Only county owned access is to be closed. State owned will remain open until further notice. It’s a silly train or thought honestly to think that this will stop the spread. The virus is here and isn’t going away anytime in at least the next 18months. If people would just learn to wash their hands and keep their distance it would be a non issue. Fishermen coming there are just as likely to bring it there as all the older people are of taking it back home with them from doctors appointments in the cities, etc. It is going to run its course either way. I do believe flattening the curve is a good plan in theory but unless the are stops all travel leaving the area, they shouldn’t try to limit traffic coming to the area either as it is just as counterproductive in slowing the spread. This is just the first round. If it mutates it will go away and come back, much like Spanish flu did, and each of the two times it came back it came back waaay more deadly than the last.

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