They have to win it a first time before they can win it again !
Evinrude did win it a few years ago, followed by Yamaha, Merc, and then again with both Evinrude and Merc.
They have to win it a first time before they can win it again !
Evinrude did win it a few years ago, followed by Yamaha, Merc, and then again with both Evinrude and Merc.
Read your link – Merc #1, Evinrude #2
“Evinrude and Mercury rank highest in a tie in the outboard DI two-stroke segment.”
How is Merc #1 and Evinrude #2 if they tie?
Haven’t used one yet because Merten hasn’t released their system for the new E-TEC handle. I was told that Merten will offer both a power and an anti-feedback system in July.
This is a 70hp e tech I am running. Nice running motor when its running right. Love the gas millage. Light weight. Good speed and take off. It has me a little concerned with the problems I have been having and what is it going to cost when the warranty is up.
Any one else been having any problems withthe 70s or 90 hp E tech motors?
You might want to check which outboard you have because Evinrude does not build a 70hp E-TEC. And how could you spend that kind of money on something and not know what you have?
I would hate to plunk down $3000 on a 4 stroke when I really wanted an etec.
In that case wait until the Florida show and you “should” get an answer. If BRP does build a 25hp and 9.9hp E-TEC, I’ll bet there will be a long list of people wanting them.
Yes there are plans to build smaller E-TECs, when they will announce it isn’t clear. I figured them to be available for the 2008 model year, but BRP is still having problems keeping up with demand of their current models.
If you’re waiting on a 25hp Verado, I don’t think that will happen. Mercury has Tohatsu building all of their 60hp and smaller 4-strokes with no plans of a Verado smaller than 75hp.
Bare aluminum has to have a self-etching primer coat. Make sure it is clean…super clean. I’ve used a concentrated degreaser through my power washer, let dry, wipe down with acetone, then prime it with a very light coat of self-etching primer. Let that dry for an hour then spray the top coat…H.S., Parker, Krylon spray cans work great. Save time and money by using a spray gun and use the spray cans if you are using a camo stencil. It’s best to let the paint cure for a week, then it’s good to go. If you use it before the paint cure you’ll have to touch up some areas.
I believe all outboards have a tilt lock lever which does the exact same thing the m-ywedge does. Other than it looking good, I really don’t see how it helps in anyway. In noway does it help prevent stress to the transom as a traditional transom saver does.
if i remember correctly in your oringinal post you staded that you had bought boats from your local dealer before but this boat you bought from a differant dealer (did your local dealer do some thing to urine you off? ) it didn’t seem to bother you to drive 2 hours to buy the boat and save a couple of bucks (looking back how much did you really save with your time and money spent) and now you expect your local dealer to give you the red carpit treatment? I always try to buy from my local dealers.
don’t create a situation if you are not willing to live with it. And this is not a matter of BRP standing behind there product or not, it is a matter of you turning your back on your local dealer then expecting them to take care of you.Anow you want every buddy to give something for nothing. get a glue kid
This post sums it up to a tee. What was the real cause for you to drive 2 hours to buy elsewhere in the first place…did ya save a few bucks? Now it doesn’t sound like that was the best thing to do. Point is that dealers take care of their paying customers first and now you should realize this. Continue to bash BRP products all ya want, but guess what…all brands have their issues.
Please sell your E-TEC and buy another brand, that should fix everything.
Treated wood of any kind in contact with aluminum is bad news. I have seen some older boats where you could actually see the pitting and poke a hole through the transom.
An all aluminum is the way to go, cut the entire transom out and replace with everything new…usually a $400.00 and up job depending on the size of boat.
March until September is the busy season for repair work. Very few dealerships have less than a 2 week waiting list. So this local dealer should drop everything to take care of you and you didn’t even buy from him?…yeah right.
Buy a Yamaha HPDI and all your problems will go away
Thanks for the humor…I needed that.
I do understand why they do that and it makes sense. You buy from someone and you will get the immediate and best service. If not, get in line. They owe you nothing but standard service at best. Its just how it works.
Used boats seem to be a little different. The local dealer really doesn’t get the slap in the face. In turn you tend to receive better than average service. All IMO.
I know it doesn’t sound right, but which guy do you think a dealer will take care of first…someone that bought a $20,000.00+ boat, motor, and trailer or a $700.00+ trolling motor? Like Bill said, most dealers are 2 weeks behind and that’s pretty good at this time of year.
At any rate I hope you get your motor issue taken care of.
The 225xs is a full production engine that doesn’t come out of their “race shop.” Mine came with a 5 year warranty. So don’t confuse the two.
Speed comes form hulls. I used to think it didn’t but it does.
The 250XS is listed under their racing page only, while the 225XS is on their regular page. The 250XS has only a 2 year limited warranty, while the 225XS has a 3 year non-declining.
The test was done with a lab worked Bravo 1, not a standard Bravo 1…there is a difference.
With out competititon we would still be back in the ice age.
Mercury has one heck of a race shop, that’s why the XS is such a big winner in these articles. But you have to look at it that many aren’t going to have these very expensive “lab-worked” props Merc is using. Competition with the E-TEC brought the Opti/XS back from “extinction”. Mercury at one time was thinking about going all 4-stroke with the Verado until they realized there are still many that want the 2-stroke DFI’s…A+ for Mercury.
The prices along with other things in this article are a little…alot far fetched as I’ve seen dealer prices for Mercury, Yamaha, and Evinrude. That being said Verado is still the most expensive even before you add the steering system.
How many RPM’s are you turning and which prop do you have? There are so many different props to try before you get everything right, especially with a new outboard on the market.
Is 4700 max RPM’s for this motor?? Seems low, if that is the case, you should be able to slip down to a 19 pitch and really see what your top end is.
It’s 4750-5750rpm’s.
Finally made my decision and went with the Etec 150. I think both Yamaha and Evinrude make great motors, but I really like the performance and low maintenance of the Etec. Dealer should have the boat ready by Friday – can’t wait to give it a try!
To each his own, but if an E-TEC is available get it. BRP is way behind on orders for E-TEC’s in the 115hp-200hp small block. Yamaha is a good solid motor, but comparing the two side by side…well look at my screen name.
maybe you can trade it for a new 6 liter powerstroke and then the ford rep will help you alot!
And you’ll get to drive around in a little go-kart while your truck is in the shop over and over and over again.
I’ve got the same motor(now on a pontoon boat) and had the same problem. I had mine rebuilt(wasn’t covered under warranty with BRP’s acqusition) almost 5 years ago for $1400.00 and runs perfect now.
The value of that motor is $2700-$3300, but a new 115hp E-TEC is somewhere around $8000.
I thought Opti’s were made at the Merc Plant in Fond Du Lac, WI. If anyone knows for sure let us know.
Currently the 40-60hp 4-strokes and a couple kickers are made in China. But who is to say more and more of Merc’s product line won’t be built China if it becomes more profitable?
I have 3 batteries. Do I really need a 3 bank with a 115yammy? Doesn’t it have enough amp through the alternator?
Be safe and get the 3 bank.
No 4-jokes on the back of my boats. Evinrude E-tec or Mercury Optimax is the only way to go.
Well…if I were given that choice…I would definitely choose Verado as it has all that Optimax has in terms of torque because it is supercharged, and it also has digital control. And it is a 4 stroke. So it really has the best of all worlds.
If you’ve gotta have a Mercury, get an Optimax.
Find a dealer that sells them all and see what they have to say. I don’t think you could go wrong with any of the current outboards on the market. I have driven the current Yamaha 4-stroke, Mercury 4-stroke and Opti, and E-TEC all in the 90hp class…can you tell by my screen name which I prefer? Don’t let the media/marketing sway you one way or another. ‘Rude Awakening is full of alot of B.S., it wasn’t that long ago the Verado was the best thing since sliced bread…I wonder why the revamped the Opti and have geared their advertising more Optimax than Verado here lately?
The buzz going around is that by next year there will be a 9.9hp, 15hp, 25hp, 30hp E-TEC.