts: 56

    There are indeed some monster large and smallmouth on pool2. And yes indeed some very large walleye sauger and saugeye. I fish there a couple times a month minimum, but have had years of 2 to 3 times a week on this pool. Throw bright colors! Bright green in particular. Crank crank and crank away. This is the best way that I’ve found to catch them. You will find schools of 3 to 4 pound smallies. And do yourself a favor!!! When you see the whitebass anhilating the shad on the surface… get in there and catch the heck out of them. The smallies will be along shortly

    Posts: 56

    Oh, nice! Thanks for the info. I’m gonna be out there friday with a friend. Hopefully we can find some

    Posts: 56

    Mind if I ask what color cranks you like on tonka??

    Posts: 56

    Nice bucket mouth! Where is pierson lake?

    Posts: 56

    How long did it take to get down to treasure island? And back?

    Posts: 56

    Sounds very interesting. Can you give me some details on the photos and measuring and the whole process? Cause I’m all about pool 2!

    Posts: 56

    Wow! That is a chunk! I also prefer the lighter weights for bassin. 1/8 and 3/16 to a 1/4. I used some 5/16 and bigger a few times this year, but I mostly stick with the light weights. I like seagar red label for baitcaster and the seagar invisX on a spinning reel cause it’s more managable.

    Posts: 56

    Thanks for the good input. I’ll be out there tomorrow and mon and tues checking it out

    Posts: 56

    yes some nice ones on big trout indeed

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