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  • fishking22
    Posts: 67

    I live in SD so the proposal is the same as our laws. I do like the laws, but there is substantially less people fishing here. I’ve been running 3 foolers and a jig rod when going for walleyes for years, it really does increase my success rate. Nice to have 2 trolling rods for the open water.

    Posts: 67

    I put the foolers in my otter caddy and then the hole covers just in random spots they fit in the sled.

    Posts: 67

    Skip college and move to SD earlier. Loved it ever since I left MN 3 years ago and caught a bigger walleye than my personal best in MN every year and shot oodles more of ducks.

    Posts: 67

    Flop Box 10 is the way to go. Having gone through 2 Engels in the 19 and 30, their durability is not there, and the Engel aerator I have nothing nice to say about.

    Knowing I would only get a season or two out of the Engel, I decided to go the Flop Box route and it has everything the Engel lacked. Still need to give it an open water tour.

    Those look nice but $225 to hold minnows is just absurd. I can keep them alive other ways than spend that kind of money.

    Posts: 67

    I live in SD and the ice has been crazy weird this year. A lot lakes have had open pockets of water on them pretty much all year. With how dang windy it has been despite the cold they have grown tremendously the last couple weeks. Im scared to see the damage on my lakes with the warm weather and wind we are getting this week.

    Posts: 67

    Get some fleece lined crocs. That way when you forget your boots, your feet are still warm. Fished outside all day one day last year on the ice in my crocs.

    Posts: 67

    I have always been pro Strikemaster and thought the ions were junk whenever I used them. However, this past weekend drilled some holes with my buddies new ion and it puts the strike master to shame honestly. Way smoother and way more power. Makes me want to upgrade.

    Posts: 67

    I pre make meals and vacuum seal them. Boil water and throw the bag in. 20mins later you have a nice hot meal.

    Posts: 67

    I always bring a small battery jumper and a small set of tools. Have saved my butt on more than one occasion.

    Posts: 67

    We had a big group out there last weekend. Thursday before the bad weather hit we absolutely crushed them. Just 3 of us got there Thursday and were sitting outside enjoying the nice weather and just running tip ups. Id say we had 40+ flags from 10am-8pm. Action was steady all day. An even mix of walleyes and northerns with a few nice perch. The bad weather hit and we were constricted to the houses. Action was a lot slower but we still caught a fair amount of walleyes. Let a good amount of slots go as well. When the bad weather hit most our action was during the prime times and after dark. Main lake structure as far as we could get from anyone. Plain hooks and small suckers, big shiners, or decent size rainbows. Just big enough to keep the small perch off. We do this trip annually is this was by far the least perch we have ever caught, but also by far the most walleyes we had ever caught. Did catch them jigging as well on small tantrums. Boy was that weather nasty out there when it hit.

    Posts: 67

    How about an update on what you found out?

    Waiting on a limit switch and some new gaskets to put back in the furnace. Sounds like many people have had issues with limit switches. Cleaning everything didn’t change anything, there’s also no inline filter and I already have it running paralleled with two batteries and have tried it with direct hook up to an outlet. Hopefully the limit switch is it since I have to disconnect a bunch of wires and screws just to get the furnace out so I can work on it. They did not make it accessible on my model.

    Posts: 67

    A cheaper and better version IMO is finicky fooler. Caught 100s of fish on them.

    Posts: 67

    Dude was pulling single axle fish houses on/off the lake out of Rogers resort. Pulled my buddy and I off the lake an hour or two before he went missing. After we got the permanent off we went back out on snowmobile to fish one more night. Kept hearing a loud motor running and I told my buddy that that kinda sounds like an airboat. Sure enough when we got back to the landing there was a whole slew of first responders that asked us some questions and an airboat was out looking for him. Visibility was very poor out there as it was super foggy that night. I’m not sure why he was missing so long and why he never got a hold of anybody. A lot of questions.

    Posts: 67

    Big UFC fan here. Really enjoyed the fights last night all around. Put on a great show!

    Posts: 67

    Had to work the weekend so didn’t get out until Monday and Tuesday. Experienced one of the better walleye bites I’ve ever had. Got lucky and stumbled into a real good spot on a lake we’d never fished. Fish never started biting until 8:30pm. Then from there to whenever we quit it was lights out. 44 in 2.5hrs the first night and 56 in 2hrs the next.

    1. 231455A1-7690-458F-9A01-D7C74CD36D22.jpeg

    2. 57868CE3-5608-4F6E-9345-4724480393EF-scaled.jpeg

    Posts: 67

    For what it’s worth I dropped off my Lx5i in person to get repaired and they fixed it for free. Had it back in a weeks time.

    Posts: 67

    That’s strange. For me I would say I catch fish on my rod tip ups 5:1 vs normal tip ups. I believe I catch more on the rods because one you can adjust the tip up to go off at just the amount of tension you want, and 2, it is easier to keep tension on the fish with the rod vs hand lining. Granted I don’t have an Ifish pro because finicky foolers are 10x better.

    Posts: 67

    deadfall trap for sure! honestly I would NOT be proud to put either names of these 2 bozos in my yard but you go ahead if it makes you all warm and fuzzy inside.

    Everyone assuming it’s a political sign. It’s not a political sign at all. It’s sign that supports all the law enforcement who go out and do their job everyday despite what all the media and hippies say about them. They put it All on the line everyday.

    Posts: 67

    Pick your battles.

    Still not sure how anyone could be so enamored with something that they need to put an eyesore sign in their yard. Probably mental illness and insecurity.

    Sorry I take pride in my career field and what I go out there and do everyday.

    Posts: 67

    I noticed a stolen sign last weekend. Kinda pissed me off.

    They hit our whole neighborhood last week unfortunately.

    Posts: 67

    This is interesting. I think I’d go for the gooey stinky slimy material before I tried to electrocute someone. Maybe some pike slime? Its really stinky and snotty right now. I don’t think braided fishing line will hold electrical current.

    I believe you meant to type the title as Stealers, not Steelers. The Steelers are an NFL football team based in Pittsburgh, PA.

    Dang Steelers. I’ve been shocked by electric fences dozens of times. There’s no harm there just a wake up call. The braided line is just so it’s a little harder for them to take the sign, not for electrical current.

    Posts: 67

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Dusty Gesinger wrote:</div>
    You might want to do some of this research yourself. Try Google or look at their features at minn kota.

    What? Are you saying the manufacturers have websites? You can actually go there and get the facts instead of opinions from strangers on an internet forum? What a concept! waytogo

    I was more so looking for the set ups that others have and enjoy.

    Posts: 67

    You might want to do some of this research yourself. Try Google or look at their features at minn kota.

    Woah thanks for the info

    Posts: 67

    What’s the difference between a terrova and ultrex?

    Posts: 67

    How was the bite this weekend? Mille lacs newb when it comes to open water fishing there. What depth were you guys finding them in during day time with this cold weather? Plan on getting their early Monday morning and tryin my hand all day.

    Posts: 67

    Anybody have any reviews on on the Eskimo keeper suits? The striker are sold out per usual when I try to get one on sale.

    Posts: 67

    I’m on the fooler train….😁

    X2. I just bought two finicky foolers plus 2 of their hole covers for them. Used them this weekend and they worked awesome!! Wish I would have bought them long ago, and yes I have used the ifish pros before. The hole cover and easiness of adjusting the trigger puts them to shame.

    Posts: 67

    Well we weren’t able to get through all the Ice so we hunted the river today. 3 honkers for us. A lot of geese around. After we got back broke the rest of the ice to get a path out to the lake. Should be a decent hunt.

    Posts: 67

    We had success hunting a tilled field this year but obviously it has to be one that the birds are feeding in. All we did was buy burlap, laid down, and used our shell bags for head rests. Then we loaded the decoys around us where were lying. Ended up work well.

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