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Posts: 15
Scratcher, sorry to hear about treatment from the locals. I bowhunted KS 5x in the last ten years. We were fortunate to hunt mostly private ground. Some of the landowners just wanted deer shot for destroying crops. We even had to shoot does before being allowed to kill a buck. We did encounter some locals who didn’t like non-res hunters. I heard about hunters having stands removed or damaged on private land where they had permission. KS had big deer but with land being leased up and outfitters popping up all over it’s all changed. I may get slammed for saying this but it’s like Iowa where the locals know they have probably the best deer hunting anywhere and want to limit non-res access. No offense to IA landowners.
I am 55 and I started getting tested when I was 38, as every male in my family has gotten prostate cancer. Just a matter of time for me, so trying to watch for it the best I can.
Used to get the blood test and exam every year, but now with a new doctor as my old doctor retired and the new guy says the exam is not a good indicator. Well if the blood test is not a great indicator and neither is the exam, what are we left with is my question ….
My suggestion is find a different doctor. My old doctor wasn’t running PSA and didn’t perform the DRE exam every year. Got a new doctor in 2021 and he noticed abnormality right away during exam. He ordered a PSA test and mine was high. Biopsy confirmed cancer. The exam isn’t really comfortable for the patient and some doctors would probably rather skip it as my old doctor did. My cancer could have been caught earlier with regular screening.
EPG, hope you get it under control.
I’m 67 and was diagnosed with Prostate cancer in January of 2021. My first PSA test was 35.8. A biopsy revealed stage 4 prostate cancer which had already escaped the prostate and was in surrounding tissues. I had the robotic prostatectomy in April of 21. PSA test after surgery still showed cancer was present. After 36 radiation treatments my PSA was dropping close to 0. Now 6 months later it’s on the rise again. Going back in for another scan and likely more treatments. It’s not always a death sentence as there are many treatment options available. I too appreciate each day more than ever. I encourage any man over 50 to get a PSA test yearly.
Ice fishing season is long gone for this past season. If anyone is still looking for one of these ice transducers (xi 9 1521 chirp) I just saw Johnson Outdoors now shows these transducers in stock for $104.99 plus shipping. I placed an order and did receive a confirmation
Thanks John. I really like the layout of this boat. There’s a few minor issues that I have to bring it back for that should have been caught before delivery. One LED strip doesn’t work along with a few other items.
The bow rock guard seems really well designed. Fairly heavy duty and is on/off in 5 minutes. The Bow rock guard have snaps that attach inside the outer track. They do not interfere with the factory travel cover. The travel cover can be put inside the track and then the bow rock guard brought up to the snaps.
I was touching up to many rock chips that I thought the rock guard would be a good value.
Brad, thanks for the info. Was the rock guard made by Lund or was it custom made? This is the first solution I’ve seen for a bow guard that fits on the boat and works with the travel cover. I know there are many trailer addons on for rock protection, but I really like this version.
Boat delivered!
Congrats, nice boat! I have a 2016 Impact sport 1775. I am really interested on how your bow travel cover is attached along with the Lund travel cover. Is that a new option that Lund offers? Does it attach in the outer track the same as the travel cover or does it require adding snaps to hold it on? Would like to have that on mine as extra protection from rocks.
Spotted these from a distance and I was pretty sure it was a matched set. After I laid them side by side I realized they were from two different deer. The left side antler scores right at 70″. The following day I picked up another 5 point side in a waterway about 400 yards from where the others were found. Once I got it home I realized it was the match to the right side form the day before. Last picture is the matched set.
Pictures ended up out of order. The table shot is the matched set.
I do have one new in the box. Located NE South Dakota. Would have a Helix 5 just the head unit if interested as well?
I only need the xi 9 1521 transducer if that’s what you have. Shoot me a price and shipping to 55939.
I normally don’t go out with deep snow and bright sunny skies but went anyway. Managed to find 2. Luckily they were both pointing to the sky
Fleet Farm sells a product called Tear Aid. I used it to repair a mouse chew hole on one of my hub blinds.