I was wondering the same ?, so I contacted humminbird and this is what I got. “The 1198 is a high definition unit, and there is no units higher.” So this should mean all 1198c units are HD.
September 15, 2011 at 3:41 pm
I was wondering the same ?, so I contacted humminbird and this is what I got. “The 1198 is a high definition unit, and there is no units higher.” So this should mean all 1198c units are HD.
Its starting to look fishy up there Brain. Let me know when you want to go out, maybe a elwood trip. HOOK ME UP DUDE
Sorry it didn’t have a white tip ben . One of these days you’ll have to show me how to catch those one’s with teeth
I caught this bass in one of my farm ponds, Which is most likly the first place I ever fished as a child. It’s great to think that a guy can still catch fish their 25 years later.
It’s sad to see those fish big fish at the baitshops and not back into the water . I was talking about this the other day with a friend & was woundering how many non tournament fishermen seek those fish after a big tourney like that. It would be interesting to know how many boats are out there doing what the winners did in that tourney.
Just my two cents.
1st 19.6 7fish
2nd 18.5 10fish
3rd 18.1 8fish
4th 17.4 7fish
The first and second place team jigged live bait. The third and fouth place team trolled cranks.
I myself finished third and I can say that the bite was not consistant either day you would hit a hot school for an hour and it would be gone. If you found another good school consider yourself lucky.
Thanks guys!!
So here’s the scoop. We pre fished two days with very mixed results. We like almost everybody found fish in 15-30FOW on the west end of the lake. During this time we caught more 18-23″ fish using live bait from 7-9am. Then it turned off to smaller 14-17″ fish. From then on it seemed cranks (Flicker Shads & Shad Raps) were the way to go. We tried every color but had are best luck on natural colors.
Tournament day we set out to live baiting early then switched over to trolling cranks. The live bait caught us some fish but not the ones we were looking for. We started trolling around 9:30 in 25-30 FOW & on our first pass we picked up an 18″ fish and lost one. So we turned around and took the same line in and pick up an 18-1/2 a short and a 24″ slot fish. Next pass an 18-1/2; then knowing one more over 18” mark would have us sitting really good a grueling 2hours later a 19-1/2″ gift from god. The next 3hours were spent looking for a hog we couldn’t find.
I’ll I can say is it was just our day the 3rd place team was fishing right next to us and finished .04lb behind us. Now that’s close!!!
I would like to mention that 90% of the flickers at scheel’s are #5’s; But there is a huge selection of them. (That was a week ago)
If you shut off your well and drain all the water out the system your tank should read 2psi lower than the cut in psi on the switch. If you have a 40/60 (psi is written underneath the switch lid) switch 38psi should be right. If your tank pressure is right the only thing i can think of is you have a hole in your pump or pipe under a check valve. does it take a long time to pressure up? Pumping any air?
Tom and you and your family will be in my prayers. I’m sorry to hear of your loss.
Sorry to here about the bad luck Chad. Sometimes if it wern’t for bad luck we wouldn’t have luck at all . Hope the fishing is making up for it. Can’t wait to see the report.
Last Year We fished sutherland the first week of march; the water temp. was 46 and the fishing was good. I know that weekend wasn’t the first day they fishing was good. The lake from what I have heard has been open for awhile. Im going to hold out for a couple of weeks. Hope this helps.
Here is may 2 cents: I think adding scopes is a great way to get more people out in the woods in december, more hunters, can only help the deer move a little more.
As for the deer heard in nebraska; the population is high and the mature buck ratio does not seem above average ; but we can not point a finger to any season but as to the ethics of hunters. If you hunt for meat please take a doe or two or three; rather than shooting one basket rack (or a two to three year old buck for that matter) because you get twenty more pounds of meat off of him.
If we all did this the taxidermists would be very busy, no matter what we shoot’em with.
Sounds like it wasn’t a bad deal for my partner to split on me.
Brain are you going to be doing any slabbing around home?
200,000 arce feet a year to kansas, last I heard they still need 40,000 arce feet. But the water dosn’t need to come out of harlen alone. It just needs to rain.
Wipers on the dam at first light till about 11, and then 7 till dark. When they quit hitting the surface or before they start, a good tip would be pretend your trying to troll for spawing walleyes deep into the rocks.
Zack that point your talking about is holding walleyes I picked some up trolling over it.
Frinders fee?
Zack you talked me into going back, so I took a day off of work and a friend came down from Omaha. We fished last night and this morning. They are hitting the surface it was fantastic!!!
I talked to my boss recently on this matter and if he is not mistaken our quota is huge. Almost the entire lake of harlan right now. 200,000 acre feet. I believe this is planned to be drawn out over a few years. While Colorado also has to release a drawn out amount of water to us. What impact will this have on are lakes I don’t know, but the lakes out west should be doing good while we try to maintain harlans water levels. If you have any questions I would be happy to look for the answers.
If I am wrong please let me know.
I made it down there the day after the storm. The water was calm and the fishing was slow. Very slow; I fished for 10 hours to boat one 17″ walleye and one 10lb wiper in the last hour I was there. Nobody seemed to be catching much, they said the night before was great. Im definetly going back soon! When are you going down?
Sherm their was two others boats night fishing near me, one boat was to busy partying to catch a fish! The other boat landed a couple of cats too.
During the day their was quit a few boats on the lake, but only 10 of them might of been fishing. A few guys I talked to caught some white bass trolling too; but the bass were small.