I’m not sure where you’re fishing Kokanee Frank but where I’ve fished them in CA and OR, they are pretty small fish and don’t require heavy gear, line, etc. Most Koke’s in CA and OR are 15 to maybe 20 inches, so seldom above 1.5 or 2 lbs. The one big exception to that rule is Flaming Gorge where they do get up to 4 lbs or so. I found down riggers to be most productive with snap weights on flat lines coming in second. Lead core can work, and I’ve caught Koke’s on it, but I’ve also drown a lot of little ones that I had no idea were on the lead. If your Koke waters are similar to the ones I fished, I’d recommend medium/light rigger rods with 10 lb mono for a primary setup. You can stack lines on one downrigger to get two rods out on the same rigger and hit different depths. Koke’s have VERY soft mouths and they thrash like crazy as soon as they get close enough to feel vibrations from the motor. They get off the line OFTEN. There are days where a 50% landing rate is good. For this reason you want lighter line and a softer rod to help absorb the fight close to the boat. They are not big enough to make runs, but rather just little thrashing devils near the boat. If you want more lines in the water then I’d suggest flat lines with 10-12 lb mono and use verious size snap weights 20 feet ahead of the bait to achieve your desired depth.
Koke’s typically like a slow troll. 0.9 to 1.2 is probably most common where I fished, so if you do use lead, it will sink more than advertised.
Good Luck! and post pictures if you have success.
Thanks and yes the range you described sounds about what I should expect when fishing in WA.
I do not have downrigger which is why I am going with Lead Core line. So, LC will not be sensitive to give feedback if Kokanee took a bite ? I am going with Medium power, Mod-Fast action e-glass rod (Okuma CP-CL-862M – 2 pc) based on feedback on this thread.
Will use fishhawk to gauge depth (55 F is what I know is Kokanee preferred) and then do the math with LC line to get to that depth, attach 24″ leader line to LC line end rigged with 4/0 size (4” in length) dicknite dodger + #2 size Wedding ring spinner (with #6 hook) + Gulp waxies bait