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  • ganderpike
    Posts: 1179

    Men want to compete against women because the can’t lose.
    Women don’t want to compete against men because they can’t win.
    It blows my mind that we even need to have this conversation. NOBODY will ever convince me that I’m wrong on this. I’ll happily die on that hill for my daughters.

    What if your daughter decides she wants to take up mixed martial arts or football, or hockey and compete against men? Are you seriously saying that you would encourage that?

    I’ve lost track of who is against who by now, but to be clear there are MANY girls competing in boys wrestling, football, and hockey. And I think that’s pretty cool. More often than not it has to do with athletic funding. Maybe I am interpreting you wrong.

    Anyways, let’s all touch some grass, or maybe a rod.

    Posts: 1179

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>jimmysiewert wrote:</div>
    Tariffs just put in place will affect the average family $2,000 per year. On top of that we just learned today our work health insurance premiums are going up 34%! I’m NOT willing to sacrifice for some pompous ass’s named Trump and Musk.

    Anyone thinks this is ok – please send this single father of 3 (all in college) son’s – PM Me for my address to send your check.

    Yes – I am upset.

    Sounds like you need to find a better job. I have never paid a dime for family healthcare and besides a $15 copay and a $75 emergency room bill one time I’ve never got a bill for anything. You’re getting screwed big time! Personally I’m thrilled and 100% percent support the tariffs! What’s a couple thousand dollars compared to the big money you’ll be making when things are made domestically. For me the good old days are here.

    Man you missed out on many Economics classes.

    Posts: 1179

    A vote for Nebo Transcend. Rechargeable, removable lithium battery. Quality strap, durable casing and the right price.

    Posts: 1179

    The military industrial complex got some old equipment off the books and probably got some new orders on the books. Win for them, and a win for the greasy hags in Congress in both aisles who will benefit from the kickbacks.

    I voted for Trump, but pretty discouraged by the continued use of language of “us vs them”. Certainly a pick your poison debate. Maybe next term I will be a one-issue voter focused solely on public land management.

    Posts: 1179

    Lakewood box for me. Crank Caddy’s were just as much a pain as my 3700’s, happy with the Lakewood. It’s an unfortunate reality that I seem to need dozens of colors and profiles on any given outing.

    Posts: 1179

    Burbot to table, all in a couple hours.

    1. IMG_5336-scaled.jpeg

    2. IMG_5335-scaled.jpeg

    Posts: 1179

    Sicario(s), Nobody, Shot Caller, and Hell or Highwater. My go-to’s

    Posts: 1179

    On Gull last night, had about 10” of flight left on my SM40V

    Posts: 1179

    panfish are for the people who can’t catch trophy walleye thru the ice

    Do you think your parents will let ya take the truck out this weekend? Or too much homework?

    Posts: 1179

    Ive seen plenty of fish kill from farm field run off too. There are many cases of toxic algae blooms killing ecosystems from excess nitrogen and phosphorus runoff. But let’s thank a farmer right?

    I’m not saying AIS funding is what it should be, but if we’re going to paint with a broad brush lets call out everybody!

    Posts: 1179

    Last year was the lowest number, 41, of new infestations in Minnesota lakes since 2010. That’s down over 50% since the peak in 2012 of 118 and the 113 in 2014. And over 90% of Minnesota lakes still have no invasive species so the spread is fairly slow.
    Cutting this program will allow the spread to likely triple rising above where it was before the County AIS aid program came online in 2014.

    Also this wouldn’t effect MN DNR’s inspections that program is funded separately and does about 20% of boat inspections in Minnesota, rather wastefully some would note. Counties and their partners perform 80% of the boat inspections in the State using the boater survey data to identify high use and high risk locations and the high use timeframes. That’s why you see County inspectors on weekends and DNR inspectors on Tuesdays. Some Counties do send inspectors to slow accesses just to keep boaters on their toes.

    Thanks for providing numbers Steve. Where did you access that information?

    Posts: 1179

    My experience, Inspections the last 5 years have been a simple 4 questions, all while prepping the boat or packing up. Not painful, and less than 2 minutes.

    If one took 30 minutes on any landing, all hell would break loose. No chance.

    AIS “can’t be stopped”, but prevention is cheaper than management, and lake associations have large pools of money to spend on inspectors.

    The remote camera systems are a better way to educate anyways, having seen people actually take time to read them. About all you can hope for.

    Posts: 1179

    Was checked by the Warden on Saturday on Gull. He said the rollout would be ready by March.

    Posts: 1179

    I get the feeling if the state did nothing to combat AIS, the same old(emphasis on old) talking hats would be just as upset.

    Posts: 1179

    Devils Lake Pizza Ranch always hits different

    Posts: 1179

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Matt Moen wrote:</div>
    I think the younger generations are realizing that loyalty of a company to its employees is a thing of the past so what is the reason to give everything you have to a company that isn’t going to return that loyalty?

    It’s not a matter of loyalty, from either party.

    An employer has agreed to give you 100% of your agreed upon wage per hour. Don’t you think that should mean you give 100% of that hour to your employer? You don’t spend 30% on your phone, spend 70% working and expect a 100% wage. That’s NOT the agreement.

    If any of that was accurate (it’s not), places like IDO would cease to exist.

    Posts: 1179

    Flop Box 10 is the way to go. Having gone through 2 Engels in the 19 and 30, their durability is not there, and the Engel aerator I have nothing nice to say about.

    Knowing I would only get a season or two out of the Engel, I decided to go the Flop Box route and it has everything the Engel lacked. Still need to give it an open water tour.

    Posts: 1179

    I keep tabs on positions with this site :

    Many fishing, biking, and sales related positions.

    If link does not work,

    Posts: 1179

    I would not consider myself a golfer, but in high school I was grounds crew at the local course. Best job I ever had, other guys were retired and did it to keep busy and get free holes.

    Composites engineer, design hulls, spec laminates for many boats on here, with larger focus on ocean-going sport vessels (Scout, Viking, most CC’s).

    Closing on purchasing an existing business next month, hope to “be my own boss”. Hope to keep a pulse on the Midwest fiberglass brands and maybe consult on the side.

    Posts: 1179

    Crappie cakes. Bread crumb, egg, mustard, boiled fillets, spices – fry in butter. Few recipes on the internet that are good.

    Posts: 1179

    We are doing a python hunt in the Everglades. Started out as a guided experience last year, but not fulfilled by that. Pretty easy to DIY, rent a boat and bring a shotgun. Also, renting a Tacoma and running the dirt-roads in the boonies. Can internet scout on OnX ahead of time.

    Also catching a Panthers game.

    Different stroke, but definitely falls under the exotic umbrella.

    Posts: 1179

    “Honey not now, I am arguing with my internet friends about trucks”

    Posts: 1179

    Not familiar with Croix crappies, but if that is your desired fish, many better options in the Big Marine area. Carnelian, Forest Lake #1, some LakeFinder gems…

    Posts: 1179

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>ganderpike wrote:</div>
    May be so, but no individual angler needs 6 fish. 4 daily, possession is twice daily.

    The daily/possession part has already been corrected, but the rest of this statement is a nonstarter in any serious discussion about the daily bag limit. We are talking about a recreational sport fishery, not a subsistence fishery, so nobody NEEDS to harvest any fish at all. That argument does not stop at four, two or even one, so why go there?

    I am not going to spend time litigating internet comments, so be my guest to take the initiative.

    A person should have the option to purchase a Walleye stamp for $30, and be allowed to keep 6 instead of 4. Turn keeping fish into a business supported by the people who do it. Better than not using science to set regulations anyways. *this^ is all hypothetical for the pitchfork brigade*

    Posts: 1179

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>ganderpike wrote:</div>
    May be so, but no individual angler needs 6 fish. 4 daily, possession is twice daily.

    You are over the limit LOL.
    Possession = the daily limit.

    4 daily, possession being twice daily, is what I proposed as a desired limit. Hand up, it wasn’t clear, but I should also expect internet fuds to bleed through their panties.

    Posts: 1179

    May be so, but no individual angler needs 6 fish. 4 daily, possession is twice daily.

    It should also be required for guides and all customers to pay for a Walleye stamp. At the very least, cap what they can keep, or pay more for a guiding license. Having guides hit the same 600 acre lake for weeks straight just so clients can keep 15” fish is absurd. Many, many examples all around MN.

    Posts: 1179

    It will certainly last longer if we don’t post about it all over the internet…….. doah

    Lol it’s not 2008 on LakeStateFishing. Not sure it’s worth being worried about all 200 views this gets in the next year.

    Wait until you hear about Instagram!

    Posts: 1179

    most of you won’t like this, if you get a chance shoot them with a small caliber and the pack will take care of the weak one. wolves aren’t family dogs that are on the loose, you can’t depend on the government to do the right thing, Mn has turned into a mini California , I bet that most who want to save every wolf would have no problem to have every pitbull in the state put down.

    I think everyone agrees management needs to happen. And then you get this regard above ^.

    Really makes a guy want to root for the other team. Just as nonsensical as the New Jersey cat moms opposed to wolf management.

    Posts: 1179

    Apologies for not reading all of it, I may be repetitive.

    Stainless steel counters with removable HDPE cutting boards, in sizes that easily fit in sink. I see many posted on Marketplace (SS tables).

    Wall or ceiling mounted hoist for deer/ quarters.

    Backsplash for walls, sucks cleaning walls.

    Posts: 1179

    Just to follow up, better to be lucky than good. Found my buck the next morning. 3 tags punched for the year. Looking forward to 2025 and putting more focus into whitetail and mulies.

    1. IMG_5041-scaled.jpeg

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