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  • duckwiz66
    Posts: 20

    Here is another great game. It gets tougher as you get closer to the finish.

    Maze Game

    Posts: 20

    44–thats a good one! Seems to ring a bell, but I just can’t remember….hmmmmm.

    Posts: 20

    77 honda civic, two different colored doors, 3 different colors on the quarter panels, and a windshield wiper that worked almost all of the time. It only died after I bought it from my roomie and I started changing the oil and filter regularly (he warned me against that — he just ever added oil).

    But hey…when you put it in the ditch, you and a buddy could just about haul it out without breaking a sweat.

    Oh yeah, we called it “the dent”.

    Actually, this pic is just one I nabbed off the web. I wish mine was so swwweeeeettt as this…

    Posts: 20

    Tony, that car makes me drool! Awesome ride!

    Posts: 20

    OK, no one else is going to ask so I will…

    Ginger or Mary Ann?

    Posts: 20

    It was in Georgia…stations were running out of gas, and this guy wanted to get all he could, I guess.

    GA attorney general was notified and an “executive order” was signed by the Guv…Boy, I bet that really scared this operator. Anyway, what I read was that the station brought the prices back down after that.

    Posts: 20

    check out

    Read everything and make your decision. If you have a rent house or an empty basement, you could help alot.

    Posts: 20

    Heading out to Algoma this weekend…Anyone been out there, and have any advise for me, my dad, and brother?

    Sounds like flashers are required equipment…anything on the top?

    Any Info appreciated!

    Posts: 20

    You can also go to You can sign up for them to e-mail you the monthly constellations visible. I do this before we go on our Cub Scout campouts for the kiddos to look and find “stuff” in the sky. I can never remember what is where, kind of like tying knots…

    Posts: 20

    Better than loon, though!

    Posts: 20


    Where do you think MN rates in socialist programs … ahead or behind mASSachusetts and california?

    I can’t believe how so many hard-working minnesotans (actually, fill in the blank for any state, or the entire US, for that matter) allow their politicians to siphon money out of their pockets and give it away to who CAN but WON’T work. I am all for helping those who CAN’T work (orphans, some widows, some handicaps), but for those who WON’T…SCREW THEM!! The classified ads are full of help wanted ads.

    (now stepping off the soap box)

    How did WI welfare reform work out with Tommy T. in charge over there? Or has that not necessarily worked very well?

    Posts: 20

    you can teach it to do whatever you want.

    Now as long as it doesn’t end up like that robot of Pauly’s in Rocky 4…

    Posts: 20

    Will have to add that to the list. Thanks for the reminder!

    Posts: 20

    EyeHunter, Thanks for the great info! I’m new also and need to get up to speed on the pools and the ways of the river.

    Posts: 20

    I’m with Jami, soft brush and soapy h2o. I can just envision that cover getting tangle up in the spin cycle. I’d be careful of letting it dry in the direct sunlight, though. I spent 11 years in TX, and I know what direct sunlight can do to anything. It will eat it up.

    Posts: 20

    My $.02 here. I just bought a house where the basement was finished by the previous owner — drywall, tape, bed, texture, paint, the whole nine yards.

    I have to tear it all down and re-do it (or in my case, have it re-done).

    The wall textures are bad/uneven, the ceiling texture is spotty and irregular, and lots of the tape is pulling away from the walls, corners and ceilings. Now I don’t know what the guy’s “handyman” level was, but it probably looked OK for the first few years. Eventually, the problems surfaced.

    I am planning to hang the drywall myself (with help from buddies that have done several basements) but I am going to hire out for the tape & bedding & texturing. I want to have someone to call if it shoots craps.

    again, my $.02

    Posts: 20

    Great Report Grifter! I am forwarding your report and this www site to my brothers in the MSP area. They keep talking about long-lining Mille Lacs, but don’t quite know where to start. THANKS!

    Posts: 20

    If you’ve got any skill at all with a screwdriver, and can read a Clymer’s manual, I would grab that 18 in a heartbeat…my dad ran one of those babys for years and years…until the neighbor kids stole it and he got the insurance check. It always started, we used it from opener of walleyes to ice-up bluebills, and it never skipped a beat. Good Motor!

    Posts: 20

    I had a ’65 Chrysler that was the same way. it barely spit anything out at idle. Actually, that is when it should be spitting out more. When you are running, your thermostat should regulate the h20 temp to around 140 degrees. when you are idling, your thermostat is going to open all the way (depending on the temp of the h20 of course) and the spray will likely be hotter. If you don’t know when the impeller or thermostat were replaced, replace the impeller (they are easy and cheap to replace) and take out the thermostat, check the temp on it (usually stamped), and heat a pan of water to that temp or slightly above, drop the thermostat in there, and see if it opens. If it does, you are good to go, if not, replace (don’t forget the gasket as well)

    oh, test the thermostat first, so you don’t have to make two trips to the store.

    here is a good site for cross-reference for parts:
    or for troubleshooting:

    Hope it helps!

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