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  • Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    you have a highly efficient system Dan. Do you mind sharing what RO system you have and how much you have into it? also, do you have a finishing pan or how do you finish a batch of that size after you pull off the evaporator?

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    So, because you don’t understand their hobby they are idiots? As has been said before on this site…you need to watch your own bobber.

    well said. a lot of people don’t understand why someone would want to sit freezing their butt off all day in a deer stand, or ice fishing, or fishing in a boat… or walking 10 miles a day to shoot 3 pheasants.

    just because its not your thing doesn’t mean you need to sh*t on it

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    Started drawing off the evaporator this morning and it’s looking like it has great color

    1. IMG_3060-scaled.jpeg

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    Dan – post a couple more pics of your evaporator – I’d love to get a better glimpse of your operation! Whats your filtering process?

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    It seems like it took a bit longer for the trees to wake up because of the deep frost. I think the frost was deeper than normal this year due to a light snow year and several stretches of really cold temps. I still have some trees that just woke up in the last day or two. But its looking like we will have a deep freeze over the weekend so I want to get everything I have boiled today. Then we look to have another run of nice weather days starting Monday going thru Friday next week, so it looks like another long boil is going to be slotted for end of next week. If all goes well, I could end up with 10 gallons this year.

    I lost my sap hydrometer so I’m not able to measure sugar content of the sap when it comes out of the tree but I’ve heard people are getting higher (4-5%) sugar content than normal (3%). I’ll see what we end up with for syrup at the end of this batch and will do some back math to figure out sap sugar content.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    Got my first 80 gallons boiled last night and have about 115 left to boil today plus whatever we get in the bags today. Should be a good batch based on how it looks so far.

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    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    It may seem like it, but you are not alone on your view. Like you I’d also take it if mandated, but think its just one more form of government control. Some here are all in Favor of the Government making all decisions for them on everything. Others don’t want the Government in control of anything. Then some in the middle. To me there are just far more things causing injury or harm to our country than this issue. Idiots are idiots, and no amount of training will change some of them.

    are you against hunters safety? snowmobile safety? speed limits? seat belt laws? drivers license testing? distracted driving laws? is that all “government control” too?

    just remember, for every stupid law out there, there’s idiot’s actions that caused the need for the law. Undesirable actions often lead to the need for legal intervention.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    Contrary to what many will tell you, a 20 gauge is plenty adequate to kill a turkey, pheasant, and deer to name a few. More pellets aren’t going to help a bad shot.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    In my part of Duluth, the weather has been great the last week and looks great the next week. Bman Id be cautiously optimistic with that forecast for you. Once its above freezing, even by a couple degrees, I feel like sun is more important than adding a few more degrees.

    I’ve got about 125 gallons ready and probably another 30 in the bags to be collected. I plan to start boiling tomorrow and will boil for a few days straight. My number of taps keeps climbing as I’ve been adding more every couple days – currently at 89 taps. Average sugar content of the sap I’m getting is just north of 3%

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    It’s not unethical to kill a bird in season, no matter who tells you it is

    Just because it’s legal doesn’t mean it’s ethical.

    Is it ethical to shoot a bear over a pile bait? Is it ethical to fish bass on spawning beds? Is it ethical to shoot a doe with a fawn? Is it ethical to shoot deer in a fenced in farm?

    I think an important part of being a sportsman is being an ethical one. It’s pretty clear ethics and morals aren’t something everyone inherently has.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    I guess my point is still being partially missed.

    “It doesn’t matter “when” the mortality happens during a 365 day period…it only depends on HOW MUCH THERE IS.”


    I’m not advocating for a 365 day grouse season, but if you kill 20 grouse during September-October or you kill 20 grouse from September-March, there’s still 20 dead grouse.

    I can see your point about added stress, but I also don’t feel like any grouse I jump while shed hunting, collecting sap, scouting deer, hunting turkeys, etc are going to die because they had to fly away from me???

    Then factor in the grouses massive and natural population swings? Human pressure has very little to do with the grouse numbers in any given year.

    I disagree. There’s more implications to hunting grouse than the number you kill. Like I said, when you hunt grouse in the winter it will disrupt their natural survival strategies and patterns. When pressured, they will leave their scare habitat and food sources to try to avoid being killed. You don’t kill every grouse you make contact with. Typically I kill 1 grouse for every 5-10 I flush. If I hunt them in the winter and kill my limit in a day, I could have potentially flushed/contacted 25-50 grouse. As I said, in the winter when they’re pressured, those grouse may end up starving themselves just to avoid being shot. So yes while you killed your limit of 5, you may have caused the death of many more.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    One must first acknowledge that hunting and fishing “seasons” are made up man-made “dates”.

    It doesn’t matter “when” the mortality happens during a 365 day period…it only depends on how much there is.

    Take grouse for example. Killing a grouse in winter is considered much more detrimental to the population than killing one in fall. With scarce food and harsh weather, if you start hunting them it will disrupt their natural survival strategies and patterns which could potentially lead to them starving themselves just to avoid being shot. They’re already strained due to limited food resources and they’re grouped up much more than any other time of year. They’d be a lot easier to hunt in the winter and it’d really dent the population if it was legal. I think it’s well known amongst serious grouse hunters that it’s extremely unethical to kill a grouse in the winter.

    Contrary to your opinion, I believe there’s definitely science that supports having seasons for at least some species.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    Knowing him personally, you couldn’t be any more wrong. Sad judgement though !!!

    At least I didn’t tell people they’re “gayer than aids” like a teenager. I honestly didn’t know adults still talked like that.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    I’ve called guys out (both strangers and friends) multiple times for tossing them when I’ve seen it happen.

    Ironic. You tell strangers to pick up their butts. But when I make a thread saying I hate when people liter cigarette butts, I should watch my own bobber. Riiiiiight. I love irony. Those are some interesting mental gymnastics there.

    Sounds like you should be watching your own bobber also if we’re going by your logic.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    My advice to you guys who are offended or grossed out, watch your own bobber.

    Found the litterer!

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    Buck a game and a penny a point… Skunks pay double!!

    we play a quarter a peg, skunk pays double, double skunk pays triple. games can get expensive if someone goes on a tear

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    Ohh this could be fun… question for my fellow cribbage players: how do you count your hands? I start with runs, then pairs, then the 15s. I believe I’m in the minority here smirk

    always start with the 15s.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    you guys seriously running your dishwasher for multiple hours? might be time for an upgrade. I installed a new bosch a couple years ago and it has a 30 min express wash that more than gets the job done. Otherwise if dishes are really dirty I’ll run the 60 min cycle and I’ve never had a dish not come out of that clean. On top of that, you can’t even hear the thing running. I never realized how quiet mine was until I went to other peoples houses and heard theirs and it sounded like a fricken lawnmower. Plus the bosch uses less water than hand washing and thats important to me being on well/setpic.

    I’ll also add I hand wash pots pans, chef knives, wood cutting boards, etc. Like others said, just because its “dishwasher safe” doesn’t mean you’re not slowing wrecking it by washing it in the dishwasher.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    Nice to see the kids out tapping. Hopefully they get some exposure to the boiling and finishing process too – that’s the best part. The bag holders work the best out of all the tapping methods I’ve used. Unfortunately they get blown around in the wind pretty bad too until they get some sap in the bags to hold them down.

    I added about 10 more taps last night which puts me close to 70 – not totally sure as I haven’t done an official count. Only have about 20 gallons so far but am hoping it will pick up enough this week to do a boil this weekend. Still about half of the ground where I’m at is snow covered. The trees haven’t woke up yet.

    1. sap1.jpg

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    I added about 20 more taps this weekend which puts me at around 60. Only about 1/3 were wet as of Saturday.. Another 1/3rd started running yesterday. Hoping the last 1/3 woke up today. Would really like to do my first boil this weekend.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    I grill often all winter long. Mostly burgers and brats. Not those little crispy smash burgers either – I like mine with some juicy red meat on the middle.

    I stopped cooking steaks on the grill a few years ago when I got a sous vide. You just can’t beat a sous vide steak and finish with a quick sear on the cast iron. Simply the best way to cook em – hands down.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    WHen a year passes I tend to forget a lot of things. I remembered last night that for some reason I dont get channel 45 since I switched to directv stream. It was there on satellite but I lost it when I switched. Its not even listed in the guide so I know its not because I didnt have it favorited. Bummer. I can stream it on my PC, but I have never been able to cast it to my TV because its a lame Vizio and they make it so clunky. Maybe I will give it another shot today.

    do you have a smart tv or fire stick? All I did was download the KSTP app and stream it from there. Quick and easy.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    hey, I’m on tv, I want to make the all hair team.

    Kids are trying way too hard for the hockey hair team these last several years. It was way better in the early years of [or even before] the all hockey hair team when kids weren’t going overboard trying to make the team and the flow was more natural/what they were actually sporting during the season.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    Who you play means more.

    How you play in the big moment means the most. Your record and schedule is irrelevant in March. What matters is how you learned and grew from the previous ~28 games. Almost every year there’s a really good team that loses in the first round because they choked under pressure.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Gitchi Gummi wrote:</div>
    Just bought my tickets online for the night AA session tomorrow. Looking forward to it.

    Where did you buy them and how much did you pay, if you don’t mind me asking?

    Class AA tickets are tough nut to crack. The waiting list for season tickets is like 6-10 years.

    I sent you a PM. Tickets are available to the public at face value if you know where to look ;)

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    Just bought my tickets online for the night AA session tomorrow. Looking forward to it.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Gitchi Gummi wrote:</div>
    I would love to see an auger with an extension built into the shaft. Kind of like the how you can extend the shaft length on the strikemaster lazer hand auger.

    There was a guy who made these ones that fit Strikemaster and another that fit Jiffy many years ago (long before Ion) and it is really slick. One part attaches to the powerhead and the other slides inside the auger shaft and tightens up to the powerhead with that adaptor that is permanent. It comes off by loosening it BUT you must make sure to regularly check it for tightness since it does come loose. When you need an extension, just remove one bolt in the shaft slide the whole business up and then put the bolt back in at the desired height. I love it, but havent used it in years. Was going to this year, but my son just bolted the other extension on instead.

    seems like a great idea. the auger companies should really think about adding this as a feature on their next product launch. The ability to always have the extension on the auger shaft and ready to go at a moments notice would be very attractive in my eyes.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    I would love to see an auger with an extension built into the shaft. Kind of like the how you can extend the shaft length on the strikemaster lazer hand auger.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    Saying they shouldn’t have to make budget financially is a wild stance. Breaking even would be a great start.

    They shouldn’t be able to unionize either but that’s a whole ‘nother issue

    maybe I’m missing it but no one said they shouldn’t make a budget. Making a budget and expecting to return a profit are two completely different things.

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