I was the Quartermaster for a Boy Scout Troop that camped in all weather. -16° F to 110° F, we do it all. Everything we have is propane. BSA frowns heavily upon the white gas anymore except for backpacking. Even there we went with butane, not white gas. However, we demo both to the Scouts so they know what to do if they have to use white gas outside of a Scouting event. We don’t use any of that Girl Scout water either. 
For my personal gear I have both white gas and propane. I’m phasing out my white gas gear. It’s just too much work and the danger of spilling white gas high. For backpacking I’ll be using the butane canisters.
I have one of the old Coleman white gas pump stoves. It was my Grandfathers. I haven’t used it in years. I keep it for the nostalgia and just in case.