( ya, don’t let BK touch your avatar!
Latin Kings?
Come on now….
They are a bunch of nice fine young latin teenagers who hang out in the MN river bottoms and don’t bother anyone.
They just like spray paint!
I know from experience, they are quite friendly if you strike up a converstation with them.
(If you meet any of them ,say Hi from fishhead!)
Best to make friends before enemies!
My first and favorite quality outdoor goretex boots were made by Vasque.
The second pair were Merril.
I’d still be wearing both pair had I not worn them to work. (I do drywall for a living and the dust ruins goretex in a hurry!!!)
I later found out that Cabelas had the exact same boots and were made by Vasque for half the price!
I’d look into store brands for quality and price.
Check similar style brand name boots against the store brands.
Sometimes they are the exact same boot (as in my case) and your just paying extra for a brand name.
I might check out “Workboothaven” for my next pair of boots to wear soley at work.
I have had more boots than Imelda Marcos had shoes!
Is it weird to like the little greenish ones?
You ARE weird!
There isn’t an option for a burnt curled potato chip….
That being said…
My favorite chip would be a 1.5 to 2 inch diameter Lays Ruffles that is slightly burnt to an oak brown color. A very rare chip indeed! Most burnt curled chips are less than 1″ diameter when curled. It should have half a curl so that it will pick up the most dip of your choice. Mine being “Top the Tater” from Mid America Farms. (sponsorship welcome!)
And…. just for everyones information I have included the history of the potato chip according to Wikipedia.
According to a traditional story, the original potato chip recipe was created in Saratoga Springs, New York on August 24, 1853. Agitated by a patron repeatedly sending his fried potatoes back because they were too thick, soggy and bland, resort hotel chef, George Crum, decided to slice the potatoes as thin as possible, frying them until crisp and seasoning them with extra salt. Contrary to Crum’s expectation, the patron (sometimes identified as Cornelius Vanderbilt) loved the new chips[3] and they soon became a regular item on the lodge’s menu under the name “Saratoga Chips”.[4]
In the 20th century, potato chips spread beyond chef-cooked restaurant fare and began to be mass produced for home consumption. The Dayton, Ohio-based Mike-sell’s Potato Chip Company, founded in 1910, calls itself the “oldest potato chip company in the United States”.[5] New England-based Tri-Sum Potato Chips, originally founded in 1908 as the Leominster Potato Chip Company, in Leominster, Massachusetts claim to be America’s first potato chip manufacturer.[6] Chips sold in markets were usually sold in tins or scooped out of storefront glass bins and delivered by horse and wagon. The early potato chip bag was wax paper with the ends ironed or stapled together. At first, potato chips were packaged in barrels or tins, which left chips at the bottom stale and crumbled. Laura Scudder,[7] an entrepreneur in Monterey Park, California started having her workers take home sheets of wax paper to iron into the form of bags, which were filled with chips at her factory the next day. This pioneering method reduced crumbling and kept the chips fresh and crisp longer. This innovation, along with the invention of cellophane, allowed potato chips to become a mass market product and made Laura Scudder a household name. Today, chips are packaged in plastic bags, with nitrogen gas blown in prior to sealing to lengthen shelf life, and provide protection against crushing.[8]
Just accross the river there’s Kramarczks Deli……Cabbage rolls, kraut, sausages
I’ll second this suggestion especially if your into eastern european cuisine.
Our perrenials and annuals are dong just fine however…
Dennis “flower child” Steele!
I made a daisy chain for you Brian.
Backwater Eddy was a great angler who knew cats and walleye.
I met him here at FTR when I first started playing on the net.
We crossed paths online at several websites and I had the priviledge of fishing with him on several occasions as well.
He was one of my mentors and was the person who encouraged me to pursue a profession as a catman.
He shared his great knowledge of the sport wherever he could and was a professional in all sense of the term and a legend at that.
I called him a good friend and he will be dearly missed.
I’m glad every one else’s crops are doing well.
The swiss chard, lettuce-s , and “sushi radishes” are doing great.
Salad every night!
Our ‘maters and peppers aren’t as big as I expected by now, but they are flowering and are starting some fruit.
I have had a heck of a time getting my freaking green beans to not only grow but sprout! I only get about three plants to sprout out of a row of 25. (bad batch of seeds?, the expiration dates are good.)
We have also been experienceing some cuke, squash wilt. Lost two plants this week.
I don’t see any bugs, so I am assuming its a bacterial problem. (Sticky stems too)
Kinda sucks especialy since my wife is a professional gardener!
She’s blaming it on me (I’m the one who gardens at home. “shoemakers kids have no shoes kinda thing..”)
and a cool very wet spring.
Our perrenials and annuals are dong just fine however…
Preferably both flatheads and channels that is a MN resident.
Please us the pm system or email [email protected]
Need some fish for the table and side stepping your morals?
Like I said at the meeting, if you cant reasonably get bait, then you can’t fish. When you can’t find a legal place to get a bullhead, we have gone too far, there needs to be a sensible compromise.
I agree…especialy with “sensible compromise”.
I can’t say that in the past few years I have not aquired bait illegaly.
But the thing is that you can, I used to, and do.
Its just the economics or logistics of it.
If we were buying bait rather than collecting it ourselves, it would be more readily available. (possibly cheaper…doubt it! )
I used to collect my bait from the river and its tributaries or buy it. Cost me about $40 to $50 a night flatheading.
So is the sport realy dead without relaxed bait laws or it will just cost us more to participate in the sport?
And…at what cost to the fishery or other fisheries? I don’t know…none, possible the introduction of zebra muscles or asian carp?
Maybee rather than trying to change the bait laws we should be demanding good bait from our local bait shops?
Another argument is that with relaxed bait laws it will allow others to easily collect bait and the popularity of the sport could explode.
Two results most likely could happen.
1) Tough finding any bait
2) Tough finding any spot to fish
Once again, I’m just trying to look at the big picture and other arguments.
I still want to use two lines,collect my bait from “infested” waters to use on my “infested” water,(don’t mind changing my water from truck to boat however..No biggy).
And I am against keeping trophy flatheads, but I do enjoy a good channel cat dinner!
Probably should have paid the guy upfront
Was it you that told me that or me that told you that?
Catching is so over rated anyway.
Ya, its what a guys says when he doesn’t put you on fish but enjoys your company.
I just wanted to share with everyone , not just those involved with the workshops but all catfish enthusiast as well, a perspective that some here might not share with me, but I think others should be aware of.
Keep in mind that I am mostly a MN River angler.
I support the issues that many share who are attending the catfish workshops,are involved with the MNCSA and other catfish enthusiasts.
That being the two line legislation, and relaxed bait collection and transport laws.
I am however hesitant, not knowing the outcome of what could possibly happen should we succeed in our goals.( Thats why I think its important to get the DNR’s biologist and fisheries managers input on such matters)
I’ve been fishing the MN River since the mid 80’s and cats as long as I have been fishing. I believe that the fishery on the MN has improved, and for the whole state.
But, I have seen the fishing pressure on the stretches of the river that I regularly fish increase 10 fold in the past 10 years.
I miss the old days when I could go out fish any spot I wanted to and catch a few cats.
I’m not complaining.
In a small way its my fault for the promotion of the sport that I have done, but as well its good to see friends and friendly faces down there enjoying the sport.
I will howvever say that with the increasing pressure on our systems ( and I expect it will grow exponentialy from here ) that relaxing our current regulations could have an adverse effect on our fishery.
As a citizen group its our duty to not only support catmens and the public opinon on our regulations but to protect our fishery not only for ourselves and future generations, but out of respect for the fish we target.
So, I believe that we should not percieve the DNR as an obsticle to overcome, rather, we should be willing to work with them and make compromises to our goals to help preserve our sport.
With increasing fishing pressure and relaxed regulation, what do you think will happen to our fishery?
Just playing “devils advocate”….
What kind of bubble are you living in?
I was in the same bubble as a widely (or wildly) respected guide while on the MN, and we were skunked both times. I didn’t really think there were flatheads in the MN.
Probably should have paid the guy upfront !
I had an Oxgenator in my livewell. It kept bass pike walleye and suckers super lively, but it would take only an hour to kill off my bullheads.
I think it had something to do with the way the unit uses electricity through the water that has deadly effects on bullheads.
Just an FYI for those cat anglers out there.
For other anglers who want to use, I think its an awsome product.
As far as I know, there is support for both, two lines and a C&R cat fishery.
I’m not sure the MNCSA has a deffinate stance on C&R yet. Still trying to work that one out.
First, I was at the DNR back porch discussion as a cat guy. I didn’t see any bashing there nor do I take Buzz’s post as bashing.
No need for this thread to go down hill.
What I did see was the walleye, bass, and musky groups passionately expressing their viewpoint.
There was a lot of support for not allowing two lines.
One thing I would like to folks to know is that the groups that are against two lines are the groups that want more money from the DNR to stock lakes where the fish populations can’t handle the fishing pressure and rely on DNR money to stock these lakes so that their catch rates stay up.
There is not enough natural reproduction to support their fishery.
I agree, two lines are a bad idea on these waters.
But… these waters also have special regulations limiting the size and harvest.
While these groups are passionate about this issue, I don’t beleive they represent the general angling population.
I would suggest allowing two lines on waters that do not have special regulations or that can support their fishing pressure.
One example is border waters. The bordering states have less strict regulations and are not being stocked, yet they remain great fisheries.
Statewide two line with special regs for those waters that allready have special regs or cannot support their fishery.
I take it there is a quick strike rig in the back of each of them and someone is waiting for them to fall in?
I’m checking the regs!
I remember him catching that!
We were trying to figure out why they would be in the water.
Then the argument started about who was going to take them home. Dennis won.
And I still wear them!
Not too much guys! He’s like Sasquatch; too much and he will scramble back to the river bottoms and not be seen for another year or more.
Dennis is always watching…think about that when you are posting… wooogie woooogie woooogie.
Now I have seen some pretty bad stuff in my day. I have been around the world with the military, grew up on farm in small remote fishing community and even spent a few years in the inner workings of the inner city but I do not think I am worldly enough to handle the image of Dennis and BK making out…yucka.
Ahh….but you took a picture of Joel holding my hand.
Hmm all these guys making advances toward me…
I must be HOT!
You smelled it twice didn’t you?
Ya, I did. Old Habit I picked up from Dennis Steele.
I bet you take a sniff of everything in your boat now!
You know what they say about guys with big noses…….
They are great anglers!
I think a few guys told too many stories to the “boys”.
Somehow they think their new father figure is not so “manly”….or is it too manly
I was impressed with Briank’s new “duds”! (Gamehide)
However, they didn’t look like a catmans wear. Not enough blood, guts and scales on them to be a real catmans clothes.
I and the “new” family had a great time.
A big thanks to Dave for putting it on!
That damn dtro!
Luckiest guy I ever met. Has to be….You know it has nothing to do with talent.