Soooo pro view or 12*? I watched a video about the gain adjustment to widen the “cone” with the pro view. Seems nicer but like I said don’t fish much. Normal fishing 12-28 fow.

Posts: 9
Soooo pro view or 12*? I watched a video about the gain adjustment to widen the “cone” with the pro view. Seems nicer but like I said don’t fish much. Normal fishing 12-28 fow.
Just joined this morning and complaining ever since on a 6 or 8 year old purchase. You’ll fit right in with the 1%’ers here.
Thanks 3rdtryguy. Sorry. Rant over. What was meant to see how many others had the issue and if vexilar stood behind it and if they had decent customer service. My emotions took over from the feelings of my experience. Most I’ve heard from the customer service was great. Good luck fishing to all, stay safe, and Merry Christmas!!!
Yeah, Vex has probably the best CS I’ve seen in a company and most won’t even know it cause their products are top quality and won’t be needing them.
That said, this transducer is quite old and I’m guessing 2014 or earlier???? Did you buy this used? I thought I heard Vex stop selling them in 2014 but was replacing them free of charge as late as 2018…maybe even later??? That’s pretty amazing. When I brought mine in for replacement, I got a free upgrade to their top transducer at the time, free fishing towel and hat…plus had a great chat with the folks their about new products and some fishing tips!
I bought this new and I believe it was 2016 or 2017. Maybe a total of 20uses for its entire life.
I don’t expect anyone to warranty for life but when your knowingly selling a defective product you should probably replace it. Everything I’ve heard of vexilar is that they take care of you. I guess that has now changed. I’d understand more I guess if this would have lasted a fare amount of uses. Everyone uses differently based on time they have and what not. The amount of use I’ve gotten out of it would probably be equal to a month or less of use from some guys. That’s horse sh$t service. I’ve maybe used 20 times. Again my fault for not having the time. Doesn’t explain for the defective product they made or bad service.
I understand that it’s great they went beyond the 1 year warranty but it’s not a warranty issue. It’s not a couple had a defect. It’s ALL of them were improperly made. They admitted it to me that they were all flawed. That’s why there not made anymore. The gentleman there’s name was Matt and he claimed he was the manager. He was very polite, but polite in saying they knowingly sold a faulty product and won’t stand behind it. The fact of the matter is they sold a transducer that was faulty. Not faulty from to much use, lack of use, or accidentally hitting it on the ice. Not a few or a few hundred. ALL OF THEM!! And they KNOW about it. This is showing me how much they care. Exchange them all.
Exactly! Clearly a defect in the material and the way it was made. That’s what makes me upset. They didn’t knowingly make it to be defective but after the fact when they found out that what they made was defective they should stand behind it. If not all of us fishermen and women should take our business elsewhere.
I did ask for at least a discount. I understand that it’s maybe three four years old. I probably bought towards the end of them being sold. I get it but it doesn’t get used. I just don’t have as much time as I’d like to go fishing as I used to. Like I said it maybe has 20 hours of use. They knew they had an issue they should take care of it. It would be different if I used it two to three times a week in the winter but I maybe get out 4-8 times a winter.
It’s possible… I can’t remember. It would have been Reeds scheels or mills. It’s possible that I’d have the receipt but it’s like finding a needle in a hay stack. Was hoping that vexilar would stand behind there known failed product.