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  • eyetime
    Northeast Iowa
    Posts: 10

    Call Tim “Hutch” Hutchison at

    Northeast Iowa
    Posts: 10


    Northeast Iowa
    Posts: 10

    My boat has Wave Whackers for splash guards. I went wit the Power Pole because of the “Drift paddle” option. The combined uses of the anchor and drift paddle are huge. It is a long list of benefits this combo provides to a tiller boat. Think of the combo as simple quick drift sock. Any other questions feel free to PM me.

    Northeast Iowa
    Posts: 10

    I have a 620T with a power pole. The rubber from the wave wacker to the main motor needs to be cut from the bottom up a short ways to go over the bracket. The bracket is a Minn Kota bracket that is sandwiched in between the main motor and the transom. It should accomidate your talon. The power pole is by far one of my better investments on my tiller.
    Good luck

    Northeast Iowa
    Posts: 10

    Just looked at mine and there is no retainer from the factory on the gas line.

    Northeast Iowa
    Posts: 10

    No cracks on my 620T.

    Northeast Iowa
    Posts: 10

    I was a huge skeptic of the “touch screen” aspect before my purchase of it. After a full season of use, I have no regrets! For me now to give it up would be like taking my smart phone away and giving me a flip phone. And that’s not going to happen. You do have to have an exposed finger or the special gloves that Ted suggested to operate it in cold weather. I personally found for me that the cold weather operation was not an issue for me. You still can drop quick waypoints with the mechanical button with your gloves on.

    Northeast Iowa
    Posts: 10

    I have the 12 touch and really like it. I have no problem seeing the screen in sunlight and when it is dirty from use for the day. I also have 2 10″ screens in my boat. The 12 inch takes almost the same amount of power draw as the 2 10’s combined. I would go to all touch screens, but the battery drain is to much for a day of fishing. Absolutely recommend the touch screens! Any other ?’s feel free to ask.

    Northeast Iowa
    Posts: 10

    Hey Mike, on Lake the Woods right now with my 28 and it rocks!!! You won’t be disappointed :waytogo

    Northeast Iowa
    Posts: 10

    Thanks Grainbelteyes for the report!! Looks like a great start with better things to come with falling the falling temps. Congrats

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