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  • flatbottom
    Posts: 8

    Sounds like some nice fish, where they released !!!!!!

    Posts: 8

    How come knowone keeps and eats BASS, do they taste bad

    Posts: 8


    years ago when I commerical fished we netted alot of walleyes in the back waters in low water conditions when the high water came in you can only guess where they go. Most good spawing areas are gone because of flooding and silt a walleye is very fussy where they spawn most of the best are gone. You said you are happy about the DNR’s improving habitat, I don’t see anyplace on the river this is taking place, please understand the river is one of the lowest priorities on the list for the DNR for improvements. If you want to see the reason go to a meeting of the Corps of Engineers. All DNR people have to justify their jobs , what do you think they will say to the general public.

    I recently read a memo; All things in general are well, all of our staff have plans set in place for for the comming year . We will continue to explore and improve all our resources as they challenge the years to come, I trust that I can count on all to see the brightest future……………..

    Do you know who wrote this?

    The President of ENRON

    good fishing


    Posts: 8

    Bill, thanks for the reply, as I might be called an old timer and seen the hay days on the river, alot of us (old timers) never kept many fish never anything over 2lbs. I would hate to think how many fish I released at Red Wing only to see other boats slaughter big fish that they need to kill to show their buddies. Their is still only about 10% of us releasing fish 90% are going to die. Its sounds like not to many would be in favor of a closed spring season on the river, I can only hope.

    I have always wondered why we can’t have a deer season from March to June , the weather would be great and after I killed my deer the fish should be spawning and I could wet a line……….

    Posts: 8

    Chris, I see your out of Minn, I would guess you fish Red Wing , I have pre-fished that area for the Tournament guys years ago, I could start at Wabasha and fish to Red Wing and find 5 places that would hold good fish, now I hardly find one! I don’t know what you base the populations of fish on, I base it on the numbers per hour of fishing over the last 30 years. 5 to 10 years ago I could anchor in places down river , not at the dam, and catch so many big fish that if I told you, you would think I was on drugs. I have caught and tagged 30 fish 5 to 10 pounds in one day ,all on film. Those fish are gone I would guess their freezer burnt. If you take 300 boats at theRed Wing dam at the right time you would think their are plenty of fish, take that same 300 boats move them 5 miles down river and spread them out and see what they catch ? 90% of the fish are in 10% of the water this really holds true in the river because of alot of factors. This spring dam fishing has to stop or we are going to really suffer.


    Posts: 8

    I mostly fish from Cassville, Wis to Genoa, Wis, first I want to clairfiy that Iam not one of those people you will see much of at the dams , and I don’t keep any fish. Our pools have been pounded to death we use to have good numbers, because people think walleyes are for eating and bass are for releasing . You have 200 boats or more at the dams in the spring sitting on the fish day after day, taking every fish they catch, what do you think has happened. I use to fish Red Wing alot you talk about pressure, how many fish do you think are in river.I fish 100 days a year and you say populations are solid, will you take me fishing.


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