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  • jamie
    Posts: 43

    Just to give everyone an idea, we’d be looking for shots that are pretty clear and shot at a high res like these. Either 35mm or digital is fine.

    You can see more examples at

    Check out the fishing reports archives for tons and tons of pictures from the last 2 months!



    Posts: 43

    I hear ya. It’s a great shot! If the original is a high resolution shot, it goes in the contest. Great moment!

    Posts: 43

    We’re starting to get alot of them here in Northern Illinois as well.

    Posts: 43

    That is a great shot..but we do have a long way to go.

    What’s the resolution on the original of that shot?

    Posts: 43

    Oh man! You guys have some great pics!!

    Ok..we’re changing the rules a bit!
    We’ll do a toothy critter and a bass…or a cat..or whatever else ya got! Good idea! Let it be law!!

    ** Just keep in mind that the photo needs to be a GOOD high res photo….if it looks a little blury at a small size, it’ll look WAY blury at 3 or 4 feet tall**


    Posts: 43

    nice! Very nice. Keep ’em comin’ everyone!

    *remember, we’re gonna need the high resolution original too when someone actually wins. But it’s nice to see shots on the site first as a preview to everyone!!*

    Posts: 43

    Your welcome Dave. I’ll keep putting them up as fast as I can.


    Posts: 43

    Sorry I didn’t see this post sooner. We would have been happy to have helped you out. Our company does exactly what you’re looking for.
    We’re here if ya need our services.

    Posts: 43

    Speaking of taxidermy, here is another direction you might want to go. It’s very affordable and has a quick turnaround. The photo of your son holding his first trophy tells it all. Life Size Trophy Prints…Check out

    Posts: 43

    Wow. All great suggestions! I gotta start using that Tiger Tube too. Sounds like a great bait.

    Posts: 43

    The 6500 is the work horse of muskie fihsing. Lasts forever.

    Posts: 43

    I don’t know of anyone who can produce it, but when you get going I’ll be happy to put up a link for you on our site.

    Posts: 43

    Here’s one more oddity about al this. After the act, he was lost in the woods. Then he came across two hunters who had no clue what just happened. They led him out of the woods. I’m thinking that if this guy was out to kill ala Henry,Speck or Gacy the count would have been 7.
    Man, the story gets stranger and stranger on this one.
    By the way..I thought F.I.B was common knowledge up there. Maybe it’s just a North/Central WI thing.
    F.I.B. …F@*%#ng Illinois Bas%#@d . I guess the whole “flatlander” thing kinda got lost when they figured out that people from New Hampshire have been calling New Yorkers that for 200 years.
    We have a saying for WI that retorts the F.I.B. I’ll tell you guys but only if you promise not to get mad. Just keep in mind that I love WI when I tell you.

    Posts: 43

    I dunno. I don’t think Chicago is scary. A place where you get lumped into an negative stereotype just for being of a particular Asian ancestry seems scary to me. But that’s just me.I’m just an F.I.B anyway.
    Just curious…is an F.I.B worse than a Hmong? I just want to know where I stand when I’m up there.
    Don’t you have to be a US citizen to get a hunting license?
    Man..this has got to be the most senseless conversation I’ve ever been involved in on a fishing board.
    Let’s just say a prayer for the families and let the legal system deal with this ONE PARTICULAR Hmong person.
    Have a good day.

    Posts: 43

    Good point.
    I personally don’t hunt but I do advocate it and I work with hunter’s groups. I can see a ban on “assault” weapons passing again REAL quick once the media gets done with this one.
    That sucks. One bad apple seems to be giving Hmong people, assault weapon owners and hunters a bad name all in one day.

    Posts: 43


    this is the 9-11 of hunting all across America.
    rough comparison, but fitting in my mind.

    I’m italian…i know all about the mob I agree with what you say as well


    getting busted for poaching because the written language is difficult.

    The written language has nothing to do with it, like posted above, it’s complete disrespect for America, Americans, it’s laws.

    Oh…Do you mean kinda like the disrepect that the mob has for the America, Americans and it’s laws?????? Do you mean all the senseless murders that our Italian ancestors commited for cash? Or do you mean the thriving drug trade that is also backed by the ITALIAN mafia which operates in MY city? Or perhaps it’s the loan shark trade that we run so well? You know…the one that robs people of their homes and their livelihood??
    See where I’m going with this?
    Being an Italian in Chicago (which is kinda different than being on from LAX…we actually DO have a mob here) I got to hear all kinds of stupid idiotic Al Capone mob B.S. jokes and racial slurs growing up.
    There is NO difference between THAT and what you are presently saying about the Hmong people.
    Trust me, my Italian brother…there’s alot of people out there who think you and I are a couple of scumbags just because we’re Italian. trust me on that one. You’re no better in their eyes than the Hmong people are in your eyes.
    Kinda sucks when you think about it like that, doesn’t it?
    We could go back and forth on this stupid issue of the guy being Hmong.
    Tell you what..let’s change the subject. There’s 3 brothers that live in Tomahawk,WI that are absolutely infamous for poaching. The DNR wont even #%$& with them. Not even when they use neck-down fish traps in the river and shoot bear and deer at will no matter what the season. I’m talking dudes that are 10 times worse than any Hmong deviant. Why don’t we get them. I believe their last name is Shultz.
    Like I said..I guess the 300 mile divide between us makes it as far as Mississippi is from Manhattan.

    Posts: 43

    Slop Bass,
    I hear ya. Like you said…it’s what you personally see up there. I guess I’m out of the loop on this one. All I know is I wont be taking my wife north of Madison for a while.
    We have white gangs. Irish gangs. Jewish gangs. Italian gangs. And lots of white poachers. So I see where you’re coming from. You get angry about what you see the Hmong people doing. I get angry about what I see my white people doing. Your Hmong guy just killed 5 people in a senseless act of violence. Our white Gacy buried 29 in his basement and dumped 4 more in our neighborhoods.
    So I guess it’s all what you’re used to.

    But I’m thinking that if education was attempted, maybe the Hmong people would be grateful. I mean, I’m sure they don’t enjoy getting busted for poaching because the written language is difficult.
    I don’t know…maybe it’s just THAT different where I’m at.

    Tell ya what…I’d hate to be an ethnic minority up there in the near future, it sounds like.
    Either way you slice it though. He had a license. That means he was an American. Just like you and me. Just another American who went nuts. Happens every day…sad to say.
    Our courts will do right.

    Posts: 43

    Um…I believe this IS his country.
    Again…we didn’t send Dahmer back to Germany.
    I’m sure our courts will do what is called for.
    This is a horrible subject but maybe it will have a positive point in educating all of us on racial issues.

    Posts: 43

    I hear you. And I agree for the most part. Except for the part about the Hmong people frequently getting into trouble. I think that’s just what the news decides to tell you/us about.
    I heard about this instance on a 3 second blurb here in chicago. The guy’s racial background never was mentioned. Only that a MN hunter shot 5 WI hunters.
    This tragic incident aside, I think it’s only the Hmong poachers that get press up your way. I mean, I’ve got 12 tags on poachers myself here (Yeah, we hunt them like some people hunt deer…only we shoot them with a cell phone) and not a single one is Hmong or any other ethnic background other than what I am. Maybe it’s just that different up there, but I have to think that just because a guy who’s poaching is Hmong…he’s gonna get a little more talk than a guy named Jones or Smith.
    Has anyone up there tried to talk to the DNR to get the rules and regs published in different languages?

    Posts: 43

    JLD II,
    Do you think it’s a good idea to put a racial comment out there like that when you’re trying to run a business catering to guys on boards like this?
    Just to make my point (because I can’t stand ignorant racist comments), that’s like saying all Germans should have been locked out after Hitler killed a few million people.
    You aren’t German by any chance, are you?
    Sorry to have to voice off on this subject..but could we please stop entering the guy’s race into this. Dahmer was a white guy, right? Shouyld we run all white people out of Wisconsin? C’mon….
    It was a horrible tragedy. Pray for the families and leave it at that. The laws of our country do not recognize race. Neither should you.

    Posts: 43

    Well said slop bass.

    I’ve sounded off on this issue a few times on different boards.

    Down here (Chicago), we don’t havce a problem with a specific race that is poaching. Well, unless you consider white to be a specific race, then I stand corrected. Now that kinda sucks to hear, but it IS the truth. Thereby showing that it isn’t a race issue as Slop Bass pointed out. It’s everyone. I turned in a father and son last week. And like I said..they weren’t Hmong.

    I spend alot of time in Tomahawk,WI. I took my wife with me….ONCE. Ya see, she’s an excellent fisherperson as well. She even runs a pretty successful internet fishing company which a few of you know (hint). But….there’s a problem when we’re up in the northwoods. Let me explain. Ya see, she’s half Thai and half Phillipino. Born and raised here , mind you. But I guess it’s just the “look” that makes people in a place like Tomahawk,WI kinda off limits. I got one “Hmong” remark from one ####### bait shop owner already.

    Racism sucks. It has no place in our sport. It has no place in our world. Every time a different race other than a white guy gets caught doing something in our sport, it’s all over every board in a day like a linch mob. Remember something..There was this real bad guy out there who commited some pretty horrible crimes about 60 years ago. I saw him speak in old films but I couldn’t understand the language. I think it was German.

    Before you freak out, I’m half German and half Italian. So I’ve got Hitler and Mussolini’s history to contend with. I think both of them did just a little more damage than the Hmong people.

    Prosecute every criminal equally. But I don’t see how pointing out that the person is Hmong makes any addition to this story other than throwing in racism.


    Posts: 43

    Nice fish! Congrats!

    Posts: 43

    Yeah. I like that cigar too. From what I understand, that was in the morning. I don’t know the man in the picture, but anyone who smokes cigars in the AM and battles THAT…well, I’m not messin’ with him.
    I thought you guys would get a kick out of that picture. I just think it’s so cool when I see a picture like that, I want to share it with everyone!
    Now if only he had a beer in his hand too……

    Posts: 43

    Just wanted to pass this one along because it’s so cool! When it came off the press this morning all anyone could say was “Holy ####!”

    Posts: 43

    Changed a couple things.

    We’d like to mention that we now have an incentive program for guides, web site owners, shops and resorts. Contact me for details.

    Posts: 43

    I was just wondering, that’s all.
    The ones we deal with here start at $10 an inch for a mount (freshwater) and about double that for saltwater. Replicas fall somewhere in between usually.
    We just want to make cool Life Size Trophy prints that everybody should be able to afford. We don’t want to take business away from taxiderists. I mean, if someone has $600-$1,000 to get a muskie done, then I’d say go with a mount/repro.
    But, when someone wants to stay under a couple hundred dollars and have it back to them in a couple weeks instead of a year+…..that’s where we come in.
    I waited over a year for my mounted muskie on my wall.
    I caught my last muskie on a saturday morning and she was hanging on my wall that friday night.
    But again..if someone has the time and money for a repro… god bless ’em.


    Posts: 43

    Awesome pics!!
    May I use one?

    Posts: 43

    How much do they cost?

    Posts: 43

    Damn glad to be here!!
    Let me tell you…there aren;t a whole heck of alot of sites out there where someone like me can talk about a new fishing business. This one is very, very cool indeed. We were happy to throw a discount out there for you guys only!

    Posts: 43

    Blue Fleck,
    Nice to meet ya! Glad to see a fellow digital guy!
    We don’t laminate. Short answer, the UV ink that the Vutek Pressvu uses don’t need it. It’s about time that happened. For years everything HAD to be laminted, as you know. Now it’s direct and done. To see alot of what I do on a daily basis, you can go to any Home Depot or Lowes and just have a look around at the signage.
    So, the reasons we went with a Vutek is 1) no need to laminte 2)72″ wide capability and 3)rool to roll and flat stock printing capabilities up to 2″ thick.
    Our next purchase will probably be Columbia or an Eagle. We’ve already got an epson that we use for proofs and a couple Autotype thermal units for film making.

    For all you non-printers out there, we now resume regularly scheduled programming.

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