Don’t forget Bear Applications are available today too
Bman…..where are you seeing this???
i just went to the DNR site and it still has the old 2024 stuff up and said info for 2025 would be available in April?????/
Don’t forget Bear Applications are available today too
Bman…..where are you seeing this???
i just went to the DNR site and it still has the old 2024 stuff up and said info for 2025 would be available in April?????/
Don’t forget Bear Applications are available today too
thanks bud!!!!!!!!!
me personally…….i wouldnt go with a 1 man…..i have an old uninsulated dave genz flip over and i fish alone in it and still struggle for room. i’d deal with the extra weight!!!
but thats just me!!!!!
CSI Miami…..enjoyed the original……the newer one is ok.
suits…… never watched it
NCIS……i enjoy most them. still a bit grumpy they dumped the Hawaii one. i thought the original with Mark Harmon was best but when he left i wasnt so sure but i like the new guy in hie place.
the origins……. meh…….
other spinoffs….Hawaii 5-0 is good…..but that is over.
magnum spinoff is really good!!!
I haven’t yet and it’s looking like we’ll be up at the same time. Should be fine, but good idea to have the saw handy. Let me know if you need any help getting in and let’s do a little fishing if it works out.
there’s a fella on another forum i know that lives between rapids and Marcell.. said small vehicles and wheelers driving all over the lakes yet and hadnt notices any detriation yet on the shorelines!!!!
Hey maybe I should run… naw… I’d have everyone pi$$ed off within 2 weeks of campaigning!
Yea that house out there looks scary.
I did notice the creek going into Schneider was starting to open up. I was kinda surprised the 3 places i crossed the river wasn’t open, but looked darn close.
I took 26 lbs of trimmings in and told them I wanted 1/2 in hot dogs and half in there breakfast sausage only left bulk, not in casings. The bill was $144.20. And I did the wrapping.
For .95 per lbs wrapping I’ll do it myself.
I didn’t weigh the end product however, so price per lbs is have no idea. It’s the only hot dogs I’ll eat is from there
Future grub. just got my venison hot dogs from plantenbergs in Richmond. 187 of them.
drove by the chain this afternoon, seen 3 people out. no vehicles. had 1 parked on shore with a trailer by the winter access with a trailer…..i’d assume used a wheeler.
there was 1 castle type house out onthe south end of long…….i wouldnt want it to be mine…… it looked a little off level and that ice is starting to look dark.
Watch out opening those car doors!!! I almost lost one at lunch.
g ot that right, I’m exiting the house via my east facing patio door today. That wind would rip my screen door right out and land in gims yard!
Eric……have you been up lately??? i’m heading up next friday….a week from today for more then likely last ice fishing trip.
with this warm spell more concerned about getting on the lake then ice out further?
and with this wind today…..hopin i dont need to chainsaw my way back to the cabin!!!
personally……i dont see this happening!! this is Minnesota…..the state you cant do nuttin!!!!
Randy…..not anything i can say that hasnt been already….my condolences!!! i had trying times with both my parents……….but you gave it your all and then some!!!!!
may he RIP!!!!!
Turned this old Mora hand auger into something more efficient, painted it black and cut out an old truck mud flap for help, the extension got machined out at work with the bit for the drill. Works great,currently using a 996 dewalt, I’ve noticed the shaver blades are taking a hit tho. Sooo thinking on something with chipper blades, just not sure if any replaceables fit a 50 yr old set up. Anywho had my sites set on a k-drill, A fella at work said good luck, they suck on thick ice..?
spend some of that moldy money of yours and just buy a whole new setup!!!!!!
Yet he thinks he will be re-elected !!
F*%$ Tampon Timmy
not only should you be afraid of that, but his Lt Gov wants Tina Smiths seat…….
I could use some advice on the deer protection. I’ve probably wasted over $500 on trees that deer have destroyed. Kinda gave up. But… we had to take down several large oaks near the house recently so this spring I HAVE to plant some trees. Thinking a mix of maple and pine.
i like pines in my yard…great cover for the birds i feed……but me…….i’d avoid the long needles at all cost……..they are messy!!!!!!
Fun fact. The calendar days match between Feb and Mar. You dont even have to flip your calendars until the 29th of Mar. Carry on.
you’ll miss St Paddy’s iffin ya dont flip to March!!!!!!
and miss out on daylight savings time………
Haven’t been here for awhile. Figured I’d pop in…
135# of venison weiners smoked Saturday.
looks good!
both look great!!!
some of them fish will make an appearance at the wild game feed saturday!!!!
^^^^^ i dont disagree…i haven’t had my vehicles on a lake in i bet 5 years….mainly cause i fish smaller lakes up north and use an ATV or snowmobile!!! and it might just be the cabin is on a lake, just down the hill!!!
if my memory serves me correctly i thin the issue on leech wasnt deteriorated ice but a huge ice heave!
not necessarily ice thicknesses, but i’ve seen some reports from leech and winnie accesses are getting to be tricky.
ice thickness isnt an issue at the moment……the landings will be!!!!!
thought they were just gonna kick that down the road a bit????
or is that a different line????
is Runnings considered a big box store????? they got bait of all kinds!