If that wind keeps u how big will the waves be up on the north end Saturday?

Posts: 117
If that wind keeps u how big will the waves be up on the north end Saturday?
I’ll be pulling cranks shallow at night on the north end then lindy rigging up and down the break during the day.
I have the PB 1000SC from menards $650 which is 11% off right now. I’ve had it for about a year and love it. I can wit about 6 pork butts on it.
I love the pellet grill because when I’m doing a long overnight smoke I drag it into the middle of my driveway away from anything combustible and let er buck all night and wake up to meat ready to pull of the grill and rest. The PB holds temp pretty well and It has the sear feature which is awesome. I was going to buy a treager but all the research I did I came to the conclusion it’s not great for searing and it’s a struggle to get it over 400 degrees.
I would pull the trigger on another PB in a heartbeat.
I potentially could but I have a bunch of hoses and wiring in the front of mine that make it a real PIA to get rods in and out and with my trolling gear I can only fit maybe 2 of them in there.
this is exactly what I was talking about. that sucks they don’t have them anymore. I wonder if anyone else makes them?
Ended up buying the pro. They were sold out everywhere I checked but L&M in ashland had them for a smokin deal at $799.
Wondering people if people who have the bench like it and if they’ve made the bench more comfortable. I gues i could’ve been more specific
Put the house up on june 15th. Had 31 showings in 48 hours and 9 offers. We ended up getting 20k over asking without the driveway being completed. Driveways done and house appraised. Happy guy here
You should trust your realtor, if you don’t then maybe thats the issue?
I do just wanting input from others
is it going to happen? will there be fishable water if ice isn’t completely out?
I pull cranks shallow at night and lindy leeches on the shallow side of a break during the day.
I think there will be a few hundred yards of flushable water and we’ll have to watch the wind which will decide where we can fish. Gonna be packed
we’ve had to cancel our trip to green bay the last 2 weekends. im completely over the winter we’re having this spring.
I had the first gen of helix 5 the year they came out and returned it as there were so many bugs for Hbird to fix to get it right.
with that being said I bought the helix 7 g2 this fall and have been highly impressed using it on the ice. I have used it next to my buddies Marcum 7 and its not even close with the chirp Hbird. it takes a few hours to get it all dialed in but im pumped to rig it up to my boat this spring with the autochart live feature so I can use it on my Canada lakes.
Helix>everything else
I usually find the base of the break near an inside or outside turn and I will start cutting in the shape of a pizza/pie that’s been sliced. this helps me rule out areas and focuse on the segment of the pie that’s producing. the area of the pie will cover the shallow part of the structure as well as off the base of the structure in deeper water.
heading up to my castle on the north end, found a good bite last week out in the deep mud and left my shack on the spot. the north end resorts are pretty much full go out to the flats and Xcountry is easy with the minimal snow. I would imagine you can get wherever you want if things haven’t changed from last wknd.
I’m thinking on getting the Helix 7 for ice fishing and open water. Does anybody have any advice on which way to go? Buy the ice unit and then mount on the boat or buy the open water unit and change transducers for ice? I would like to have the new chirp and DI and SI.
buy the ice kit and all you will need for summer is the ducer and power cord.
I have the helix 7 and used it this wknd for the first time. I got a full 12 hours on it running it all day on 50% power.
I fished next to an flx28 and had some interference but once I used the IR settings it was perfect.
it seems like they have fixed all the kinks from the first gen helix 5 I had the first year they came out.
This unit is the bees knees compared to my buddies flx28 watching him stare at his phone for the navionics and me being able to use my lakemaster chip on a 7″ screen. he tried my split screen graph and flasher mode so he could see how much better the sonar works than staring at a dial and think he’ll be getting one next year.
i have a sleeper booked from a private company do you think there will be safe enough ice by the 5 of jan thanks
I have yet to use my new Helix 7 G2 on the ice but am patiently waiting for the ice to form here so I can get out. I cant wait to stop playing with it on the kitchen table and get it out there to do some real world testing. I will let you know my findings once I have been out with it a few times. For now here are some of the differences between the Gen 1 and Gen 2 Helix’s.
This new Ice Helix Chirp G2 is quite abit different compared to the Gen1 series Helix, It has the new chirp transducer, includes much improved preloaded basemap VS old uni map, has more screen(view) choices more tailored to ice fishing VS only basic ice views, much better IR (due to chirp), a better resolution screen, autochart live (make your own lake maps)
The Ice Helix Gen1 – no autochart live, basemap old uni map(much less detailed maps), no chirp transducer, less screen resolution, only basic ice views, and only(3)IR settings low/med/high.
I thought it was only the G2N that had autochart?
I just ordered the G2 and didn’t think I saw autochart.
I’m heading back up Thursday night to fish the north end again Friday and Saturday. Hopefully wheeler traffic is possible, I’m itching to hit my early season spots that walking and ice didn’t permit last weekend.
went out Saturday morning on the North end, the fishing was slow but it was good to get out. I found 4.5″ on Saturday and 5-5.5″ sunday morning. I didn’t mark many fish and the ones we did were finicky. fished 10-22′ feet. biggest was 19.75″
not sure why but my pics are all messed up and one of the pics is not one of mine.
I said liberal media which would include most of the big names except for fox. The independent from my knowledge is a more conservative news source.
Happens more often than you think and much more common than mass shootings but the liberal media does not cover it because guns are the root of all evil right
I think last year it was like 276 homicides were stopped by armed citizens in the country.
This guy is the essence of the dumbing down of America. Derrr uhhh librul medier don’t talk about ___________(insert Fox News topic)