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  • grouse
    Posts: 64

    Fever, lethargy, sudden arthritis symptoms, vomiting, general nausea, dog not being itself. Do a google search on canine Lymes disease, you will find a ton of information. After about 22 hours on the Doxycycline, my lab has already showed much improvement.

    Posts: 64

    Grouse hunted the Finlayson area around the cabin several weekends ago with my lab. I found several ticks but nothing unusual. Had treated the dog with Protocal, along with the Lyme vaccination. While up at the cabin this past weekend, my lab woke up Sunday morning very lethargic and having a significant limp in the front right leg. She was acting very strange for a 2 year old pup. Long story short, she was diagnosed with Anaplasmosis (Dog Fever). This is a tick born illness that causes lethargy, joint pain and high fever. My lab had a 105.5 degree temp on Sunday evening, when normal is approx 101. I hope she returns to normal before the South Dakota pheasant opener. Hopefully the doxycyline will do its job.

    Posts: 64

    I also read Clancy’s article at the cabin this past Friday afternoon, I didn’t believe it. I went and busted the brush and quickly found out that it was true. I think Clancy is on the right track regarding a poor hatch this spring due to the weather. So disappointing though, seeing as we grouse hunters wait so long for the “good years”.

    Posts: 64

    I also read Clancy’s article at the cabin this past Friday afternoon, I didn’t believe it. I went and busted the brush and quickly found out that it was true. I think Clancy is on the right track regarding a poor hatch this spring due to the weather. So disappointing though, seeing as we grouse hunters wait so long for the “good years”.

    Posts: 64

    I am in the market for a new bow after 10 years so I went to A1 archery to shoot many different brands. Matthews, Parker, Fred Bear, Hoyt, Ross and last but definitely not least…MISSION BOWS. Mission is made by Matthews. The bows were smooth and really fast, and affordable. The bow really impressed me. Take a look….mission

    Posts: 64

    I am in the market for a new bow after 10 years so I went to A1 archery to shoot many different brands. Matthews, Parker, Fred Bear, Hoyt, Ross and last but definitely not least…MISSION BOWS. Mission is made by Matthews. The bows were smooth and really fast, and affordable. The bow really impressed me. Take a look….mission

    Posts: 64

    I have not been out in a few weeks, but I will offer this information. I found out a few years ago, while hunting my normal coverts that always produce birds, that these normal spots do not hold birds when the weather turns (most likely caused by cold and snow). I hunt the Finlayson area near my cabin, which in the good years is fantastic. I found a planting of pine trees several years ago during a late hunt, all I can say is unbelievable. I don’t know how the grouse find this specific piece of cover every year, but every single year it produces. Think about it, the woods get pretty thin during the winter…the grouse need some cover and protection from the elements. I have confidence if I went up there tomorrow, that there would indeed be birds there. I think we grouse hunters get so attuned to the same old coverts week after week, mainly because they have produced in the past and they hold a special place in our minds that we return to every year.

    Posts: 64

    I have not been out in a few weeks, but I will offer this information. I found out a few years ago, while hunting my normal coverts that always produce birds, that these normal spots do not hold birds when the weather turns (most likely caused by cold and snow). I hunt the Finlayson area near my cabin, which in the good years is fantastic. I found a planting of pine trees several years ago during a late hunt, all I can say is unbelievable. I don’t know how the grouse find this specific piece of cover every year, but every single year it produces. Think about it, the woods get pretty thin during the winter…the grouse need some cover and protection from the elements. I have confidence if I went up there tomorrow, that there would indeed be birds there. I think we grouse hunters get so attuned to the same old coverts week after week, mainly because they have produced in the past and they hold a special place in our minds that we return to every year.

    Posts: 64

    I, along with my 5 month old lab, brush-busted public land in the Finlayson area again and found birds to be plentiful. In 2 1/2 hours of walking we had 14 flushes, with 5 birds bagged. We had 3 birds flushed all together on two occasions. When we found gray osier dogwood berries we found birds. No woodcock, which is rare for the wet areas we hunted. It helped to have an inexperienced, close ranging dog, because I could walk up on the birds without them being flushed out of range.

    Posts: 64

    I, along with my 5 month old lab, brush-busted public land in the Finlayson area again and found birds to be plentiful. In 2 1/2 hours of walking we had 14 flushes, with 5 birds bagged. We had 3 birds flushed all together on two occasions. When we found gray osier dogwood berries we found birds. No woodcock, which is rare for the wet areas we hunted. It helped to have an inexperienced, close ranging dog, because I could walk up on the birds without them being flushed out of range.

    Posts: 64

    Suzuki…you were killin me by having to wait for your post on your results from this past weekend. Did you have many flushes? Elaborate a little, cover type…..

    Posts: 64

    Suzuki…you were killin me by having to wait for your post on your results from this past weekend. Did you have many flushes? Elaborate a little, cover type…..

    Posts: 64

    Your Wisconsin buddies should be filling you in on grouse hunting spots over there, the Park Falls area is grouse heaven. Solo grouse hunting with a dog is very enjoyable. Party grouse hunting with more than two guys is a complete cluster, and unsafe in some circumstances. Grouse guru’s are difficult to come by, and good ones are even more rare. I was up in Ely this past week and saw only one ruffed grouse that could have been shot by my four year old. The grouse flew across the road and squatted down, where I flushed it once (flew 10 ft), and then it chose to run for the remainder of the walk. Suzuki, send me a pm.

    Posts: 64

    Your Wisconsin buddies should be filling you in on grouse hunting spots over there, the Park Falls area is grouse heaven. Solo grouse hunting with a dog is very enjoyable. Party grouse hunting with more than two guys is a complete cluster, and unsafe in some circumstances. Grouse guru’s are difficult to come by, and good ones are even more rare. I was up in Ely this past week and saw only one ruffed grouse that could have been shot by my four year old. The grouse flew across the road and squatted down, where I flushed it once (flew 10 ft), and then it chose to run for the remainder of the walk. Suzuki, send me a pm.

    Posts: 64

    I was in the Sportsmans Warehouse in Woodbury last week, and I was pleasantly surprised by the products and prices that were available. I seemed to be in a rut by returning to Gander Mountain time after time to get stuff, but no more, Sportsmans Warehouse has won me over as a customer.

    Posts: 64

    South Dakota pheasant trips are just “fillers” in between the poor grouse productions years.

    Posts: 64

    South Dakota pheasant trips are just “fillers” in between the poor grouse productions years.

    Posts: 64


    My four year old son and I will be on our way up to Square to fish trout tomorrow afternoon (catch and release only)? Have you heard anything going up there?

    Posts: 64

    It sure will be nice to see the grouse numbers on the up-swing again. We dedicated grouse hunters sure fall on some flatulant years, leaving us thinking of the “great” years that so often get overlooked. Hopefully the 40+ flush days are ahead of us.

    Posts: 64

    It sure will be nice to see the grouse numbers on the up-swing again. We dedicated grouse hunters sure fall on some flatulant years, leaving us thinking of the “great” years that so often get overlooked. Hopefully the 40+ flush days are ahead of us.

    Posts: 64

    Great post to drum up some business, as I see you are one of their guides.

    Posts: 64

    Great post to drum up some business, as I see you are one of their guides.

    Posts: 64

    This past thursday morning I set off to sit in my stand east of Prescott Wi. I was on stand well before morning light, and I sat for a half hour after shooting time not seeing anything. I decided to get the Quaker Boy Bleat-N-Heat can out of my pocket and give it a try. I turned the can over 5 times, and less than a minute later…here he comes. I hear the movement first in the rustling leaves to my right, the nine pointer then comes into view while ducking under a downed log. He comes down the trail right to left, and offers a 19 yard broadside shot. He did not stand a chance, fresh venison. I found it amazing how this deer reacted to the call, I have never experienced this before. Does anyone else have any success stories while using their “can” call?

    Posts: 64

    This past thursday morning I set off to sit in my stand east of Prescott Wi. I was on stand well before morning light, and I sat for a half hour after shooting time not seeing anything. I decided to get the Quaker Boy Bleat-N-Heat can out of my pocket and give it a try. I turned the can over 5 times, and less than a minute later…here he comes. I hear the movement first in the rustling leaves to my right, the nine pointer then comes into view while ducking under a downed log. He comes down the trail right to left, and offers a 19 yard broadside shot. He did not stand a chance, fresh venison. I found it amazing how this deer reacted to the call, I have never experienced this before. Does anyone else have any success stories while using their “can” call?

    Posts: 64

    There are thousands of acres of public hunting land in that area. When the grouse numbers are up, the area is typically loaded with birds. Even the most marginal cover holds birds when the numbers are up. Go hunt, but don’t be discouraged when the hunting is not real good.

    Posts: 64

    There are thousands of acres of public hunting land in that area. When the grouse numbers are up, the area is typically loaded with birds. Even the most marginal cover holds birds when the numbers are up. Go hunt, but don’t be discouraged when the hunting is not real good.

    Posts: 64

    The “Graveyard” is what they call that area. The “Graveyard” chews up lower units and spits them out. Be very careful down there. Two very experienced river rat duck hunters died down there several seasons ago. Good waterfowl hunting, but dangerous.

    Posts: 64

    I also care about the future of ducks and duck hunting. Maybe we Minnesotans will be setting an example in lowering bag limits. Maybe southerners will also wake up and find out that shooting a limit of ducks day in and day out is not that important in making a hunt fun. Just remember that duck hunting is federally regulated, the feds have to step in and take a stand.

    Posts: 64

    I also care about the future of ducks and duck hunting. Maybe we Minnesotans will be setting an example in lowering bag limits. Maybe southerners will also wake up and find out that shooting a limit of ducks day in and day out is not that important in making a hunt fun. Just remember that duck hunting is federally regulated, the feds have to step in and take a stand.

    Posts: 64

    Well there are two options then…move south to hunt ducks or go to Canada. Stop whining, we have enough whiners in the world.

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