I would like begin by saying I love the new format. I have read some good ideas that would provide some additional variety-the two boat dual sounded great. I think it gives us weekend warriors the different mind sets used in setting up a plan for attacking a lake with real-time factors involved.
I also liked the idea of smaller water adventures. I agree-many of us who tune in may not be in in the situation to experience big water as often. so to be able to maximize every experience.
I try to involve the kids as often as possible and it can be a challenge to keep their attention. Just as many in this situation, time is crucial and I try to choose the most ideal spots in a small window, but success is not always the result. Therefore, I have incorporated many of the tips, tricks and tactics from tuning in for the past 10 years and have noticed that I am becoming a better angler and I have begun to think outside the box. Tuning in weekly has improved every experience, so please keep up the great work!