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  • e_dog4
    Posts: 16

    UGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! Went out there this morning at 6:45 with some friends until about noon and could not find it yet. It was nearly impossible to find a blood trail even as a lot of the leaves in there were a dark brown/red and these woods are THICK!!!!!! We followed the trail til we lost it and then just all split up searced. I REALLY wish I would have gone out last night as the fresh blood was a LOT easier to see!

    Posts: 16

    UGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! Went out there this morning at 6:45 with some friends until about noon and could not find it yet. It was nearly impossible to find a blood trail even as a lot of the leaves in there were a dark brown/red and these woods are THICK!!!!!! We followed the trail til we lost it and then just all split up searced. I REALLY wish I would have gone out last night as the fresh blood was a LOT easier to see!

    Posts: 16

    That is what I planned Kooty, I was just sitting here and that question came to mind so I was wondering if anyone knew the regs????

    Posts: 16

    That is what I planned Kooty, I was just sitting here and that question came to mind so I was wondering if anyone knew the regs????

    Posts: 16

    One more question, just out of curiosity as to what the law states??? With only a cpl days of hunting left is a person allowed to go on stand early and wait til it gets light enough to track my deer, then what if another deer comes along while on stand???? Does the law require you to track a deer if you found blood???

    Posts: 16

    One more question, just out of curiosity as to what the law states??? With only a cpl days of hunting left is a person allowed to go on stand early and wait til it gets light enough to track my deer, then what if another deer comes along while on stand???? Does the law require you to track a deer if you found blood???

    Posts: 16

    Hello, my name is Eric and I am a 29yr and living in Rochester. I would possibly be able to go with you. A possible problem is that I have never fished Tonka so I would have to get some expert advice on how to fish the lake! Let me know!!!!

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)