That is messed up that insurance will not cover !!
I’ve learned to live with it, but it more than sucks
Didn’t know you were dealing with that. Can’t imagine what either of you guys are going through. Glad it doesn’t keep you from enjoying life and having fun with Hank and Ben.
Holy Hannah the flatulence we all got. Wowsers.
Lol are we talking smell or amount?
Twice in my life I have been standing on a lakeshore when the ice was breaking up. A gentle breeze making a million small shards of ice tap against each other. Each tap makes a sound like a little bell. A million little bells. You stand there taking this all in knowing it will be gone in a matter of hours.
Wow that would be something to take in Steve. Agree Randy when you can get away from the sounds of cars and planes and just take in what’s going on around you it is very peaceful.
It’s no different than business now. Large investment companies are buying into smaller growing businesses and pumping money into them to make them bigger and shinny to sell to another larger investment company. It is just rich people wanting their money to work for them while they continue to do nothing and make a profit.
It sounds like you will be purchasing a separate 4ah battery. If you were going to buy an ego battery you may want to look into buying another piece of Ego product with battery. I have the 670cfm leaf blower (which is awesome for blowing leaves and snow) which sells for $269 with a 4ah battery and a separate 4ah battery sells for $249 at Ace.
Sorry I missed this. No they have several different options or packages with different size batteries and such, I found one that comes with the rapid charger and two batteries with the mower. It was $599.00, so an extra hundo for the 4 amp hour battery.
are you really that eco friendly????[/quote,
Yeah not looking for eco friendly just ease of use and I can hang the damn thing on the wall when not in use or over the winter. It’s not like I’m trading my Ram for a Ridgeline or something.
Thanks guys, you sealed the deal unless of course the Mrs has come up with her own ideas. I was thinking of going with the deal with one 6 amp hour and one 4 amp hour batteries just in case I need the extra one, and like Joemx mentioned probably end up adding other items down the road.
BC is to busy cutting concrete with giant bad ass saws and running all over the state fishing and hunting to be giving any F’s about your damn grammar!
I admit I am not the best with grammar or spelling for that manner. I really like that spell check exits on most everything I use.
I have only seen names on the back, and feel like Matt it’s mostly a bigger boat deal. Most of the good ones like Master Baiter have been taken.
Couldn’t you just remove and cables and take them in to a hardware store or whatever and get new ones cut to length and with whatever end you might need to secure them?
I think Florida is the best team in the country
Hope your right. I’m far from a basketball guy either but my boss talked me into joining a group and filling out a bracket and I picked them to go all the way.
With Humminbird, what is the difference between a Helix and a Solix?
I really don’t know much about them but the Solix is touch screen. I want to add a bird to run lake master and for the best side imaging but not sure I could handle going back from a touch screen at this point.
Trout pond at the sport show does’nt count EP.
Did he bring his snoopy pole down again this year?
Didn’t see much as far as actual deals go, was that a bigger part of the show in the past?
That is why I have a hard time going. The deals are ok but not that great. It used to pretty common to find 20% off items, now mostly 10%.
Nay on the sauce. If anyone hasn’t tried the seasoned pork chops from Center Cut Meats in Rogers do yourself a favor and stop in next time you have to go to Cabelas. Or just save yourself some money and go there instead and skip Cabelas.
when I did smoke I field dressed them and kept the butt until I could trash them properly… but that was a lot of years ago.. glad I quit..
I still haven’t kicked the habit yet, but this is what I do. I have tossed them out the window before however its rare. I do not smoke in my vehicles anymore so I always make sure they end up in the trash or cig butt station.
I checked myself when I worked for them.
How did you do that, ask them or actually weigh the fish. Honestly curious.
Sounds like a good outing. Shore fishing or did you get the boat out?
Would rather have a chance to hit the quota vs never hitting it like the last several years.
Bingo. While I’m not jumping up and down about this, I will still take it.
I think we are a year or so away from a really big pullback. For now, there are still plenty of guys with cash, plenty of boomers looking for their retirement boat, etc. But after those guys get theirs, I think it starts to look more grim. People are maxed out on their credit and everything is so much more expensive these days. Everything.
I hope your right and I can pounce on a glass boat and be done with boat purchases for the rest of my life.