Anyone do one of those 500 watt wind turbines? I’ve seen guys on the airstream forums that swear by them. I’ve always got wind howling when I’m out on the lake. You don’t need much, just to keep it going when the gas runs out in the gen.

Posts: 181
Anyone do one of those 500 watt wind turbines? I’ve seen guys on the airstream forums that swear by them. I’ve always got wind howling when I’m out on the lake. You don’t need much, just to keep it going when the gas runs out in the gen.
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>iTinker wrote:</div>
Between Dr. Haugen and Dr. Munchy, we’ve got some real quality medical advice. If it isn’t peer reviewed and published in real journals, it’s garbage.I have some of that peer review for ya
I see you took your ponytail out of the space horse and found Facebook. Happy for you.
Between Dr. Haugen and Dr. Munchy, we’ve got some real quality medical advice. If it isn’t peer reviewed and published in real journals, it’s garbage.
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>iTinker wrote:</div>
What don’t you get? The more jackwagons ignoring these guidelines, the slower it takes to fully open and get back to normal. You are literally costing small businesses and resorts money by propogating this thing. None are at capacity yet, and many have seen q1/q2 losses of 30% or more.Call a popular resort on a popular lake and try and get a room next weekend. I bet you will have to call more than one.
Clearly you haven’t run a resort. Rooms are only part of revenue. Not to mention, this opening can be reversed at any time, and a simple spike in cases can shut everything back down.
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Dutchboy wrote:</div>
So…………….either people are going back to work or people are ignoring the guidelines to shelter in place.Dutchboy,
Did I miss something or did you?
I thought the ‘shelter in place’ directive was lifted months ago.
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>iTinker wrote:</div>
What don’t you get? The more jackwagons ignoring these guidelines, the slower it takes to fully open and get back to normal. You are literally costing small businesses and resorts money by propogating this thing. None are at capacity yet, and many have seen q1/q2 losses of 30% or more.I can’t figure what message you’re trying to deliver?
What is it we’re propagating?
Many are propogating the spread of this virus using affiliations with my party. I’m over the nihilist view of picking our poison as if everyone’s fate is sealed, and the “keep your head in the sand” emmy award winners. If people keep refusing to distance or wear PPE, this reopening will end up being a temporary one, and many more businesses will get shut back down for good–including resorts. For god sakes, I’m a confirmed catholic, and I see it every Sunday, which makes me angry and conflicted. Hell, I don’t like wearing a life jacket on the boat but I do it, man up, mask up.
What don’t you get? The more jackwagons ignoring these guidelines, the slower it takes to fully open and get back to normal. You are literally costing small businesses and resorts money by propogating this thing. None are at capacity yet, and many have seen q1/q2 losses of 30% or more.
Leading epidemiologists have formed a consensus that fall will bring a second wave of cases coinciding with flu season. This could seriously harm businesses if they pull the same crap ignoring ppe and refusing to abide by protections (distancing) set forth by trained experts with the first wave. We already have shutdowns with the VA and local clinics slowing down on elective surgeries in the midwest. We can’t pull the same crap this fall or many resorts and businesses will go under. I’m sick of hearing about handouts and watching friends who pulled themselves up on their own to build their businesses get hammered with shutdowns because we were too stupid to listen to science. We’re open, but nowhere near where we used to be. Don’t kid yourself.
HD underwater cameras are good in some super clear lakes, but having the versatility my 5.0 Revolution Pro has is unparalleled.
In any lake, infrared can be problematic if you have anything suspended in the water. It’s much like putting your brights on in a downpour. Even buddies who put suspended lights on their cameras saw the same particles suspended in the water blocking the view.
My camera has a magnetic mounted USB charger and has an internally upgradeable DVR with an SD card, and I never see feedback when plugged into the icehouse TV–charging or otherwise.
It’s either a marcum thing, or an unshielded wire thing.
I’m a republican, and if you want the resorts open, quit being selfish, put on a mask, or stay at home. Small businesses like resorts are getting hammered by anti-science morons. Quit being an embarrassment, man up, and put a mask on so we can reopen.
The plus units are both touch and button. I snagged a hell of a deal from glens in Grand Rapids on a new 73cv plus ice bundle for 450. Livescope next!!!
Not many people know this, but even the PS21 will do downward view, you just have to adjust the display. Otherwise, you’ll drop $500 for the PS22
If you’re cheap and want one that does the job on ice, is easily ram ball mountable, and can go on a boat in the summer, get a lowrance hook 4. If you want something upgradeable, get a Garmin echomap. I don’t use trash Navionics maps, but it easily upgrades to panoptix (which is 100% worth the hype) when you’re ready.
Spring for the Echomap SV model over the CV so you get side imaging for summer too. The maps suck, but worth it for livescope and panoptix. No big deal on the maps if you have the fishsmart app.
1. Side shelves for my Eskimo with quick discs on the ends.
2. Sierra thermal replacement tent (upgraded from nonthermal) and runners
3. Garmin Echomap 7cv with ps22
4. Aqua-Vu revolution 5.0 (sight fishing)
5. Flambeau hard sided rod case
6. Baffin impact boots
Until last weekend I didn’t think much of them. I didn’t think they could tell me anything my Bullwhip couldn’t. Well apparently I’d never tried one in a bite as light as I was on. I have the St Croix Legend M/H with their spring bobber. While clearly right on top of a pile of crappies and sunnies my action even on my Bullwhip was sparse. I grabbed the St. Croix just because it was another rod I could tie up to have a different jig on DESPITE the fact it had the spring bobber on it because I really didn’t care for it. Immediately I was hauling fish up. As one poster said earlier it was primarily the up bites I was detecting that increased my hookups.
On my St. Croix rig it’s the spring bobber setup I love. The combo with the M/H rod it’s on, not a fan of. I’ll be searching out a different rod to but a different spring bobber on. That 24” broom handle is way to stiff. When I set the hook there is no give on the rod with panfish, I’d prefer to be able to keep them pinned with a noodle. Any shallower and I’d have been jerking them out of the whole. I don’t understand St. Croix’s thinking putting that spring bobber on that rod, you could not effectively fish even a light walleye jig on it. MAYBE a bare hook with a fathead and a small split shot for super light bites.
They make the ice legend from a all the way down to an ultra light. A m/h (didn’t know they made that) rod would absolutely feel like a broomstick trying to catch panfish. You took a bazooka to a gun fight, but that really shows how good the ice legend line is.
Otter XTH Resort because it will reasonably fit everyone without it feeling tight inside, while not killing your wallet. Solid thermal with great storage and features.
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>3rdtryguy wrote:</div>
?What I think iTinker was referring to is that the lite flight has plastic flights and they can take a beating. Possibly the plastic wheel fenders could also take a beating…
Exactly. Same goes for an Otter sled. It’s all about how much a manufacturer cares about quality. I like the idea of getting a lighter house out earlier and having that edge on a spot vs Joe Schmoe who has a heavier ice castle.
pry the cheapest made house on the market, asking for top dollar. and with plastic wheel fenders…yeah that’ll hold up smh
A lot of guys like their lite flite bits, and they can take a pounding.
Like the idea of no wood inside. wash down and clean it up with no worries! best idea ever. Should be able to break up some of the white if you don’t like it. Black would be great!!
Good surface for printed vinyl. Might fix the doctor’s office look.
I have no problem using my Lakemaster Chip still…. actually probably prefer it. I just don’t know if I can purchase a new Lowrance similar to that and if my old chip will still work in it??
If those were my choices, I’d take the lakemaster for mapping too! If I remember right, Lowrances will work with chips up to v4, but many models from 2007 and newer will need a micro to standard sd adapter cable.
Matt that is the set up I want. I am currently using my old H2O but it’s on her last legs and I wouldn’t mind a bigger screen anyway.
What map software do you use with that Lowrance GPS? And can it still be purchased or is it obsolete now?
Cmap Genesis is a pretty accurate, free option and it’s easy to drop on a chip.
I’d be more than okay with a simple touch screen gps map built into the face.
Have seen on quite a few ice fishing forums people talking about the barrel in the hinges popping out. Not sure if it is freezing or if the repetitive bouncing over the ice is causing failure. They are not designed for that after all. However, It won’t be long until one of the big ice hitters puts something out as a designated product. Genius.
If you get hinges rated high enough, it’s not an issue–typical Amazon deal. Just don’t try to pull it behind a snowmobile thinking it’ll take the pounding.
Saw this idea brought up in the lightweight 2-man thread.
This is kick ass!! Might have to put a set on my one man. They use coffee table hinges. Absolutely brilliant
<div class=”ido-oembed-wrap”><iframe title=”Pop Up skis for ice hut/shanty smitty sled” src=”” allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen=”” width=”850″ height=”638″ frameborder=”0″></iframe></div>
They are pretty awesome, just make sure of a few things.
1. Get 4 and make sure they’re rated to at least 200lbs a pair.
2. Get the spring version, and not the gas cylinder version. Gas cylinders freeze up.
3. Bend the spring ends so they don’t unhook.
Tight lines guys!