Heh–a BIG Thanks goes to Everts & ct for the info. about Lake Superior. I’ll sure give her my best…
VC-13 Mike
July 6, 2010 at 1:19 am
Heh–a BIG Thanks goes to Everts & ct for the info. about Lake Superior. I’ll sure give her my best…
VC-13 Mike
My suggestion would be take your batteries to an auto shop or battery place, so they could do a load test to the batteries. You may have 12 volts but no amps. If this doesn’t solve your problem, take the top half of your trolling motor off and look to see if you have some frayed wires or a loose connection inside. This happened to me once, while I was out at Chester Woods. I took the time to take it apart out there on the water. ( I was too lazy to row all the way back to the landing) Did you notice if the top of your trolling got hot when you were last using it? This is a good sign that you have an electrical problem inside your trolling motor. You need very heavy gauge wire to carry the current needed to run that 12 volt motor. This is why they tell you not to run your trolling motor out of the water. The motor can get very hot and burn up inside.
Good luck ! ! ! !
VC-13 Mike
I really enjoyed my HDS-5 last Friday on p-4. 1st time on the water with the new unit. One thing that I did notice with this unit over my Hummingbird, was that I didn’t have to take my UV sunglasses off to veiw the screen. It was just as clear with or without the sunglasses. Tracking of my route and setting waypoints was relatively simple. With just a little time going over the menus and remembering which did what, it became pretty simple. I believe it was a great addition to my boat and a great benifiet to my fishing enjoyment. Good luck with your new HD unit…..
Jim & myself will be there……..FIRST time on the water for both of us this year. Sounds like it may be crowded, we’ll just sit back and watch. Besides, I’ve got a new toy to play with anyway, (not that ! !) HDS-5… at least the sonar will work. Was able to download the newest version for the HDS-5 the other night. The download for to read the Navionics & Hot Maps won’t be out ’til next week. As per a rep. at Lowrance that I spoke to on Wednesday 4-8-09.
Hope everyone has good luck——BE SAFE………..
VC-13 Mike
in a pickup you do not need to see through the rear window like a car.
So you can count the empties it took ya to get to your fav fishin’ hole……………..
Why would you not need to see through the rear window of a pick up?![]()
MY THOUGHTS ON THE ISSUE. I just purchased an HDS-5 last week. Installed it on the boat, but have not had it in the water as of yet. A very nice unit, many very nice features. The best thing that I like about the unit is it’s versitility. With the new technoligy coming and the room to grow with this unit, I think it’s the best money spent. There may be some folks out there that are not satisfied right now, but in the long run they will have one of the best units available. Patience is a virtue…
Hey, deerdragger ! It’s your lucky day. I did spend the big money on the Honda Manual, but your welcome to any info. I can e-mail ya. The manual comes BF40A & Bf50A. The year doesn’t make much differance as I can figure. These motors are too new. Where ’bouts do ya hail, I’m in Rochester, so if your close, maybe you can stop by and make copies. Send me a PM.
VC-13 Mike
I hate to be over anxious, but it is almost that time of year…..My step-granddaughter and myself are goin’ over to Cabelas this morning to pick-up the HDS-5 and some other gear. I was just wondering what your time frame is going to be for the HDS DVDs ? Thanks for the fast responce…….
VC-13 Mike
Heh Doc, I saw your DVDs on “Jolly Ann’s” site. (it finally came to me where I saw them) Should I wait until you are finished with your new DVDs for the HDS-5 or are the older ones good enough ? ? ? Thanks for your hard work at puttin’ these things together for us less technical guys.
Thanks again, VC-13 Mike
I’ve only got about fifty hours on it since I bought it 4yrs ago, but it was used. I put an hour meter on it when I bought it. Looks as though the water pump had been changed once before. I was just having some concerns with my water flow at the pee hole and thought this might be the problem. Besides, I like to have my gear running in top shape. I’ve been stranded before in a friends boat and it was NOT fun……
Worked on my ’00 Honda 40hp 4 stroke most of the afternoon on Sunday. R&Red oil, oil filter, fuel filter, and water pump. Adjusted the valves and sync’ed the carbs. (this you will need a bank of vacuum gauges for the # of cyls. you have) My best suggestion is to first find a manual specific to your engine. Other than that it was a piece of cake ! ! !
P.S. the web site at the beginning of this message is a good source for that manual…… GOOD LUCK ! !
You might want to check your electrical grounds at the gauges and what not. It may be just that simple. Check (loosen and re-tighten all other connections) before takin’ it to your local repair shop. The simpliest little bit of corrsion will drive mechanics crazy………
Do you remember where your dealer got the wedges, or are they something that have to be made at a machine shop? I thought of just using a solid piece of oak made into a 1-1 1/2″ wedge covered with a piece of .100 aluminum or steel. At least to try, until I find the exact fit that works.
I’ve read all the info. that Jolly Ann Marine had on their site for the HDS 5. WOW….What else can this thing do? How is the video on this unit? Will I be able to understand what’s going on or do I need a degree in sonar/mapping? It sure would be nice to be able to use this unit to its full potential. I’ve got so many questions that I don’t think my two fingers will allow me to type that much. I’ve learned alot in the past three days. Thank-you, MIKE AKA VC-13
Thanks for the info. ,Jason. I really need to talk with someone about all the questions I have about these sonar/mapping units. I’m not very familiar with them. I’ve talked with a couple of guys at Gander Mtn. and Fleet-Farm. Plus the site for Lowrance doesn’t have too much info. either. I’d just like to be a little better informed before I spend $1K on something I might not understand or like.
It just happens that I’ve been lookin’ at a new sonar/mapping gizmo. At first I thought I wanted another Hummingbird. Hmmrd doen’t have any good maps for Pools 4 or 5 on the Miss., Lowrance has LakeMaster, but only Pool 4. What to do ? ? ?