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  • fhand
    Kelliher, MN
    Posts: 12

    Last wednesday we got about 6 inches of new snow, then on friday another couple of inches. It hasn’t really blown it around too bad yet. My parents fished in my house on Friday, and caught 4. they were out on sunday and we met up about noon, out scouting again and found them. we caught 45 total and about 20 of them in 20 minutes, jon got the hot hole and showed us how to fish. Fishing is great and catching seems to be picking up. I was intending on fishing for Northen pike, but the crappie action was hot so i didn’t get time to do the pike thing. Didn’t have a digital camera along in the sled, but will send photo’s when we get the film developed.

    Kelliher, MN
    Posts: 12

    Hey just got these from my dad, these were caught in January, and the only camera availabe was a disposable one.

    this was the 40 crappie and 23 perch day. PS Snowing and blowing like crazy, school closing early, work’s getting out early looks like fishin starting early! We got another 2-3″ and expect up to 8″. drive careful and fish hard.

    Kelliher, MN
    Posts: 12

    I talked to several locals, and most reported slow activity over the weekend, but there were also some success stories. It is good to see that fishing is what we do and if catchin occurrs all the better. I was remined that there are a lot worse things to be doing than fishing, a migrain headache shut down everything yesterday. We recieved nearly 6″ of fresh fluffy snow yesterday, the wind didn’t move it much but if the wind picks up it could get really interesting on URL. Cuddos out to the resorts for keepin the roads in as good of shape as they do.
    Will be up working tonight on the lake, will try and post any new developments should they become available

    Kelliher, MN
    Posts: 12

    Moved my sleeper house saturday, fished from 3:30 until 7:30 had 6 crappies 1 14.5 rest 12-13″. Also had some perch action and a few Walleyes. Watch for Jack’s post, coming soon, he and a friend used the house sunday night and monday am.

    Kelliher, MN
    Posts: 12

    It must be almost time to find the suntan lotion and a shady spot. temps will be pushing -50 windchill, on url you can bet it will be kowld…. I will be out Saturday, probably not at daylight, but shortly there after. gotta find a new spot for the sleeper house.Good luck and stay warm. let me know how you do.

    Kelliher, MN
    Posts: 12

    With the walleye and pike sizes i was amazed to see perch the size we did. Don’t get me wrong, there are still plenty of catch and release size perch, but we have been seeing a larger size overall. Gotta love the perch in the frying pan, they are always the first to disappear!

    Kelliher, MN
    Posts: 12

    Spent most of the weekend working on the ice. conditions were good. most places had 24″ plus ice. if you go cross country you could still find places of slush. Fishing seemed to be better on friday and slowed as the weekend progressed. Suspect it had to do with activity and the weather. This last week produced some of the best northern pike fishing i have ever seen or heard of. He is what i am aware of on the pike seen: wednesday a 26.5 pound fish on 6 lb test 5 miles out. Thursday 2 15pound fish from 2 guys spearing. Friday spearing produced a 27 lb. Saturday 2 40″ plus pike one 5 miles out one on the south shore. Sunday another monster 28lb on a tipup. Fish seem to be extra aggressive, and really fat getting ready for the spring. maybe this has something to do with the slow in activity as the weekend progressed, not sure. I know one thing, if i am out i will always have a cisco or sucker minow available.

    Kelliher, MN
    Posts: 12

    4 of us Went out of WW dropped snowmobiles and proceeded to scout fish. started early, first light, about 11:00 found the fish, just went crazy in one hole, probably 30 fish out of that one hole. things slowed enough to allow a portable to be setup. that spot continued to produce fish. moved around more and found some again. We were back to WW by 5:00pm with our limit. Also had 23 perch, average size 10″, crappies were all 12-13″. We had a total of 85 fish for the day. Yes we worked at it but when it happens, it was great. I believe the keys to our success were: we stayed away from the crowd, looked for something different, rough ice surround by clear ice, and didn’t get locked down on any one location, drilled holes 10 at a time, probably 100 or more for the day.

    Kelliher, MN
    Posts: 12

    Thanks for your work Jack. Will be up on the lake working this weekend. I have been busy this last week, but it sounds like the bite is picking up. A coworker of mine found the fish over the weekend and did excellent. Let me know if your headin north, will keep you up to date with the latest.

    Kelliher, MN
    Posts: 12

    Hey Jack, sorry it took so long to get registered. Got side tracked driving to Iowa to go shed hunting, turkey scouting, and just messing around. 20″ snow does make it a long trip. Any way just thought I would commend you on a nice group of slabs. Went out this weekend and much to my surprise found slabs still where they where before, but by monday things slowed, maybe the weather, but then couldnt complain about the beautiful temps and rays on monday. can’t catch fish all the time, wouldn’t fishing. The eye’s were still biting, still plenty of ice, access was begining to become sloppy. Will be wheeler or sleding out from now on. fish on!

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