I think you need to consider your style of fishing when making the choice of remote versus tiller.
If you are typically fishing larger bodies of water making long trolling runs such as on GB, LOW or Mille Lacs you may consider a remote kicker. In these situations you are typically setting the speed and going with periodically making S-turns. Not a lot of adjustments are being made.
If you find yourself following and sticking tight to contours you may want to consider a tiller as it is way more efficient for making course and speed adjustments.
For me I have a tiller as I feel I could never effectively follow close to riprap shorelines in the river, a weed line or a rock reef with a remote. With one hand I can adjust the speed and direction of the boat while using my other hand to hold the rod and fight fish. I do not think I could do that effectively sitting at the helm holding a rod, steering and adjusting speed. When I am on big water trolling I lock the tiller handle 15-20 degrees to starboard (motor is on port side) adjust speed with Trollmaster and steer with the big motor.
Just some food for thought.