Hey thanks guys for all the help it is much appreciated. I will try that tonight and see if I can get some pics up for you guys. Thanks again Cory
Forum Replies Created
January 28, 2007 at 7:09 pm #529052
yeah i know what your sayin, we didn’t last very long out there yesterday. We are going to take off here in a little bit and try a small farm pond for some crappies. So if you go out today good luck
January 28, 2007 at 3:18 am #528932Hey shaley didn’t spot your truck, we were out on emerson this morning and sat there for about 2 hours and didn’t hardly see anything even on my camera. We were going to head over to millers but everyone we talked to was saying that the wind was absolutely horrible so we decided to make our way back to a farm pond closer to home. But we’ll get up that way again.
January 23, 2007 at 7:08 pm #526568Sounds good we’ll see you there we should be up around 7:30am. We’ll be in a frabill speed shack 3man. I don’t have a 2 way so if i run into you it’ll be luck.
January 22, 2007 at 6:46 pm #526006hey shaley are you going to be out on the ice this weekend. If so myself and a friend are going to make our way up and maybe you can show us the right way to fish those lakes if not thats fine to. If you want to get a hold of me my email address is [email protected] and thanks again.
January 5, 2007 at 5:50 pm #519046Hey Rockman thanks for the report as well. My friends and i were thinking about taking a trip up there sometime soon because we don’t have any ice down here in Iowa
. we were just wondering what it would cost for like 3-4 of us to come up and stay in your houses to fish for 2-3 days. thanks again
December 24, 2006 at 12:04 am #514758Well from what i was told from another guy that was fishing the same day. there is a lain way a little ways past the anglers bay resort or what ever they call that place. to the north? Im not that good with directions but its past the resort a little ways as your coming from Spirit lake. He said there was a cattle Gate you can park by and then you have to drag all of your stuff down to the lake and I guess its a little bit of a drag. The ice conditions were still fairly good. There was probably 6-7in of ice when i was there. But always take caution going out in these mild to warm temps and good luck.
December 23, 2006 at 1:42 pm #514632Yes that is very true i was out again yesterday and when i came back I had the same note on my drivers window. Shaley you must have been out there yesterday, which shack was you? and did you have any luck. we ended up with 11 keeper perch between two of us and we caught probably 100 perch that were 3-7in. We were useing Genz jigs tipped with a waxy.
December 21, 2006 at 4:14 pm #513872I got my oppurtunity to get out and go fishin. A buddy of mine and myself decided to head on over to Anglers Bay where we found about 6-7in of ice on top of 6-8ft of water and caught quite a few small perch and gills. I did happen to bring my aqua view along and i did happen to get my first glimpse of a long nose or gar. Along with some big schools of perch. After fishing in about 8ft of water for most of the day we decided to head for deeper water at about 3:00 pm for some WALLEYES. We walked as far out as we could trust the ice. We ended up finding 14ft of water under 3-4in of ice. It was some sort of sand flats that the walleys were cruison over. I seen probably 14 or 15 really nice fish on my camera but only ended up with 2 18in fish which we returned to the icey depths. I plan on heading up tomorrow or saturday and I hope to see some of you out there.