All the fish that I have caught this year have been huge and beautiful! The other night we had a double, I had a 27 inch fish that was a beauty and my buddy had a 25 1/2 inch fish that looked gigantic! When we measurd the fish I could not believe that his fish was samller. The thing was a monster, literally! Then I looked at the measuring device and realized that it is aonly a 1 1/12 inch differenc and really that is nothing. All these fish are big and nice.
I read Fellegy’s post and was not sure what his point was. He started out touting about how these fish we are catching now in large numbers were not common back in the day
so as I read that is what I thought he was saying and then he flipped and said that the fish we are catching today are the smallest walleyes around for their length. So we are doing good in inches but bad in weight.
Oh well, The fishing has been incredcible. I have been fishing that lake since the ealry 80’s and this is the best I have seen excpet for a few years. If I could pick any year to bring my kids up to the lake this would be the year! In 45 minutes the other night we landed 8 fish over 22 inches! On other years we would still land 8 fish or maybe even more but they would be under 20″, that is the truth and I am sure everyone can agree.