I’m pretty sure that deer is looking at me…it’s like the Mona Lisa of whitetails…removing its collar definitely makes the pic look legit though
September 21, 2010 at 1:32 pm
I’m pretty sure that deer is looking at me…it’s like the Mona Lisa of whitetails…removing its collar definitely makes the pic look legit though
Inver Grove Heights has plenty of deer but you will need to find a spot with 10 acres or more as per city code. Hastings has a ton public land with plenty of deer around. A drive down Highway 3 South (Robert Street) Will yield plenty of opportunities if your willing to knock on a few doors. Good luck
I’m not sure why some people are against this. I am sure everyone here uses fiber optic pins on their bows? Unless you would like to revert to the old metal pins with paint on them this should be no big deal. It is a primitive weapon like a bow but it does evolve and change, just like a bow
The best thing you can do, and I believe this was stated before, is to put the policy in writing. You would basically draw up a Charter, an agreement between the members stating the rules and regulations, clearly defined and leaving little to the imagination. A seniority system would work because the two brothers have already claimed stakes due to their “seniority”. Out of the other 6, who joined or was accepted first? They would get the next pick as far as locations. If there is a tie in seniority revert to age as a tie breaker or draw cards. If it is known that one person is not going to be hunting a specific day that stand should be open to the next highest seniority position that wants it and so on and so forth. It should not move up in seniority for the open stand, but down. If #4 isn’t hunting the stand should be open to #5 on the list, not #3. You could also draw cards for the season to determine seniority if it would make things more fair for everyone. Redraw at the end of the season to determine next years seniority, almost like a fantasy football draft. Just my two cents. Good luck and congrats on the new lease
The only thing worse than getting into a hunting lease with friends or relatives is getting into one with strangers. I think there is a big chance here for something to go horribly awry. While it is a sizable area, how much of it is huntable? Just how many “spots” do the crown princes have 2,3,4? This just seems fishy to me, I hunt 160 acres private land with 2 other people during bow season. We all have our “spots” but if one isn’t going to be there the others can hunt it. We don’t even pay to hunt there but it’s a group thing. I would be very weary of this situation. It’s easy to place a stand 40 yards away from another guys stand and you don’t even know it’s there. Especially early season on a new piece of property. Not to rain on your parade, but you don’t even know these guys. There are plenty of people I know that I wouldn’t step foot into the woods with carrying a dull knife for various reasons. Good Luck, hope it works out
I went $50-$150… a half dozen arrows and at least 3 new broadheads are a given every year…. now when it’s time to upgrade the bow….
For your daughter check out the Fuse Freestyle – we got our son one for Christmas and he absolutely loves it. It is very adjustable and looks just like daddy’s bow. I believe I paid around $140 for it and I also bought a Tru-Fire Patriot Jr. release and set him up with some of my older carbon arrows and bolted on a whisker biscuit. The bow shoots great, and they make a pink camo pattern for the little ladies
For the 1000th time, the HR 45 bill is DEAD, D-E-A-D in committee.
And for the record it was not submitted by the Obama people!
This thing has more legs than Elvis sightings!
Easy now cougareye, the man just wanted a little info no need to get huffy
I have seen this before and am not sure of its authenticity. I have not read anything in my American Rifleman regarding this bill, and one would think the NRA would be screaming about this if it were true. I am not saying with any amount of certainty that this is untrue, only to take it with a grain of salt. This bill may very well have been brought to the floor and killed without debate or died in commitee. There are thousands of bills proposed and voted on every year that you and I wouldn’t know about unless of course you have a nearly unlimited amount of time to watch c-span every day. Besides, to get this to go through they would have to convince or bribe quite a few blue-dogs from states like Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma and the like and anyone of them with a head on their shoulders would know to vote yes on something like this would be political suicide. Though it may be politically expediant within the party ranks and amongst the leadership to vote this through it would not translate into a suitable platform for re-election.
Just my two cents
I hope to get my first turkey this year, had a nice tom at 30 yds and blew the shot two years ago. Also had a couple of jakes within 15 yds last year on the first day but like an idiot I held off. Bad move. Saw lots of turkeys on the bluffs in Red Wing this year so hopefully my son and I can connect. 2 turkeys and no more store bought junk for this year
Nice work, wifey said she would try turkey hunting but said no to deer hunting. She thinks deer are too cute
I’ll rig his wheeler so it won’t start tomorrow when we are out in the middle of Mille Lacs. He’s price to leave will be letting me hunt!!
That is quite the brilliant plan you’ve got there Just for the icing on the cake though, if you would do me the smallest of favors of hooking his ice scoop to his line at an opportune moment and lower it back down. Steve really appreciates jokes like this and it will add to the overall enjoyment of the trip
Oh, and by the way, this conversation never happened
If your looking for a place to hunt spd800 has some acreage that he never hunts He’s pretty tight lipped about it because evidentally he uses it as a wildlife sanctuary
He has been known to build himself a nest of twigs and vines and just watch all the pretty birdies
Bummer……have you shot your bow to see if something moved on your sights?
Or are you “out of ammo.”
Not yet, I was going to go tonight but I have dinner plans
Another bit of advice is to never “test” your dog. Some people will be apt to go through all of the retiever training and then test the dog to see if he is gun shy. This is a horrible way to do things. We tend to train to a dogs instincts, which seldom need much training i.e. retrieving, because it’s easy. You should’t have to train much to get a lab to retrieve something, it’s in his genes already. He see’s something falling or moving away from him and his brain tells him to go get it. Being afraid of loud noises however is not in his gene pool and thus must be conditioned. The amount of conditioning needed varies wildly from dog to dog even in the same litter.
Go at your dogs pace, not your own. This assures that you will never be “testing” his ability to handle the shot. Instead you will be conditioning him to handle the shot. There is a very big difference there.
I would also suggest to you and anyone training a lab to get a copy of “Retriever Training” by Robert Milner. This is an excellent book and will help immensely in your training
Went out tonight and saw 12 does all about 200 yards down the bean field. They came out for a snack for about 10 minutes and went right back in. The field did not show much sign of fresh use today so I’m hoping they will be out of their holes tommorow. The walk up the bluff was horrible with a 1/4″ of crusted snow on top and 12″ of powder beneath it. Noise will definetely be an issue getting in tommorow for the last ditch effort before I grill my tag again this year.
Draw Length: 14″-24″ in 1/2″ increments
Draw Weight: 10-25 lbs
It seems he wanted to shoot instinctively and not bother with those “pesky” sights That works fine at the outdoor range with the bales but in the basement with a compound we are going to have to use them
Well, after about a dozen holes in the wall we finally have the aiming thing down. He’s all smiles!
Very cool!
What kind of bow is he shooting?
It’s a Fuse Freestyle with a Tru-Fire Patriot Jr. release
Your dog needs to associate gunfire and loud noises in general with something good. Start out with making a loud noise over his head while he’s eating. Not too loud but enough to make him notice. Do this every time you feed him from now on and very slowly make it louder. This way he associates a loud noise with something good, food. Next is getting him to be so in the moment while retrieving he will not even notice the gunfire. Start while he is on his retrieve making a bee-line for the dummy or bird and work him into shot-then-retrieve mode. If he is anything like my dog he will want to run a half mile in any direction at the sound of gunfire because he knows he gets to retrieve something. Your are training the dog to a conditioned response. Pavlov’s experiments were just along this principle, conditioning a response triggered by specific circumstance
Not to highjack your post but last week the 4 wheel drive went out on my 2006 F-150. I turn the selector switch and nothing happens. I called the dealer and was told that since it has 46,000 miles on it I no longer have a warranty Are you kidding me? This is a 3 year old truck and your telling me that if it completely falls apart tommorow it is my problem!
I could not be more irritated with this. The service guy told me I would have to bring it in and a diagnostic run on the 4 wheel drive for $100 and then they could tell me whats wrong. They suspect actuator, solenoid, vaccuum…blah,blah,blah. Whatever happened to lock hubs and manual engaged 4 wheel drive? I have owned five 4 wheel drive trucks – 3 with with manual engage, and 2 with push button/switch select engage. I never had a problem with my manual engage trucks however I have had nothing but problems with automatic 4 wheel drive systems i.e. won’t engage or disengage. I had a Toyota that the odometer quit working at 265,000 miles 3 years before I got it and never had a problem with it. 3 year old trucks should not be having this issue. I think I can fix this myself, but shouldn’t have to
.45, .45, .45 – Personal defense demands it, and since Sconny is one of the only states left without concealed carry a full sized model is best to deal with recoil. Pick up a 1911 model and you will not be disappointed. Springfield, Taurus, Kel-Tec, and Sig Sauer all make a .45 caliber 1911 in a very affordable price range