My daily driver 2011 Hyundai Sonata (new body style) Limited 2.0T – I love it. When it’s time to go fishing ice or boat I have an 2009 Pilot that is my wife’s daily driver / kid mover.

Posts: 37
My daily driver 2011 Hyundai Sonata (new body style) Limited 2.0T – I love it. When it’s time to go fishing ice or boat I have an 2009 Pilot that is my wife’s daily driver / kid mover.
Belletaine hit the nail on the head for me. Yeah you can’t stop people from keeping legal limits and the size of their legal limits, but the complete unnecessary disrespect for the fish was just very sickening to see. No true sportsman should treat any fish like that whether its going to be dinner or returned to the water. meh
Press the zoom button once and you get 5FT zoom frame press it a second time and you get a 10FT zoom frame, the up and down arrows will move that frame up and down through the water column.
Excellent – thank you so much Turk this definitely helps. Now I just hope I don’t strike out, a few fish for a confidence boost would be great.
I used to think life without kids was happy. I even get a glint of jealousy when I hang out with our friends who don’t have kids and aren’t planning on ever having them.
However my sons are my world. I would kill for them. I would die for them. I think it takes being a parent to understand that.
No truer words – excellent post.
Standing rule around my house? I’m sure there are I just have yet to be filled in until I have violated said rules. LOL
+1 to this request, grew up the same way. My dad had the boat and all the cousins would be at the cabin and the only realistic way to fish with, my dad, grandpa and 4 kids in a boat was to slip bobber, any kind of rigging was nothing more then a mess. Grandpa was the GPS – triangulating our spot from various shoreline sights, heck my dad had nothing more then an old Lowrance brown box flasher for a depth finder, but we always caught and released more walleyes then I could even imagine now days, granted there was a meal on the stringer. Oh the memories!!!
All good ideas above – I actually liked reading through them, brought me back a little, my youngest is now 5 and she is sassy as a teenager, might also be that I am totally wrapped around her finger. lol
About the only thing I would add (I/we my wife and I missed at the time of our first born but we figured it out pretty quick) was sitting down with each other and talking about different situations and handling them – it will help tremendously when you both are on the same page, and continue to discuss this as the kids get older especially when they learn how to play mom and dad against each other. You aren’t going to agree on everything but knowing/having a good idea of where the other one stands will help.
And seriously have fun, enjoy and live up every single moment with the newborns it is such an amazing time in all your lives. It amazed me and still does to this day how much my outlook on life and the way I lived day to day was altered the day my kids were born – it’s unexplainable, but I can tell you this – you are no longer No. 1 and never will be again.
Good luck to you and your wife.
Could very possibly be the clutch fan – had mine go out on my Durango – same symptoms.
That Kings team is to notch, lots of talent.
I was at the cabin and missed the game – was real happy to get the alert as I was falling asleep that they took it away.
I’ve never seen a site that likes to complain about Gander more than this one, everybody just keeps piling on these posts. I stopped at Cabelas last weekend in Rogers and everyone of the 4-5 things I wanted were empty pegs. That store is so expensive it make me shudder so when I do stop for something special and its sold out I kick myself for stopping.
What does this post have to do with anything on this thread about Lake Mary?
As for the topic, we’ve had a family cabin on Mary for 50 years, and the walleye fishing out there is great, the lake is filled with little hammer handle pike, the bass fishing can be good and there are some large crappies in there. Over the years our success has been just as good on the little lake as the big lake for eyes, but the walleye bite on the little lake is pretty much a low light evening bite. If you are after the walleyes in during the day head out on the big lake, done best rigging with leaches and crawlers out there. For slip bobbers the fatheads, shiners and leeches always do well. Typically we would slip bobber fish due to there being a full boat and rigging just isn’t a manageable option.
shoot me a PM and I can give some more details.
Good luck – nice lake.
I picked up a Outdoor Expedition Anorakk suit late in the season at a killer price. I don’t fish in a shelter and spent some days on the ice in the cold and this suit for the money was perfect, all kinds of pockets, padded knees and warm enough for me to just wear a long sleeve tee shirt under. Definitely worth checking out.
Why bother with the lakes that have time limited parking when there are so many “other” non limited parking time launches in the metro, Tonka, Waconia, BE, WBL, Forest Lake… Either that or just use them, it’s not likely that they will flag you in from the water and tell you to leave.
But I agree in this day and age why shouldn’t a boat launch (non-private) be subject to “hours” – way to many fisherman in the metro and sometimes going out after-hours only makes the most sense.
The Boom site launch on the north end of Stillwater is open, BUT if you plan on fishing below the Stillwater bridge area you probably won’t be able to get under the bridge with the high water.
If that’s the case Turk does that mean looking for the current seems will be the ticket? I’m still trying to figure out the current seem game and trying to get a better understanding of what I am seeing looking at the water.
Solo yes I wear it, and I fly solo probably 75% of my time on the water. Others in the boat I don’t – most of the time the “others” are experienced fisherman/boaters and know what to do if something comes up. Now for family time no mostly cause that is mainly putzing around enjoying an afternoon.
Expedition Outdoors Anorakk suit = dry knees for me. Great suit for the money.
Anyone know what the channel looks like around lilydale? I’m going to have a few hours to kill tomorrow, truck is in the shop so no boat, but was thinking about shore fishing the area as it sounds like the local lakes have a TON of standing water on the ice right now.
Yep got the same package last week – for the LX3 I bought. They will both be getting their share of use.
I haven’t actually seen one yet. In the searching I have done it doesn’t appear that this new Curado will come in the 300 series which is a bummer. Can anyone confirm this?
You guys have a preference between the G(glass) and P(plastic)and if so why?
I’ve used every form of payment I have used check card credit card PayPal. I prefer paypal but honestly I really don’t care, these days you are more vulnerable at a local store using your card in person. I’d pay online any day.
I hope they counted it still toward their daily posession.
Yeah hate to that wind up in the paper and names run through the mud. Only 2 fish they caught all day.
My buddies were ice fishing on White Bear Lake couple weeks back running tip ups and hiding out in the flip shack to stay warm. They had 2 24″ pike on the ice maybe 30 feet from the shack and not 1 but 2 eagles came in and they each grabbed one flew off about 100 yards and started eating. I guess if you are going to give up your catch that would be the way to do it, and a lot of fun to see.