I just purchased a 2017 175 TXW. This is my first boat purchase, but due to the unpredictable southern Indiana weather, I haven’t had a chance to take it out yet. I have taken the time it hasn’t been out to do a few things I think it needed though. I have installed an hour meter, LED lights in the storage compartments, and have the trim gauge mounted, but not yet wired up. I am also going to install LED’s around the inside of the boat for night fishing. Being my first purchase, and not going into anything blind, I did a lot of research, and did get the HP ugrade, and didn’t expect to much from the TMBC at the Bass Pro shop. I will say I wasn’t impressed with their service during the buying process, and the contact I’ve had online about the gift card they told me I would get three times while filling out the paperwork on the initial visit, which they informed me otherwise when I was signing all the paperwork, and almost to the last page. I’ll follow up on what I think of the boat more once I get a chance to take it out and run it, which hopefully will be in a couple of days, unless they change the weather forecast.

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