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  • Eric Anderson
    Posts: 1

    A little late, but spent Memorial Day weekend sweltering on southern part of Pepin, but the bite was pretty good for multiple species including perch, pike, bass, wallys, white bass, cats, carp and the un-elusive drum. Tons of smallies on the rocks, biggest around 19. Got 15 one evening on a black and blue bucktail. Couldn’t keep them off it. Hung it over the side with a couple feet of line while netting my son’s fish, I turned and had another one on. Northerns caught on everything sporadically. Biggest was 30″. Crawler/spinner bite was good for wally’s, especially around the Willows. Biggest were 21 and 22″(still swimming). Silver blade baits caught lots of different species in shallows around Deer Lake, despite the weeds. All in all, some really good fishing despite having to spend too much time off the lake in AC.

    1. IMG_8748.jpg

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