A very easy way to prepare fish is to put them in aluminum foil with ketchup and a little bit of butter and then bake it. This sounds disgusting but we do this in Canada each year and everyone seems to enjoy it, once they have tried it
Just for a future reference. We had a guy come with us to Canada last year who had a DWI. He applied for the temporary permit and they rejected his appeal to enter. We called the resort we were going to and asked him if he had any suggestions. He said that if they ran his license at the border they might just let him through. He said sometimes they just want a little money for taxes and then they will let you in, as long as you are cooperative at the border.
I still have half of my film to take pictures with but as soon as I get them developed I will put a picture of the fish up. They didn’t look like the fish in the picture or the fish described in the article. There top half was a distinct, bright blue/green and the lower half looked just like the other walleyes being caught, golden. The sizes were all right along with the typical gold walleyes we caught.