Glad I could help Buzz, hope to see you up there again soon, we will have to get after the bass this summer out there!

Posts: 52
fishinfool, i weigh in at aboot 285 and didnt have a problem out there.
Iceman, not only does she love to fish, but i met her at a fishing tournament!
That particular one came on a Lindy Darter while i was sight fishing for bass, but the majority of the other ones we get come on tip-ups or tip-downs
you forgot to mention ice fishing for carp, the hardest fighting fish under the ice!!
well if you go to the Thorne Bros site all of the seminars are taped for anyone who cant be in attendance
I also build, but the best rods you can have custom made are from Thorne Bros, they use the highest quality components and will work with you to get exactly what you need
try these guys, i get all of my hooks from them:
or you can call them direct, ask for Tim 807-285-2763
It was more that i just had the 4 weight line already so i gave it a try and it loads up really well so i am just gonna stick with it.
Wish i could make it to Woody’s but i have a tourney that day. Anyone looking to help out should know that Woody is a first rate guy and works his butt off to help these kids. For anyone interested in helping kids but isnt able to make it to the ice on saturday, there is another one on sunday in arden hills. Shoot me a pm if you want to help out. And I can guarantee you can try the Solo to see what all the hype is aboot.
sounds like it might be a crack in the fuel line sucking in air, heard of it happening on a few that have been banged around in the back of trucks. Like everyone said mike or cy will get you back up and running very quickly
I was lucky enough to get a bunch of pure bar lead from an old print shop, and also have followed around the St. Paul Water utility while they were conducting lead abatement on older houses and was able to get a bunch from them as well.
I am not associated with IDO other than making posts here. That being said the Strikemaster solos are faster than the Nils and at a much cheaper price. combine that with the fact that they are a minnesota company with great customer service, it is hard to beat. Earlier this year i almost beat a 5″ nils with an 8″ solo
BK, hers got off as we were trying to get it out of the hole, i will try and get a pic of her with a fish up when i take her out next.
Gun, I can get any fish to bite on a fatboy….
Hey, who’s that sexy guy on the bottom right? i think i know him…..
yeah i definitely recommend running it according to warranty requirements, i have not noticed it running any better on 80:1 than it did on 50:1 so i may go back just to be safe. I know my old lazer mag ran so much better on 90:1 than it did on anything else
I dont think Stange would be interested if it didn’t involve swimbaits! LOL
James, I have actually been running my solo at approximately 80:1, I ran the first tank at 50:1 and after that i went to a leaner mixture and have had nor problems with it yet.
Thorne Bros had all the sizes except the UL as of 10 am this morning
well twister it is a plano box that i dremeled out all the compartments. I then went to Thorne Bros and bought several sheets of their ripple foam replacement and laid them in there. on the lid i put that window insulation foam that you can buy rolls of at a hardware store. I can see exactly what color spoons i have in there and they never get tangled or have paint chip off of them.
I also will gladly put my solo up against any other auger with the same sized bit. earlier this season i almost beat a Nils master with a 5″ bit and i have an 8!!
I take the g/f with whenever she has time, I get to go fishing every day during the winter thanks to my work schedule. Before i even met her she had her own lx-5 and she picked up a strikemaster suit for herself this winter also. She will sit in that shack for as long as i will, as long as i have the heater going for her.
matt you should see my other Rose Creek boxes before you make assumptions, I have them semi-color coded
Here are a couple of mine, i think i am up to aboot 5 Rose Creek boxes, 3 for ice, 2 for open water. plus the one for my jigging spoons that made myself.
One of our sponsors, Recycled Fish, will be handing out tournament bags at the Forest Lake Fishapalooza contest.
Teeg at Recycled Fish has done a great job with helping promote conservation of the fish especially at these big tourneys, its great to see these fish go back alive.
That is a Thorne Bros Power Noodle with Recoil guides in the pic, it makes all the difference in the world on those light bites
Bemidji is a great school, what do you plan on studying? dont forget about all the great small lakes in the area too, it’s awesome to be able to fish a 400 acre lake for an entire day and not see another person
Thorne Bros can also shorten up one of their rods for ya, they build you exactly what you want