How does the Wind Rider outfit Compare to the Arctic Sport Snosuit for Ruggedness ? My Snosuit from 2009 is still going strong but it does not have flotation .
I also got to use the Fish Usa 25% Off code last Friday on the Evolution. Got the 42″ Medium Fast Carbon. Missed out the last couple years on those rods because they seemed to be always sold out. Are they still made in the USA?
Its marketing. Pay through the nose for 50 yards because its “special” line. I wonder what version of open water line is the rebranded Seaguar Ice X line?
I believe the battery need to go through a few cycles before it shows full a charge / proper voltage. Ive seen this issue reported on other forums and that seems to be the fix. Also a proper lithium charger is needed if your not using one.
I ordered a 36″ Bullwhip with cork for outside the shack fishing and it is a beautiful well constructed rod. Sadly our ice season here in lower West Michigan was non existent!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was looking into the KastKing bait feeder for a deadstick ice rod but the reviews were hit and miss. I held off buying one because of the poor reviews.
I just received my dead stick Jt walleye snare. Unfortunately due to warm weather , we don’t have any safe ice near my local I can use it. What real should I pair it with? It’s a snare and set the hook your self rod so probably a baitfeeder is out ?
I do own a 28″ Carbon rod in medium action kinda like a walleye sweetheart. I tend to tip watch more rather than feeling the bite. The idea of catching larger fish with a noodle sounds fun.