Maquires plastic cleaner works good. I couldn’t see out of mine.wiped on the maquires and wiped off. took a couple of times but they are clear now.

Posts: 114
Maquires plastic cleaner works good. I couldn’t see out of mine.wiped on the maquires and wiped off. took a couple of times but they are clear now.
I use frost braid all the time out in the weather. Ice that does form wipes right off if you don’t let it get too thick.
I cut a slot at the one o’clock position on the loop for the line. I can take the line out to wind the line up. Works great.
I have owned both. Baffin impacts that are very warm but run very small I have size 11.5 feet ordered 12,s they were not big enough so my toes got cold. Sold those and bought korkers for the cleats. The new neos arctic rubber boots. They are warm ant the built in cleats and rubber have worked great with slush and bare ice. In my opinion not quite as warm as the baffins. but overall better.
I have the best luck if I bleed(knife through skull) and clean b4 they freeze. Vacuum seal and freeze. Boil in 7-up then salt and butter.
Not recommended to sand a flame sensor. Sanding will make the surface of the sensor rough and cause it to collect more crud. Wipe vigorously with paper like piece of grocery bag.
Mudhole sells very small bands that work on most of the smallest ice rods. I put 2 on each guides and are easy to cut off. I use small orange or glow rubber beads to hold the fly guide on the tip then I leave it on, makes the tip easier to see.
Also works good to hold spring bobber on while I wrap it.
I just built on basskhang power walleye. 1.1 MM tip to 5 MM butt 36 in long carbon fiber. I think you would like it. Good blank for 9 bucks.
On the big heat hog I would be afraid to put a spare tank behind the heater. I would worry that the tank would leak with the cold to hot change and rough handling. Fire in ice shack is no fun.
I think I have tried about every box for my panfish jigs. Last year I found the clam slim jig boxes. They are the best. They hold panfish jigs and small spoons, once you put them in and close the cover they cannot move. so no chipped paint or jigs falling out when you open the box (unless you don’t put them in correctly).
Had bed rugs since 2014 will not go without. less dust things don’t slide around as easy but do slide. water proof does not mold. With a topper is not bad to sleep in (no condensation) Truck bed looks like new when you sell it.
I have a 7 gen 3 and have noticed while fishing in 50 fow I have noticed that when I am over a rock bar I get interference the bottom 15 ft. As soon as I moved off the rocks it goes away. I can see the rocks with the camera. No Idea why or what to do about it. Any suggestions?
2nd year with the legend xl thermal 2 things factory seat is heavy and needs to be to the back when towing the short tub plows snow. Tub should be deeper and front tapered more. That being said it is warm, big enough, and with black inside is good for sight fishing.
Basskhang makes what looks to be awesome shuttles for locators. check his site out.
Well the new digger auger carrier showed up and no it did not have the wider cap so I will have to contact them. Last time it was no charge we will see this time.
I emailed digger and got new end cap to fit lite flite. and have another digger carrier on the way should be here in a couple of days I will update when I know.
Try going to the menu and make sure the correct transducer is selected.
I have been doing very good on the PK tungsten spoons. Gets down fast has flash blade and a slight bend. also most glow. They are the smallest spoon I have found.
Check with the amish around tomahawk the just built a nice garage for my sister. Maybe get it built sooner. Good luck.
Last 2 1500’s ran cooper good first winter junk after that. bridgestone junk in the snow from the jump. I am putting on Falken AT3w on recommendation of a bunch of friends and reading reviews on line. Hope they are as good as hyped.
I used led strip lights. One role worked for both my 1 and 2 person, put same plug on both that plugs into Dewalt 20 volt battery adapter. extra drill batteries put to good use.
I have the single towtector brush used it for 5 years and it sucked at keeping stone chips off boat and i think it made it worse on the trailer. Also got caught in snow a couple of times with boat. Towtector threw up so much snow slush and road salt It about filled the boat and brushes froze solid.
I have both and each has its place. Deep water for trout and whitefish regular and 6 or 8X zoom for history and watching fish chase. And Mapping go to helix 7. Hole hopping and weed fishing goes to the Fl 28.
don’t try and substitute all propane heater/cookers with 1 lb cyl. have those gaskets. check with propane dist. in your area. most carry replacements. just unscrew probe and take along as gaskets have different size center holes.
My 07 115 etec didn’t make it 3 years Injector went in first year third year top bearing went out. both repaired under warranty. Traded boat.
most likely a broken clutch spring. housing just above gear box.
as said above broken clutch spring. it is located in the silver part just above the gear box.
Thanks I am glad to see I am not the only one maybe if they get enough complaints there will be a software fix. I will try manual depth. The sleep mode is not too bad as long as I remember before lifting it out of the hole Hit power button scroll up and right. when back in the water push power button. It really sucks when you lift transducer to land a fish and put it back in and it won’t read. The school is gone before you get it reset.
I have newest software. mine will sit for minutes or who knows how long if I leave it sit. I expect the lag but this is not that. Contacted humminbird they said it happens and when I change holes I should put unit to sleep before I move.