He’ll never be reelected in the socialist state of madison

Posts: 76
I’m positive at one time the rope was required. It is possible it is a great lakes requirement or a requirement for boats over 18′
Wisconsin – I believe requires 100′ rope attached to your throwable.
Here is a great story.
A few years back I was fishing by MYSELF along THE BANK. Two wardens come along to check my license and reg. Everything was in order and my life vest was in the drivers seat and fire ext. was in order. All good, I thought. One of the wardens asks “where is your throwable?” I pulled it out from under my bilge lid where it lies right on top with the required 100′ of rope attached. Warden A asks “why isn’t it out on the deck?” Warden B gives me the eye roll(there are a few left with a brain). I sarcasticly replied “Do you think it is safe for me to have a cushion with 100′ of rope lying on the deck for me to trip over? And then while I’m splashing away WHO THE HELL IS GOING TO THROW IT TO ME, good day! Thought that one earned me a ticket. Warden B then said “Have a nice day” and started the engine.
There is an easy solution to this problem.
Put state run casinos as close as possible to the indian casinos. Increase the returns and you would run them out of business in a month.
Just the threat of competition would get them to rethink their positions.
Was out on 4 4/18. The weather was way too nice. Which for me usually spells trouble.
Could not get fish going in the usual current areas.
Where we did find them was where I would be looking in the middle of may(just pre-spawn).
They were on flats just above channel swings tucked into shallow woody cover. These are the same areas they will be spawning in.
I am not saying they are making beds but
I usually would not be finding them here yet.
All fish on swim jigs. Good luck
I check NOAA but mainly for level changes.
I’ve come to the conclusion (right or wrong) that the flow is a bogus number.
If you watch level, flow is always related, it is never different.
If level @17.1 flow is 17k.
Flow @ 17.2 flow is 20k.
It is a calculation and not related to actual flow.
I’ve have backed this info up on the river with my own observations.
I may be wrong but some days there is definately more current than being reported.
If someone else has the real skinny on the subject please chime in.
Coming off a weeks vacation. Spent four days on pool 4.
Same situation, submergent weed breaking down and matting on surface with increasing amounts of duckweed.
Sunny days good fish on structure under slop. Normally I look for thinner spots in slop but these fish were under the thickest parts and would some how find the bait.
Cloudy days fish in same areas but on edges or scattered in remaining submergent weeds.
One key, look for shad activity in area. If I pulled into likely area and didn’t see shad, by end of week I wouldn’t even fish.
Definite difference in girth of fish now compared to a month ago, they’re putting on the weight.
Oh, the fish are definately feeding ‘up’.
Good luck
Power pro is fine,
Remember to back off the drag a little, and if you have a rod with a softer tip that would be preferable.
Going from Fluoro to pro you will have to slow your reaction time down a pinch or you will be jerking it away from them all day.
I have had the same frustration with many of the fluoro’s and it seems to me you get a good spool then a crummy one.
My guess is age.
I spooled berkley in april no issues. just respooled, with new spool, first time out junk. I don’t get it. But I’have had this problem with 3 different brands.
Sorry, the only way to determine your caloric intake requirements is, monitor calories and weight over time.
NO calculator can provide your info only guesses. Try this to start.
I use fitday.com.
It’s free and has a decent database.
Any calculator will take some work to start just stay with it.
Remember weight loss is all about calories in vs. calories burned.
Instead of looking for the ‘perfect’ program, try this one change.
Get rid of processed foods. Eat foods in their natural state.
Depending on your body type and age. If you are seeing that spare tire start to show up? Alcohol will have to go.
Your body cannot store alcohol so it burns those calories as they enter the body and stores the rest.
So when you follow that t-bone with a couple beers and a cocktail, those fat calories from that steak and the sour cream on that potato go right to the mid-section.
If you are serious about this google ‘burn the fat, feed the muscle’. A bible for common sense weight control.
Good luck
I’ll second Lyman’s.
Knowledgeable and great value. A honest
family business.
I have personally seen it in a lund pro staffer boat about 10 years ago.
The boat wasn’t even a year old.
I wish I could remember the exact wiring snafu.
Yes, fresh or salt doesn’t matter.
Reply back after checking the anodes.
Call Lund they will know what to check.
Most likely corrosion from a bad electrical ground in trolling motor circuit.
Current traveling from troller to closest ground-the boat.
Check the sacrficial anodes on the trolling motor and the outboard.
Timing is everything.
I’ve run into this many times around the spawn. And it means most likely those fish moved onto beds the next day.
I’ve had 30-40 fish days, gone back the next day and can’t hardly buy a bite with fish swimming everywhere. Then the next day those fish will be on beds.
On those dreaded days we went ultra small with our presentations. Very small doll flies and threw them as far as we could. Tough fishing but it caught us a few.
The other solution is to be on the water before the sun comes up if you know the fish are close to moving up. For some weird reason it seems they can’t resist a floating rapala lying motionless. You need to fish the edges of .
known spawning areas. This action will last an hour or two right at sunrise.
Those fish just finished spawning and it will take them a few weeks to get back at it.
For those as mentioned a weightless senko is the trick.
Good luck
Yes those 13″ers are coming back pretty quick.
The reason for the 65lb. is the larger diameter doesn’t cut into the spool like the thinner diameter will.
At least that was the reason from the guy that recommended it to me.
I had no problems with the line cutting into the spool after catching a fish.
I had been fishing 17 lb. trilene fluoro and after every fish I would have make a cast just to clear the spool. the same goes for my c-rig rod. I use 50 lb. fireline and after every fish I have to clear the jamb.
So yes the 65 is definitely overkill and I’m really worried if I get hung up. I’ll have to wrap the line around a cleat and fire up the merc.
But after one trip I will say it handles great.
Oh, I did loosen my drag some.
Bubbles in paint?
How big are they? Are they near snaps or rivets?
If you scrape the paint off is there a chalky powder under the paint?
Or are they very small and near the front? If this is the case they are just stone chips.
Aluminum boats are coated with one coat of etch primer, then paint. Any auto body shop can repair and repaint.
There are a couple of different processes depending how much you want to spend and how long you want it to last.
If you want more info ask.
Lake Michigan and Superior are their own animals.
Regs state you must obtain a license and purchase a ‘great lakes stamp’ to fish the great lakes.
DNR obviously is the place to check, my gut says the kids need a license and a stamp.
And as stated by others. You CANNOT even touch anything fishing related without a license.
$300 to set timing seems high to me.
My guess 1.5 hr. minimum @ $100/hr.
Sounds like they are charging him for the fuel system service.
Not sure about minn. law. In WI the SIGNED repair order tells the story.
Lesson for all, have the service advisor write it down as you say it. Double check that your statements are correct. Then sign the R.O. in the appropriate spot. It is UNLAWFUL for the service representative to check the spot where THEY want you to sign.
As to your buddies situation. If it is NOT noted “do not check fuel system” he left it up to the advisor to inform the tech to not check the fuel system.
Now it is up to the ‘goodwill’ of the dealer not to charge him.
My guess, the dealer principal will be getting involved in this one.
Let us know how this turns out.
On pool 4 my smallmouth numbers are up but size is down.
I did miss the pre-spawn and it seems the fish are just getting into summer routines.
Lack of current is scattering the fish and usual locations aren’t nearly as productive.
Replace the bad one and continue on. I do believe your performance will be based on the weakest battery and the weaker battery will suck some of the life out of the fresher one. But that is a recollection going back many years. I knew a guy that engineered lead/acid betteries and I believe that is where I learned that.
Hate to turn this into a bash optima post, but I had two blue-tops go bad after only two seasons. Same thing wouldn’t hold a charge.
Love the convenience see how long the replacements last.
thanks for buying a real american car. one where the profits stay in this country.
my wife drives a ’06 mustang with the v-6 and gets 30-32 mpg also. and a fun drive as well.
Too bad the us car companies don’t make quality cars that get good mileage.
Happy motoring!!
Can’t wait for pics. Great fish!
I fish alot of tubes in very heavy cover. Here’s my rig.
4″ mega tube or creature bait, 5/0 mustad mega-bite #37177.
The key is to enter the top of the lure traight down the center exit 1/4″ out the side. Then pinch up the lure and go straight through perpendicular through both sides of tube. Then you can skin hook the point. It is very important that the hook point lies flat along side of the tube or creature.
As for weight I use a bullet weight pegged to protect the front of the tube.
Great fishing!!
I vote for more STATIC ads. It drives me crazy having every ad flashing and changing pages.
And at times it also messes with the other programs I have running.
Bought opti bluetops a couple of years ago. Into their second season they bit the dust of course just out of full replacement warranty. They picked up part of the bill.
Called opti to find out why two batteries would go bad so soon and got absolutely no answer. I might as well have asked a dead carp floating down the river.
I seriously thought about going back to wet cells but the opti’s are so nice. No adding water and no corrosion on terminals.
So my advice is unless you are made of money or like to gamble, stick with conventionals.
Sounds like it’s time for a ‘muskellunge kill it n’ grille it’ tournament.